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CNLS Talks, 2025
• 2025-03-25 Daniel Messenger (T-5) AI for Science in T – Learning PDE Dynamics: Strengths of a Weak Form
• 2025-03-24 Scott Pakin (CCS-7, Los Alamos National Laboratory ) Your Quantum Computing Journey Begins Here
• 2025-03-13 Abhijith Jayakumar (T-5) Title: |Ax=b> : Some lessons on quantum linear system solvers
• 2025-03-13 Marc Serra Garcia (AMOLF, Netherlands) Physical computing in elastic metamaterials
• 2025-03-12 Johannes Blaschke and William Godoy Perspectives on the Julia language for DOE’s Mission and at NERSC
• 2025-03-12 Mahesh Bandi (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology, Japan ) Universal, collective and nonlinear structure of wind power correlations
• 2025-03-11 Victor E. Ambrus (Timisoara University) Applicability of hydrodynamics in large and small systems
• 2025-03-11 Timo Sprekeler (Texas A&M, Department of Mathematics) Finite element approximation of Fokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equations with application to numerical homogenization
• 2025-03-06 Margaret Wood (A-1 / CNLS ) Can Pre-Transformer Models with Linguistic Insights Rival Basic Transformers?
• 2025-03-06 Sabrina J. Li (XCP-5/CNLS) Determining the structural stability of monolayer CeSiI via first principles
• 2025-03-04 Scott Bergeson (BYU) Experimental and Computational Study of Phase Space Dynamics in Strongly-Coupled Plasmas with Steep Density Gradients
• 2025-02-27 Sakib Matin (T-1) Knowledge distillation improves accuracy, efficiency and robustness of machine learning inter-atomic potentials
• 2025-02-24 Jonas Posner (University of Kassel, Germany) Transparent Resource Adaptivity for Task-Based Applications on Supercomputers
• 2025-02-20 Shane Coffing (CCS2/CNLS) Learning interpretable physics-based models for fast forecasting of tsunamis with RANDPROMs
• 2025-02-13 Michael Woodward (CCS2/CNLS) Mori-Zwanzig Mode Decomposition
• 2025-02-13 Jérôme Gonthier (Senior Staff Scientist at QC Ware) (Online Only) Exploring performance improvements and limits of Quantum Phase Estimation
• 2025-02-11 Jed H. Pixley (Department of Physics and Astronomy, Center for Materials Theory, Rutgers University) (Update - New Date/Time) Strong Correlations and Topology in Twisted Nodal Superconductors
• 2025-02-06 Sachin Shivakumar (T-5/CNLS) Generalization of the algebra of matrices to infinite-dimensional spaces.
• 2025-02-06 Jacob Bringewatt (Harvard Quantum Initiative) Randomized measurement for Z2 lattice gauge theory.
• 2025-02-06 Rosalyn Devonport (University of New Mexico) Data-Driven Probabilistic Guarantees for Control Systems, Neural Networks, and More
• 2025-02-06 Meeko Oishi (University of New Mexico) Towards probabilistic safety of autonomous dynamical systems
• 2025-02-03 Carla Frohlich (North Carolina State University) Nucleosynthesis: Nuclei and nuclear reactions for astrophysics
• 2025-01-30 Megan C Davis (CNLS/T-1) Computational Screening of Transition Metal-Nitrogen-Carbon Materials as Electrocatalysts for CO2 Reduction
• 2025-01-30 Marc-Antoine Lemonde (CTO) and Dany Lachance-Quirion (VP) (Nord Quantique) Hardware-Efficient FTQC with Bosonic Grid States in Superconducting Circuits
• 2025-01-28 Oleksii Beznosov (T-5) High order interpolation of magnetic fields with vector potential reconstruction for particle simulations
• 2025-01-23 Steven Taylor Walton (T-5) Matrix-free Methods for Lagrangian Hydrodynamics
• 2025-01-23 Multiple Speakers Magnetism of nanostructures and layered materials.
• 2025-01-21 Andrey Lokhov and Abhijith Jayakumar (T-5) AI for Science in T - Learning Graphical Models: algorithms, software, and use cases
• 2025-01-13 Cyril Geismar (Imperial College London) Update 1.13.25 - Bayesian inference of transmission chains: opportunities and challenges for characterising SARS-CoV-2 transmission dynamics
• 2025-01-09 Alexander Holas (Heidelberg Institute for Theoretical Studies) (Update: New date to 1/9/25) Thermonuclear electron-capture supernovae - Motivating a long-overdue update to the supernova modeling pipeline for the exascale computing age

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