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CNLS Talks, 2008
• 2008-12-18 Falk Herwig (Astrophysics Hydro, Mix and Burn Science Simulation Challenge (AMB-SSC) with Paul Woodward, Chris Fryer, Guy Dimonte, Falk Herwig, David Porter and Marco Pignatari) Validation of Astrophysics Turbulent, Thermonuclear Burn Simulations Through Nuclear Neutron-Capture Diagnostics
• 2008-12-16 Milan Bradonjic (LANL, T-5/CNLS) Models and Tools for Large Graphs with Imposed Structural Properties
• 2008-12-15 Ilya Gruzberg (University of Chicago) Stochastic geometry in nature: fractals and multifractals and how to study them
• 2008-12-15 Guglielmo Scovazzi (Sandia National Laboratories) Advances in Variational Multiscale Methods for Shock Hydrodynamics
• 2008-12-11 Jian-Zhou Zhu (T-5 and CNLS) Intermittency versus Thermalization in Turbulence
• 2008-12-10 Ming Zhang (LANL, T-6/CNLS) Making Sense of Antisense
• 2008-12-10 Eli Barkai (Bar-Ilan University) Weak ergodicity breaking
• 2008-12-09 Greg Hammett (Princeton University) Simulations of 5-D Gyrokinetic Plasma Turbulence for Magnetic Fusion Energy
• 2008-12-09 Lijun Zhu (California State University, Northridge) Quantum critical Kondo dynamics: from quantum dots to heavy fermions
• 2008-12-09 Kirill Velizhanin (New Mexico State University) Charge Carrier Dynamics and Energy Transfer Processes in Nanostructures
• 2008-12-08 Paul Johnson (LANL, EES-11) The Effects of Acoustic Waves on StickóSlip Behavior in Sheared Granular Media and Their Implications for Earthquake Recurrence and Dynamic Triggering
• 2008-12-08 Ryuichiro Kitano (LANL, T-2) Supersymmetric Model Building
• 2008-12-08 Len Margolin (LANL, X-3) Finite scale equations for compressible fluid flow
• 2008-12-01 Salman Habib (T-2, LANL) Meeting the Dark Universe Challenge
• 2008-12-01 Robert Nourgaliev (Idaho National Laboratory) Challenges in Modeling of Intense Multiphase Flow Interactions
• 2008-12-01 Michael D. Troy (Colorado State University) A New Nonhydrostatic Atmospheric Model Based on a Hybrid Vertical Coordinate
• 2008-11-20 Tongye Shen & Andrea Asztalos (CNLS & T-6) Physical principles of Structural biology: One Coin with Two Faces - PART 3
• 2008-11-19 Tongye Shen & Andrea Asztalos (CNLS & T-6) Physical principles of Structural biology: One Coin with Two Faces - PART 2
• 2008-11-18 Tongye Shen & Andrea Asztalos (CNLS & T-6) Physical principles of Structural biology: One Coin with Two Faces - PART 1
• 2008-11-17 Carlos Bertulani (Texas A&M University - Commerce) The Stellar Conundrum
• 2008-11-17 Dmitriy Y. Anistratov (Department of Nuclear Engineering, North Carolina State University) Nonlinear Computational Methods for Simulating Interactions of Radiation with Matter in Physical Systems
• 2008-11-13 Frederik Wiegel (University of Amsterdam) Scaling Laws in Immunology
• 2008-11-13 Marko A. Rodriguez (T-5/CNLS) From Signal to Symbol: Structure and Process in Artificial Intelligence
• 2008-11-13 Rosie Fisher (University of Sheffield) The development of a second generation Global Dynamic Global Vegetation Model: New tools for constraining the terrestrial climate-carbon cycle feedback
• 2008-11-13 Matthew Calef (Mathematics Department, Vanderbilt University) Discrete and Continuous Minimal Energy Problems
• 2008-11-10 Sara Rauscher (T-3, Earth System Physics Section The Abdus Salam International Centre for Theoretical Physics) Examining the effects of horizontal resolution on regional climate model simulations using a multi-model ensemble
• 2008-11-06 Pinaki Sengupta (T-11/MST-NHMFL/T-CNLS) Novel magnetization behavior in a frustrated spin system
• 2008-11-06 Colin McKinstrie (Bell Labatories, Alcatel-Lucent) Optical signal processing by fiber-based parametric devices
• 2008-11-05 Stephane Mazevet (Departement de Physique Theorique et Appliquee, CEA-DAM) Quantum Molecular Dynamics simulations of matter under extreme conditions
• 2008-11-04 David Watkins (Deputy Division Director, MPA) Science that matters: A Strategy for Materials Science
• 2008-11-03 Ryan Walker (Penn State) Ocean/ice-shelf/ice-stream interaction: Results from process models
• 2008-10-30 Lukas Kroc (Cornell University) Reasoning About Solution Clusters of Constraint Satisfaction Problems
• 2008-10-30 Florent Krzakala (ESPCI, ParisTech) Packing, Jamming, Freezing.... Computing ! : The hidden link between random satisfiability and the Jamming transition
• 2008-10-30 Plamen Atanassov, PhD (Director of UNM Center for Emerging Energy Technologies, Associate Professor of Chemical & Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico School of Engineering) Hierarchical Structures in Fuel Cell Electrocatalysts
Applications of Nanoscience and Nanotechnology for Power Generation
• 2008-10-29 Les Atlas (Electrical Engineering Department, Washington University) IS&T Center Seminar Series: Acoustic Scene Analysis, Complex Modulations and a New Form of Filtering
• 2008-10-29 Allon Percus (CCS-3) The Peculiar Phase Structure of Random Graph Bisection
• 2008-10-27 Dimiter N. Petsev (Center for Biomedical Engineering and Department for Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico at Albuquerque) Transport control in fluidic micro and nanochannels
• 2008-10-23 Shiva Kasiviswanathan (CCS-3) What Can We Learn Privately?
• 2008-10-23 Mark B. Mineev (X-1-SMMP) The Laplacian Growth: Physics, Mathematics, and Algorithms for Shape Recovery
• 2008-10-22 Prof. Dan Hammerstrom (Portland State University) Intelligent Computing with CMOL (Cmos / MOLecular)
• 2008-10-22 Franz Mertens (University of Bayreuth Physics Institute) Unidirectional motion of solitons in chaotic regimes of sine-Gordon ratchet systems
• 2008-10-21 Jason K. Johnson (T-4 & CNLS) Physics of Algorithms Seminar: Geometric Programming Methods for Approximate Inference in Graphical Models
• 2008-10-20 Cristian Batista (T-11) Dimensional Reduction at a Quantum Critical Point
• 2008-10-16 Paul Woodward (University of Minnesota) Simulating compressible turbulent mixing with PPM and a new multifluid tracking scheme, PPB
• 2008-10-15 Talgat Inerbaev (Nanoscience Technology Center and Institute for Simulation and Training) Oxygen-Induced Near Infrared Photoresponse of Annealed CdSe Nanoparticles
• 2008-10-09 Cristiano Nisoli (T-4 and CNLS) Frustrated yet Excited: The Magic Adventures of a Magnetic Cactus in the Weird Land of Dynamical Phyllotaxis
• 2008-10-09 Florent Krzakala (ESPCI ParisTech) Quantum Institute Seminar Series: Quantum cavity method for Ising models in transverse field
• 2008-10-08 W. Blake Laing (Department of Physics and Astronomy, The University of Oklahoma) Derivation of the N-body wavefunction for a BEC: to higher dimensions and back again
• 2008-10-07 Mark M. Wilde (University of Southern California) Stochastic Resonance in Quantum Communication Systems
• 2008-10-07 Adam Steele (Georgia Tech) Quantum Institute Seminar Series: Optical Nuclear Physics Step 1: Trapping Th3+
• 2008-10-07 Lenka Zdeborova (T-4 & CNLS) Physics of Algorithms Talk: A lattice model for attractive colloids and glasses
• 2008-10-06 Karin Dahmen (University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)) Crackling Noise: Learning from Magnets about Earthquakes ?
• 2008-10-02 Anton Zilman (T-06 and CNLS) Mechanisms of selective transport through nano-channels: Theory vs. experiment
• 2008-09-30 Victor Atanasov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, Sofia, Bulgaria and Universite de Cergy-Pontoise, France) Geometry-Induced Quantum Potentials, Non-Dissipative Electron Transport and Qubits
• 2008-09-29 Robert W. Anderson (Center for Applied Scientific Computing, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) Recent Work on AMR for ALE Hydrodynamics
• 2008-09-25 Wei Liu (T-06) Influence of the Boundary Layers Upon the Magnetorotatiobnal Instability in a laboratory Taylor-Couette Experiment
• 2008-09-24 Len Pismen (Technion) Interaction of topological defects
• 2008-09-23 Frank Brown (UCSB) q-Bio Seminar Series - Simple Models for Biomembrane Structure and Dynamics
• 2008-09-22 J. Bradley Marston (Brown University) The Quantum Mechanics of Global Warming
• 2008-09-22 D. C. Griffin (Department of Physics, Rollins College, Winter Park, FL) R-matrix calculations of atomic collisions
• 2008-09-18 Danny Bickson (IBM, Haifa) Gaussian Belief Propagation for Solving Systems of Linear Equations: Theory and Application
• 2008-09-18 Natasha Flyer (National Center for Atmospheric Research) Radial Basis functions as a solution technique for hyperbolic PDEs on the Sphere
• 2008-09-15 Bradley F. Habenicht (Chemistry Department, University of Washington) Nonradiative Decay Channels in Semiconducting Single-Walled Carbon Nanotubes
• 2008-09-11 Irina M. Berry (T-10) Genetic Aspects of HIV-1 Evolution and Transmission
• 2008-09-11 Daniel Creveling (University of California, San Diego) State and parameter estimation in nonlinear systems as an optimal control problem with application to biophysics
• 2008-09-11 Xiaowen Shan, Ph. D (Director of Advanced Physics Algorithms, Exa Corporation) Kinetic representation of hydrodynamics: New prospect of lattice Boltzmann method
• 2008-09-10 Cristopher Moore (Professor Computer Science, Physics and Astronomy, UNM and the Santa Fe Institute) Heirarchical Structure and the Prediction of Missing Links in Networks
• 2008-09-09 Charlie Strauss (B-9) q-Bio Seminar Series: On the origin of symmetry in biology: Protein oligomers
• 2008-09-09 Mariana Malard (City College of New York) Interacting Quantum Wires: A Possible Explanation for the 0.7 Anomalous Conductance
• 2008-09-09 Bane Vasic (University of Arizona Tucson) Fault-tolerance Framework for DNA-Repair
• 2008-09-04 Golan Bel (CCS-3/T-CNLS) Single Molecule Photon Counting Statistics: Generating Function Approach
• 2008-09-02 Kathleen Hall (Washington University School of Medicine) q-Bio Seminar Series: Discovering the role of Protein Dynamics in RNA recognition motifs
• 2008-08-28 Dmitry Solenov (T-4/CNLS) Kinetics of quantum-driven phase separation in cold-atom boson-fermion mixtures
• 2008-08-21 Peter Littlewood (Cavendish Laboratory, University of Cambridge) New condensates of matter and light
• 2008-08-21 Brian Munsky (CCS-3/ T-CNLS) A random walk through my research on stochastic processes
• 2008-08-21 Dan Goldberg (Courant Institute of Mathematical Sciences, New York University) Grounding line movement and ice shelf buttressing in marine ice sheets: an adaptive approach
• 2008-08-21 Jeremy Bassis (Department of Geophysical Sciences, University of Chicago) A unified calving law for ice shelves and tidewater glaciers: Implementation and implication for outlet glacier retreat, advance and disintegration
• 2008-08-20 Miren Vizcaino-Trueba (Department of Geography, University of California, Berkeley) Changes in future ice sheets, climatic impacts and mass balance modification: Answers from two coupled ice sheet-climate models
• 2008-08-19 Kody Law (UMass, T-11, CNLS) CNLS Student Seminar Series
• 2008-08-19 Seth Difley (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and T-CNLS) Extending the Lifetime of Organic Light Emitting Devices
• 2008-08-19 Misha Shashkov (UC Berkeley, CCS-3, T-CNLS) A New Image Dataset for Visual Cortex Models
• 2008-08-19 Nikolai Sinitsyn Pumping-Restriction Theorem
• 2008-08-19 A.V. Krasheninnikov (University of Helsinki) Irradiation-induced phenomena in carbon nanomaterials
• 2008-08-18 P. Solin (University of Texas at El Paso) Numerical Analysis Seminar
Adaptive Multi-Mesh hp-FEM for Time-Dependent Multi-Physics Coupled Problems
• 2008-08-15 David L. Brown (Computation Directorate, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory) APPLIED MATHEMATICS AT THE U.S. DEPARTMENT OF ENERGY: Past, Present and a View to the Future
• 2008-08-14 Ryan McClarren (CCS-2) A New Implicit Monte Carlo Method for Thermal Radiative Transfer
• 2008-08-14 Jeff Haack Parity-based Splitting Schemes for the Time-dependent $P_N$ Equations
• 2008-08-14 Yitzhak Rabin (Bar-Ilan University, Israel) Toy Models in Soft Matter Physics Series: DNA bending by cooperative binding of proteins
• 2008-08-13 Shan-Wen Tsai (University of California, Riverside) Functional renormalization-group approach to interacting fermions coupled to
• 2008-08-13 Yitzhak Rabin (Bar-Ilan University, Israel) Toy Models in Soft Matter Physics Series: DNA plasmids: wormlike knots and Fourier rings
• 2008-08-12 Qiming LU (CCS-3 and Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute (RPI)) Damage Spreading in Spatial and Small-world Random Boolean Networks
• 2008-08-12 Jinwoo Shin (Massachusetts Institute of Technology and T-13) Lifted Markov chains for Fast Linear Computation
• 2008-08-12 Meiyun He (University of Maryland-College Park, CCS-2, and CNLS) Closures for P_N equations
• 2008-08-12 Zohar Nussinov (Physics at Washington University, St. Louis) Generalized symmetries, topological orders, surface codes, and thermal fragility
• 2008-08-12 Yitzhak Rabin (Bar-Ilan University, Israel) Toy Models in Soft Matter Physics Series: Phase separation in polymer gels
• 2008-08-12 P. L. Krapivsky (Boston University) Physics of Algorithms Talk: Front Propagation with Rejuvenation in Flipping Processes
• 2008-08-11 Douglas Abraham (University of Oxford) Exactly Solvable Models of Random Surfaces
• 2008-08-07 Cathy Plesko (X-2) Asteroid and Comet Impact Hazard Mitigation
• 2008-08-05 Josh Hanson (University of California, Davis, T-11, and CNLS) Computer Modeling of Lipid-Actinide Complexes for Ground Water Remediation
• 2008-08-05 Christian Ketelsen (University of Colorado at Boulder, T-7, and CNLS) Least-Squares Finite Element Methods for Quantum Chromodynamics
• 2008-08-05 Victor V. Albert (University of Florida, T-12, and CNLS) Electronic Structure of CdSe Quantum Dots and Ru Complexes
• 2008-08-05 Robert Austin (Princeton University) Manipulation of biological systems in controlled environments
• 2008-08-05 Razvan Teodorescu (CNLS and T-13) Physics of Algorithms Journal Club: Sparse signal recovery for high-dimensional data
• 2008-08-04 Philip Maini (University of Oxford) Modelling aspects of solid tumour growth
• 2008-08-04 William Klein (Boston University) Phase Transition Kinetics -What are the Problems
• 2008-08-01 Abhyudai Singh (University of California at Santa Barbara) Stochastic modeling of chemical reactions and gene networks
• 2008-07-30 David Helmbold (UC Santa Cruz) Learning Permutations with Exponential Weights
• 2008-07-29 Kirill A. Velizhanin (New Mexico State University at Las Cruces, CNLS, and T-17) CNLS Student Seminar Series

Optical Spectroscopy of Polyatomic Materials: First Principles Calculations of Anharmonic Potential Energy Surfaces

• 2008-07-29 Dimitri Mavriplis (Department of Mechanical Engineering

University of Wyoming) Adjoint-Based Sensitivity Analysis for Computational Fluid Dynamics

• 2008-07-29 Zohar Nussinov (Washington University & T-11) Two approaches to community detection
• 2008-07-24 Huidan Yu (CCS-2, T-CNLS) Compressible Rayleigh-Taylor instability in cylindrical geometry
• 2008-07-24 Joyce Guzik (Laboratory Fellow in X-2, Los Alamos National Laboratory) How do we know what is going on inside the Sun?
• 2008-07-24 Boris Spivak (University of Washington) ***PLEASE NOTE-RESCHEDULED DATE/TIME***

Theory of disordered d-wave superconductors

• 2008-07-23 David Poulin (University of Sherbrooke) Good quantum error correcting codes and their decoding
• 2008-07-22 Robert C. Snoeberger III (Yale University, T-12) CNLS Student Seminar Series

Computational study of multiple electronphotooxidation of Ru-complexes covalently attached to TiO2 nanoparticles

• 2008-07-22 A. Sasha Gutfraind (Cornell University, CNLS) CNLS Student Seminar Series

Optimal Network Interdiction of Unreactive Markovian Evaders

• 2008-07-22 Mac Hyman (T-07) Good Choices for Great Careers
• 2008-07-21 Clemens Bechinger (Universität Stuttgart, Physikalisches Institut) Direct measurement of critical Casimir forces
• 2008-07-21 Robert W. Anderson (Center for Applied Scientific Computing, LLNL) * CANCELED * RESCHEDULED DATE TBA * Numerical Analysis Seminar
• 2008-07-15 Yilin Wu (University of Notre Dame, CNLS and T-7) CNLS Student Seminar Series

Periodic reversal of direction allows myxobacteria to swarm

• 2008-07-15 Chao Wu (Wayne State University, CNLS, and T-12) CNLS Student Seminar Series

Electronic Excitations in Branched Conjugated Molecules Using Exciton Scattering Approach

• 2008-07-15 Onur Soysal (SUNY at Buffalo, CNLS, and CCS-3) CNLS Student Seminar Series

A Singlehop Collaborative Feedback Primitive for Wireless Sensor Networks

• 2008-07-14 No Colloquium
• 2008-07-10 Vadas Gintautas (University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign, T-10 and CNLS) Identification of functional information subgraphs in complex networks
• 2008-07-10 Ellen McGehee (ENV-EAQ, Los Alamos National Laboratory) X-1 Seminar Series

Historic Preservation and the Legacy of the Manhattan Project

• 2008-07-10 Ferenc Balogh (Concordia University, T-CNLS, T-13) Random Matrices, Laplacian Growth and Localization for Planar Orthogonal Polynomials
• 2008-07-09 Anny Usheva (Harvard University) DNA participates in directing its transcription through structurally specific dynamics
• 2008-07-08 Jeff Haack (University of Wisconsin, T-CNLS, and CCS-2) CNLS Student Seminar Series

All-Speed Asymptotic-Preserving Schemes for Compressible Flows

• 2008-07-08 Michael Ham (University of North Texas, CNLS, and T-07) CNLS Student Seminar Series

Exploration of neuronal interactions in vitro

• 2008-07-03 Michael Monine (T-10/CNLS) Modeling Multivalent Protein-Protein Interactions with Constraints on Configurations of Molecular Aggregates
• 2008-07-01 Amber Smith (University of Utah, CNLS, and T-10) CNLS Student Seminar Series

Lethal Synergism Between Influenza & Streptococcus pneumoniae: The Control Models

• 2008-07-01 Mark Herrera (T-CNLS, T-13, and University of Maryland) CNLS Student Seminar Series

Complex Networks and the Evolution of Scientific Ideas

• 2008-07-01 Robert (Bob) Day (University of Connecticut) Pricing Algorithms for Combinatorial Auctions
• 2008-06-30 Timothy Secomb (Department of Physiology and Department of Mathematics, University of Arizona) Structural Adaptation of Microvessel Networks in Normal and Tumor Tissues
• 2008-06-30 Eric Haseltine (California Institute of Technology) Implications of Rewiring Bacterial Quorum Sensing
• 2008-06-26 Marko Rodriguez (T-CNLS and T-07) A Path Algebra for Mapping Multi-Relational Networks to Single-Relational Networks
• 2008-06-26 Prof. Doug Hardin (Vanderbilt University, Mathematics Department) Ground state configurations on surfaces: hexagons and minimal zeta functions
• 2008-06-23 Herbert Van de Sompel (Digital Library Research & Prototyping, LANL Research Library) The Open Archives Initiative Object Reuse & Exchange (OAI-ORE): The Web Architecture as the Basis for Digital Object Interoperability
• 2008-06-23 Andrew Allen (J. Craig Ventor Institute, San Diego CA) Molecular and Genomic Approaches to Nutrient Metabolism in Aquatic Microbes
• 2008-06-17 Jake BEAL, LANL Director's Postdoc Awardee (MIT, Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL)) Learning By Learning To Communicate
• 2008-06-12 Stefan Boettcher (Emory University) Hierarchical Regular Networks
• 2008-06-10 Marco Merkli (Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada) Dynamics and decoherence of open quantum systems
• 2008-06-05 Chris Fryer (CCS-2) The Physics and Numerics Behind Core-Collapse Supernovae
• 2008-06-04 M. F. Ciappina (Max-Planck-Institut f¨ur Physik komplexer Systeme, N¨othnitzer Str. 38, D-01187 Dresden, Germany) Laser-assisted single ionization by ion impact: a challenging test for distorted wave theories
• 2008-06-04 Francois Ascani (University of Hawaii) Wave-induced deep equatorial ocean circulation
• 2008-06-04 Toshiyuki Gotoh (Department of Scientific and Engineering Simulation, Graduate School of Engineering, Nagoya Institute of Technology, Japan) Intermittency, accuracy, and modeling of homogeneous and passive scalar turbulence
• 2008-06-03 Colm Connaughton (University of Warwick, UK) Generation of Zonal Jets in Quasi-Two-Dimensional Flows
• 2008-06-02 Itamar Procaccia (Weizmann Institute) The glass transition in hydrogen bonded liquids: from a simple model to Glycerol
• 2008-05-29 Florent Krzakala (ESPCI, ParisTech) The simplest quantum spin glass model
• 2008-05-29 CNLS Postdoc Seminar - TBA
• 2008-05-29 Michael Ham (University of North Texas/T-7/CNLS) Identification of the structure and dynamics of collective activity in cultured neural networks
• 2008-05-27 L. Mahadevan (Harvard University) Cuts, cracks and creases: geometry and mechanics
• 2008-05-21 Charles Reichhardt, T-13 Nonequilibrium Phase Transitions and Jamming for Reversible and Irreversible Dynamics in Many-Particle Systems
• 2008-05-19 Jackson Herring (University Corporation for Atmospheric Research) Statistical Turbulence Theory and Numerical Simulations
• 2008-05-13 Manvendra K. Dubey (EES-6) and Claudio Mazzoleni (ISR-2) (Los Alamos National Laboratory) Pictures of a Problematic Arctic: Pristine or Polluted, Prescriptive or Predictive
• 2008-05-12 No Colloquium
• 2008-05-12 Junchao Xia (Department of Chemistry, The University of Iowa) *** PLEASE NOTE: RESCHEDULED TIME and CHANGE IN LOCATION of TALK TODAY ***

Sugar Folding: A Novel Structural Prediction Tool for Complex Carbohydrates in Solution

• 2008-05-12 Dr. Jacques Duysens (Vice President, CS Communication & Systems, Le Plessis Robinson, France) French and European Programmes in High Performance Computing: Infrastructures and Algorithms Towards Petascale, Multi-physics and Multi-scale Computing
• 2008-05-08 Jozsef Bakosi (College of Science, George Mason University, Fairfax, VA, USA) PDF modeling of turbulent flows on unstructured grids
• 2008-05-08 Peyman Givi (Department of Mechanical Engineering and Materials Science, University of Pittsburgh) Large Eddy Simulation of Turbulent Combustion
• 2008-05-07 David Roberts Memorial/Casimir Seminar
• 2008-05-05 Hans Frauenfelder (T-10) A unified model of protein dynamics
• 2008-05-02 Prof. Bart Selman (Cornell University) *CANCELED*The Challenge and Promise of Automated Reasoning
• 2008-05-01 Alan Middleton (Syracuse University) The Geometry of Models with Disorder
• 2008-05-01 Boian Alexandrov (N-1) Nonlinear Dynamics of DNA and it?s Relation to Specific Functions
• 2008-04-28 Sasha Balatsky (T-11) Is “supersolid” He4 super or normal solid?
• 2008-04-28 Konstantin Turitsyn (University of Chicago) Quasi-spherical vesicles in external flows
• 2008-04-24 Ben Bergen (CCS-2) Roadrunner Phase II Applications Development
• 2008-04-23 Aleksander Orlov (Nonlinear Studies Laboratory, Oceanology Institute, Moscow) Random walk of hard particles and integrable systems
• 2008-04-22 Andrea Scott (University of Waterloo, Ontario) Application of the Navier-Stokes-alpha model to wall-bounded flows
• 2008-04-21 Seth Lloyd (Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Quantum Private Queries
• 2008-04-17 *POSTPONED UNTIL NEXT WEEK * Postdoc Seminar
• 2008-04-17 Dr. Lauren Wickstrom (Stony Brook University) The Dynamic Nature of the Folded and Unfolded States of the Villin Headpiece Helical Subdomain
• 2008-04-17 Flavien Lambert (CEA (Center for Atomic Energy), Paris France) A Journey to the Orbital Free World
• 2008-04-14 Professor Igor Krichever (Columbia University at New York) Universal Whitham hierarchy and its applications
• 2008-04-11 Emil Mottola (T-08) Cosmological Dark Energy: Prospects for a Dynamical Theory
• 2008-04-07 Alan Perelson (T-10) How to model a viral infection and its treatment: a case study hepatitis C
• 2008-04-04 Monty Python and the Holy Grail (Part 1) CNLS Cultural Friday
• 2008-04-03 Geometric phases in stochastic and dissipative systems (CCS-3/T-CNLS) Nikolai Sinitsyn
• 2008-03-31 Byron Goldstein (T-10) A Look at Allergic Reactions and the Early Events That Trigger Them
• 2008-03-31 Professor Pirooz Vakili (Boston University) DataBase Monte Carlo (DBMC): A New Strategy for Variance Reduction in Monte Carlo Simulation
• 2008-03-27 Jasper Vrugt (EES-6 / T-7 / T-CNLS) Emerging Computational Techniques for Global Optimization and Markov Chain Monte Carlo Simulation
• 2008-03-25 Sidney Redner (Boston University) Understanding Baseball Team Standings and Streaks
• 2008-03-24 No Colloquium
• 2008-03-20 Mihai Putinar (Mathematics Department, UCSB) Orthogonal polynomials on a planar archipelago
• 2008-03-19 Serge Aubry (Laboratoire Leon Brillouin, CEA Saclay, France) A Nonadiabatic and Nonlinear Theory for Electron Transfer
• 2008-03-19 Mitchell Luskin (School of Mathematics, University of Minnesota) Theory and Algorithms for the Quasicontinuum Method
• 2008-03-19 Michael E. Fisher (Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland) Charge Correlations in a Near-critical Plasma: Simulations challenge theory
• 2008-03-18 Michael E. Fisher (Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland) VALENCY IN IONIC CRITICALITY: Field Theory fails, Simulation reports, Chemistry reveals
• 2008-03-18 Anton Zabrodin (ITEP, Moscow) Integrable contour dynamics from dispersionless Lax equations
• 2008-03-17 Michael E. Fisher (Institute for Physical Science and Technology, University of Maryland) Atoms and Ions; Universality, Singularity and Particularity: On Boltzmann's Vision a Century Later
• 2008-03-17 Pierre-Henri Maire (UMR CELIA CEA--CNRS--Universite Bordeaux I, Talence, France) A Cell-Centered Lagrangian Scheme in Two Dimensional Cylindrical Coordinates
• 2008-03-17 Shi Jin (University of Wisconsin) Computation of High Frequency Waves in Heterogeneous Media
• 2008-03-13 Marko A. Rodriguez (T-7/CNLS) What I Did For My Summer Vacation
• 2008-03-12 Prof. Bert Schreiber (Wayne State University, Mathematics Department) From Stationary to Nonstationary Processes: How Can We Extend the Spectral Analysis?
• 2008-03-12 Dima Khavinson (Mathematics Department, USF) From the Fundamental Theorem of Algebra to Astrophysics: a “Harmonious” Journey
• 2008-03-10 Uriel Frisch (Observatoire de la Cote d'Azur) Hyperviscosity, Galerkin truncation and bottlenecks
• 2008-03-10 Pavel Frantsuzov (Department of Physics, University of Notre Dame) The mystery of blinking dots
• 2008-03-10 Genie Hsieh (Department of Computer Science, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque) Stochastic Agent-Based Modeling of EGFR/ErbB Signaling Pathways with Spatial Resolution and Single Molecule Details
• 2008-03-06 Antonello Provenzale (Istituto di Scienze dell’Atmosfera e del Clima, Torino, Italy) Large-scale organization of small-scale flow: the examples of 2D turbulence and of Rayleigh-Benard convection.
• 2008-03-06 Jeffrey Weiss (University of Colorado) Nonequilibrium Statistical Mechanics of Climate Variability
• 2008-03-03 Paul Johnson (LANL, EES-11) The effect of acoustic waves on stick-slip behaviour in sheared granular media, with implications to earthquake processes
• 2008-02-28 Ilya Grigorenko (T-11/CNLS) Can we write down recipe if we are given a cake? Discovery of nanodevices with the help of quantum design
• 2008-02-27 Hasan Guclu (T-13/T-CNLS) Informal Seminar
• 2008-02-25 Charles Doering (Professor of Mathematics & Physics, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 49109-1043) Twist & Shout: Maximal Enstrophy Production in the 3D Navier-Stokes
• 2008-02-25 Jeremiah Murphy (Steward Observatory, The University of Arizona) BETHE, an ALE Code for Astrophysical Simulations
• 2008-02-21 Tongye Shen (T-10) The stability of cellulose
• 2008-02-20 Ryan Gutenkunst (Department of Physics, Cornell University) Sloppiness in biochemical modeling and evolution
• 2008-02-14 Guy Trambly de Laissardière (Univ. Cergy-Pontoise, France) Electronic Transport in Quasi-Crystals: Break-down of the Semiclassical Model
• 2008-02-14 Guido Boffetta (University of Torino and CNLS) Conformal invariance in two-dimensional turbulence
• 2008-02-13 Ming Zhang (T-10, HIV Sequence Database Group) HIV-1 recombination
• 2008-02-13 J. Galewsky ( Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, University of New Mexico, Albuquerque, NM) Feedbacks between atmospheric moist convection and surface processes in semi-arid regions
• 2008-02-13 Alan S. Willsky (Edwin Sibley Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science, and Acting Director, Laboratory for Information and Decision Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Research in the Stochastic Systems Group at MIT
• 2008-02-11 Yves Pomeau (University of Arizona) Wave Breaking in Art and Science
• 2008-02-08 Professor Werner Dappen (University of Southern California) Observational constraints on the dense plasma of the solar interior
• 2008-02-05 Ingo Steinwart (CCS-3) Machine Learning Questions and Techniques
• 2008-02-05 Spyridon Michalakis (T-13) Entanglement in Finitely Correlated States
• 2008-02-04 Daniel Vrinceanu (T-04) Matter under control at extreme conditions
• 2008-02-04 Robert F. Cahalan (Head of Climate & Radiation Branch, NASA Goddard Space Flight Center) The Sun, the Moon, and Central America
• 2008-01-31 Ryan Kalas (T-4) Cold gases with large non-s-wave scattering lengths
• 2008-01-24 Eduardo Lopez (T-7) Limited Path Percolation on Complex Networks
• 2008-01-24 Prof. Hong Luo (Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695) Development and application of a discontinuous Galerkin Method for computational fluid dynamics
• 2008-01-23 Dimitri P. Bertsekas (McAfee Professor of Engineering, Lab. for Information and Decision Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Dynamic and Neuro-Dynamic Programming: An Overview and Recent Work
• 2008-01-22 Dimitri P. Bertsekas (McAfee Professor of Engineering, Lab. for Information and Decision Systems, Massachusetts Institute of Technology) Approximate Solution of Very Large Systems of Linear Equations
• 2008-01-22 Jason K. Johnson (MIT) Convex Optimization Methods for Graphical Models
• 2008-01-17 Razvan Teodorescu (T-13) Nonlinear quantum dynamics and information theory: cats and kets
• 2008-01-15 Lenka Zdeborova (T-13/Université de Paris Sud, Orsay) Phase Transitions in Hard Constraint Satisfaction Problems
• 2008-01-14 Steven Zucker (Dept. of Computer Science and Program in Applied Mathematics, Yale University) Visual Computations and Visual Cortex
• 2008-01-10 Goutham Balaraman (Georgia Institute of Technology) Split Operator Method in the Study of Rydberg Plasmas
• 2008-01-08 J. E. Gubernatis (T-11) Monte Carlo Determination of Multiple Extremal Eigenpairs of Very Large Matrices with Application to the Transfer Matrix of the Two-Dimensional Ising Model
• 2008-01-08 Hristo Djidjev (CCS-3) Efficient computation of minimum exposure paths in a sensor network field
• 2008-01-07 Brian Munsky (Center for Control, Dynamical-systems and Computation (CCDC), University of California, Santa Barbara) Analyzing Stochastic Switches and Trajectories in Gene Regulatory Networks

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