Superconducting vortices in random pinning
Ideal superconductors carry current without
resistance and perfectly expel externally applied magnetic
fields. The superconductivity is destroyed when too great
a magnetic field is applied, and the material becomes a
normal resistive conductor. Type-II materials remain
superconducting in high magnetic fields by allowing the
magnetic flux to penetrate the material in the form of
discrete quantized vortices which repel each other and
interact with defects in the superconducting material. The
superconducting material returns to its normal resistive
state only at the center of these vortices; the remainder
of the material still carries a supercurrent. The
vortices experience a Lorentz force from the flowing current
and move through the superconductor until they are trapped,
or pinned, at defect sites. Using molecular dynamics
simulations, we explore the microscopic dynamics of
vortices interacting with randomly arranged
pinning sites under many conditions.
Using principal component analysis to distinguish different dynamic phases in superconducting vortex matter
C.J.O. Reichhardt, D. McDermott, and C. Reichhardt
Vortices in type-II superconductors driven over random disorder are known to exhibit a remarkable variety of distinct nonequilibrium dynamical phases that arise due to the competition between vortex-vortex interactions, the quenched disorder, and the drive. These include pinned states, elastic flows, plastic or disordered flows, and dynamically reordered moving crystal or moving smectic states. The plastic flow phases can be particularly difficult to characterize since the flows are strongly disordered. Here we perform principal component analysis (PCA) on the positions and velocities of vortex matter moving over random disorder for different disorder strengths and drives. We find that PCA can distinguish the known dynamic phases as well as or better than previous measures based on transport signatures or topological defect densities. In addition, PCA recognizes distinct plastic flow regimes, a slowly changing channel flow and a moving amorphous fluid flow, that do not produce distinct signatures in the standard measurements. Our results suggest that this position and velocity based PCA approach could be used to characterize dynamic phases in a broader class of systems that exhibit depinning and nonequilibrium phase transitions.
Kibble-Zurek scenario and coarsening across nonequilibrium phase transitions in driven vortices and skyrmions
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Last modified May 3, 2018