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 Current Students
Wenqin Chen, University of Washington, Seattle
  • Mentor: Shizeng Lin (T-4) and Hao Zhang (T-4/T-CNLS)
  • Visit Dates: Jun. 3rd, 2024 to Oct. 1st, 2024.

Jonathan Lin, Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Mentor: Frank Barrows (T-4/T-CNLS) and Francesco Caravelli (T-4)
  • Host Org: T-CNLS
  • Visit Dates: Jun. 3rd, 2024 to Jan. 31st, 2025.

Past Students
Xander de Wit, Eindhoven University of Technology
  • Mentor: Daniel Livescu (CCS-2) and Alessandro Gabbana (CCS-2/T-CNLS)
  • Host Org: T-CNLS
  • Visit Dates: Aug. 26th, 2024 to Sep. 27th, 2024.

Meghanto Majumder, University of Oregon
  • Mentor: David Rogers and Roxana Bujack (CCS-3)
  • Visit Dates: Jun. 17th, 2024 to Aug. 16th, 2024.

Emmanouil (Manolis) Drimalas, University of Arizona
  • Mentor: Chengkun Huang (T-5) and Nicole Ronning (CCS-2)
  • Visit Dates: Jun. 17th, 2024 to Sep. 27th, 2024.

Conrad Ainslie, UC Santa Cruz
  • Mentor: Derek DeSantis and Arvind Mohan (CCS-2)
  • Visit Dates: Jun. 17th, 2024 to Sep. 11th, 2024.

Federico Molina Lythe, UC San Diego
  • Mentor: Anna Hayes-Sterbenz and Josh Martin (T-2)
  • Visit Dates: Jun. 17th, 2024 to Aug. 23rd, 2024.

Mackenzie (Kenzie) Meni, Florida Institute of Technology
  • Mentor: Christopher Johnson (EES-17) and Andrew Delorey (EES-16)
  • Visit Dates: Jun. 3rd, 2024 to Aug. 10th, 2024.

Edward (Ed) McDugald, University of Arizona
  • Mentor: Arvind Mohan (CCS-2) and Javier Santos (EES-16)
  • Host Org: T-CNLS
  • Visit Dates: Jun. 3rd, 2024 to Sep. 13th, 2024.

Luke Lozenski, Washington University in St. Louis
  • Mentor: Brendt Wohlberg and Michael McCann (T-5)
  • Visit Dates: Jun. 3rd, 2024 to Aug. 16th, 2024.

Elizabeth Amona, Virginia Commonwealth University
  • Mentor: Julie Spencer(A-1) and Casey Gibson (CCS-6)
  • Visit Dates: Jun. 3rd, 2024 to Aug. 23rd, 2024.

Zachary (Zack) Andalman, Princeton University
  • Mentor: Chris Fryer (T-CNLS) and Chris Fontes (XCP-5)
  • Host Org: T-CNLS
  • Visit Dates: Jun. 3rd, 2024 to Aug. 30th, 2024.

Reid Gomillion, Virginia Tech
  • Mentor: Ben Southworth (T-5) and Brian Tran (T-5/T-CNLS)
  • Host Org: T-CNLS
  • Visit Dates: Jun. 3rd, 2024 to Jun. 8th, 2024.

Andre Paes de Lima, Washington University in St. Louis
  • Mentor: Anatoly Zlotnik (T-5) and Mike Martin (MPA-Q)
  • Visit Dates: Jun. 3rd, 2024 to Sep. 15th, 2024.

Rudradutt (Rudra) Thaker, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Mentor: Wilbert Weijer (CCS-2) and Milena Veneziani (T-3)
  • Visit Dates: May. 28th, 2024 to Aug. 9th, 2024.

Sutapa Bhattacharya, Missouri University of Science and Technology
  • Mentor: Enrique Batista (T-CNLS) and Ping Yang (T-1)
  • Host Org: T-CNLS
  • Visit Dates: May. 28th, 2024 to Aug. 15th, 2024.

Eonho Chang, University of Arizona
  • Mentor: Shengtai Li (T-4) and Hui Li (T-2)
  • Visit Dates: May. 28th, 2024 to Aug. 20th, 2024.

Shivan Mittal, University of Texas at Austin
  • Mentor: Bin Yan and Nikolai Sinitsyn (T-4)
  • Visit Dates: May. 27th, 2024 to Aug. 31st, 2024.

Christopher (Chris) Vairogs, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Mentor: Bin Yan and Lukasz Cincio (T-4)
  • Visit Dates: May. 27th, 2024 to Aug. 2nd, 2024.

Afton Gustafson, New York University
  • Mentor: Greg Salvensen (XCP-8) and Katie Gattiker (ISR-1)
  • Visit Dates: May. 21st, 2024 to Aug. 2nd, 2024.

Kaitlyn Leffler, New Mexico Tech
  • Mentor: Greg Salvensen (XCP-8) and Katie Gattiker (ISR-1)
  • Visit Dates: May. 21st, 2024 to Aug. 23rd, 2024.

Karl Daningburg, Rochester Institute of Technology
  • Mentor: Amy Lovell (T-2) and Arvind Mohan (CCS-2)
  • Host Org: T-CNLS
  • Visit Dates: May. 20th, 2024 to Aug. 9th, 2024.

Shunshun Liu, University of Virginia
  • Mentor: Ying Wai Li (CCS-7) and Christopher Lane (T-4)
  • Visit Dates: May. 20th, 2024 to Aug. 20th, 2024.

Michael Clark, Arizona State University
  • Mentor: Andrei Piryatinski (T-4) and Jennifer Hollingsworth (MPA-CINT)
  • Host Org: T-CNLS
  • Visit Dates: May. 14th, 2024 to Aug. 9th, 2024.

Youngil (Chicago) Park, Washington University in St. Louis
  • Mentor: Michael McCann and Brendt Wohlberg (T-5)
  • Visit Dates: May. 13th, 2024 to Aug. 16th, 2024.

Nate Kornetzke, University of New Mexico
  • Mentor: Ethan Romero-Severson and Emma Goldberg (T-6)
  • Visit Dates: May. 13th, 2024 to Aug. 8th, 2024.

Junehu Park, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
  • Mentor: Josh Leveillee (T-1/CNLS) and Alexander White (T-1)
  • Host Org: T-CNLS
  • Visit Dates: May. 13th, 2024 to Aug. 23rd, 2024.

Jeffrey Keithley, University of Iowa
  • Mentor: Nidhi Parikh and Sara Del Valle (A-1)
  • Visit Dates: May. 13th, 2024 to Aug. 9th, 2024.

Tenley Housler, Los Alamos National Laboratory
  • Mentor: Andrew Bartlow (B-GEN) and Morgan Gorris (A-1)
  • Visit Dates: May. 13th, 2024 to Sep. 6th, 2024.

Abdelrahman (Abdel) Alsardi, Virginia Tech
  • Mentor: Duan Zhang (T-3) and Christopher Long (W-13)
  • Visit Dates: May. 13th, 2024 to Aug. 9th, 2024.

Brandon K. Phan, Georgia Institute of Technology
  • Mentor: Babs Marrone (B-IOME) and Anjana Talapatra (MST-8)
  • Visit Dates: May. 13th, 2024 to Aug. 23rd, 2024.

Mandela Bright Quashie, Michigan State University
  • Mentor: Qi Tang and Xianzhu Tang (T-5)
  • Visit Dates: May. 13th, 2024 to Aug. 9th, 2024.

Chakradhar Rangi, Louisiana State University
  • Mentor: Avadh Saxena and Wilton Kort-Kamp (T-4)
  • Host Org: T-CNLS
  • Visit Dates: May. 13th, 2024 to Aug. 9th, 2024.

Alex Guo, University of Wisconsin-Madison
  • Mentor: Charlie Young (T-1/CNLS) and Galen Craven (T-1)
  • Host Org: T-CNLS
  • Visit Dates: May. 6th, 2024 to Aug. 14th, 2024.

Nidia Vaquera Chavez, University of New Mexico
  • Mentor: Sara Del Valle and Nick Generous (A-1)
  • Visit Dates: May. 6th, 2024 to Aug. 23rd, 2024.

Víctor Ignacio Fica León, Universidad San Sebastián
  • Mentor: Carmen Molina París and Ruy Ribeiro (T-6)
  • Visit Dates: Apr. 8th, 2024 to Sep. 20th, 2024.

Sarah Voter, Brown University
  • Visit Dates: Jun. 26th, 2023 to Jul. 21st, 2023.

Zafer Acar, Michigan Technological University
  • Visit Dates: Jun. 19th, 2023 to Sep. 15th, 2023.

Kelsey Lund, North Carolina State University
  • Visit Dates: Jun. 19th, 2023 to Sep. 30th, 2023.

Seth Temple, Univ Washington
  • Visit Dates: Jun. 19th, 2023 to Sep. 8th, 2023.

Andre Paes de Lima, Washington University in St. Louis
  • Visit Dates: Jun. 12th, 2023 to Sep. 8th, 2023.

Sayanton Dibbo, Dartmouth College
Nageeb Zaman
  • Visit Dates: Jun. 5th, 2023 to Aug. 11th, 2023.

Alexander Holas 
  • Visit Dates: Jun. 5th, 2023 to Aug. 11th, 2023.

Wenqin Chen, "University of Washington Seattle"
  • Visit Dates: Jun. 5th, 2023 to Sep. 22nd, 2023.

Carlos Mora Perez, Univeristy of Southern California
Federico Molina-Lythe, University of California
  • Visit Dates: Jun. 1st, 2023 to Aug. 31st, 2023.

Aidan Nakhleh
Daniel Hallack, University of Notre Dame
Yulia Pimonova, University of Utah
  • Visit Dates: May. 30th, 2023 to Aug. 4th, 2023.

Siddharth Mansingh, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
Andrea Liu, University of Michigan
Michael Clark, Arizona State University
Sakshi Naik, Carnegie Mellon University
Ben Amend, Clemson University
  • Visit Dates: May. 15th, 2023 to Aug. 11th, 2023.

Aleksei Sorokin, Illinois Institute of Technology
Md Lal Mamud, University of Mississippi
  • Visit Dates: May. 15th, 2023 to Jul. 28th, 2023.

Sundaramoorthy Santhoshkumar, Missouri Institute of Science and Technology
Akram Touil, "University of Maryland Baltimore County"
  • Visit Dates: May. 8th, 2023 to Sep. 1st, 2023.

Yi-Tang Chen, The Ohio State University
Agnese Marcato, Politecnico de Torino
Fanta Diaby, University of Birmingham
  • Visit Dates: Mar. 13th, 2023 to Mar. 8th, 2024.

Matthew Lloyd, University of Oxford
  • Mentor: Enrique Martinez Saez
  • Host Org: T-CNLS
  • Visit Dates: Jan. 15th, 2018 to Mar. 29th, 2018.
  • Mr. Lloyd is a PhD student at the University of Oxford and will work under Enrique Martinez Saez during his visit.

Jacob Miner, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
  • Mentor: Angel Garcia
  • Host Org: T-CNLS
  • Visit Dates: Aug. 4th, 2015 to Aug. 5th, 2015.
  • Mr. Miner will visit CNLS and meet with T-6 staff.

Soumya Kundu, University of Michigan at Ann Arbor
  • Mentor: Nikolai Sinitsyn
  • Host Org: T-4
  • Visit Dates: Jul. 22nd, 2011 to Aug. 31st, 2011.
  • Mr. Kundu will collaborate with Drs. Sinitsyn, Backhaus and Chertkov on optimal protocols for energy saving control of thermal loads in a big city.

Cecelia Pagliantini, Politecnico di Torino
  • Mentor: Gian Luca Delzanno
  • Host Org: T-5
  • Visit Dates: Mar. 28th, 2011 to Apr. 29th, 2011.
  • Ms. Pagliantini will be working with T-5 staff members on different methods of grid generation/adaptation to the complex geometric configuration of a tokamak reactor.

Alessandro Corbetta, Politecnico di Torino
  • Mentor: Gian Luca Delzanno
  • Host Org: T-5
  • Visit Dates: Mar. 28th, 2011 to Apr. 29th, 2011.
  • Mr. Corbetta will work with T-5 staff members to identify the efficiency and fidelity of different orbit integration techniques.

Laura Scarabosio, Politecnico di Torino
  • Mentor: Gian Luca Delzanno
  • Host Org: T-5
  • Visit Dates: Mar. 28th, 2011 to Apr. 29th, 2011.
  • Ms. Scarabosio will work with T-5 staff members to investigate the relative merit of spectral discretization for transport calculation in a tokamak plasma.

Shrinivas Kudekar, New Mexico Consortium
Shashi Chillapagari, University of Arizona
  • Mentor: Misha Chertkov
  • Host Org: T-4
  • Visit Dates: Dec. 7th, 2009 to Dec. 11th, 2009.
  • Mr. Chillapagari will collaborate with Dr. Chertkov on coding and information theory.

Marek Rams, Jagiellonian University, Poland
  • Mentor: Malcolm Boshier
  • Host Org: T-CNLS
  • Visit Dates: Apr. 6th, 2009 to Apr. 25th, 2009.
  • Mr. Rams will collaborate with members of the Quantum Iniative and CNLS on dynamics of quantum phase transitions and other aspects of quantum many-body physics.

Joe Smith
  • Host Org: T-CNLS
  • Visit Dates: Mar. 20th, 2009 to Mar. 27th, 2009.

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