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Monday, October 27, 2008
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
CNLS Conference Room (TA-3, Bldg 1690)


Transport control in fluidic micro and nanochannels

Dimiter N. Petsev
Center for Biomedical Engineering and Department for Chemical and Nuclear Engineering, University of New Mexico at Albuquerque

Micro and nanofluidics have a great potential for implementation in a variety of new technologies and applications. Examples include chemical and biomolecular sensing, separation, iomolecules manipulation, sample preconcentration and focusing, conducting small scale liquid reactions, monodisperse droplet and particles fabrication. As the channels dimensions become smaller, the Reynolds numbers characterizing the flow become lower and the viscous effects become dominant. A typical example is mixing, which for micro and nanofluidic devices requires completely new approaches. Controlling the fluids, current and analytes in fluidic systems also requires the development of pumps and valves to direct and manipulate the liquid and dissolved species. Nanochannels present an additional complexity due to strong electrostatic potential effects in the electric double layers at the channel walls. These lead to difficulties but also give rise to new opportunities for the processing of fluids and analytes.

This presentation summarizes some of our recent results on fluid control and manipulation in micro and nanochannels. We suggest a new approach for designing micropumps, mixers and separators using semiconductor diodes powered by an alternate current electric field. A theoretical analysis of the electric field distribution in fluidic nanochannels offers strategies for transport control at the nanoscale. Finally we demonstrate the utility of microfluidics to fabricate monodisperse particles with well defined sized and internal mesoporous structure.

Host: Boian Alexandrov, T-11