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 CNLS Students

The CNLS student program is designed for students interested in broadening their research within the CNLS science focus-areas which includes materials, quantum, biology, out-of-equilibrium, information science, and artificial intelligence. The goal of the CNLS student program is to provide the students an opportunity to interact with a wide set of scientists, allowing the to expand their studies beyond their focused research topic. CNLS provides space and funding for both summer and year-round students.

In all cases, the students are hosted by their Mentor and will be officially a member of their mentor's group, but will typically reside in the CNLS building (TA03-1690). Students should not apply directly to the CNLS student program but instead have their mentor put in the application.

Year-round students

A limited number of spots are available for year-round students. CNLS provides funds (typically 25%) for year-round students working in CNLS science areas. These students are expected to work within the CNLS building and interact with other CNLS members which includes attending and presenting at CNLS seminars. Mentors of CNLS students are requested to apply on this form (see instructions on form). The link for year-round student request is

Summer Students

Summer students typically arriving in the May/June timeframe and leaving in the August/September timeframe (we will fudn upt to 13 weeks). CNLS covers 50% of the funding for these students. The students will be expected to interact with other CNLS members which includes attending CNLS seminars and presenting at the CNLS student seminar program near the end of the summer. Mentors of CNLS students are requested to apply on this form (see instructions on form). The link for the summer student request is The student application for the summer of 2024 program is now closed.

For more information on student programs at LANL, see this link:
LANL Operated by the Triad National Security, LLC for the National Nuclear Security Administration of the US Department of Energy.
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