Competing long-range/short-range interactions
Two-dimensional systems in which there is a competition between
long-range repulsion and short range attraction exhibit a
remarkable variety of patterns such as stripes, bubbles,
and labyrinths.
Such systems include magnetic films,
Langmuir monolayers, polymers, gels, and water-oil mixtures.
It has been proposed that similar competing interactions
can arise in two-dimensional electron systems leading to
stripes, clumps, and liquid crystalline electron
states. Stripe and other charge-ordered phases
in metal oxides are sometimes modeled as systems with competing long
range repulsion and short range attraction.
In many of these systems quenched disorder from the underlying
substrate may be present; however, it is not known how this disorder
would affect the structure and dynamics of these systems.
Quenched disorder can strongly alter the transport properties,
producing a pinning effect in
which a finite driving force must be applied before net motion occurs.
Peak effect and dynamics of stripe and pattern forming systems on a periodic one dimensional substrate
C. Reichhardt and C.J.O. Reichhardt
Phys. Rev. E 109, 054606 (2024).
Sliding dynamics for bubble phases on periodic modulated substrates
C. Reichhardt and C.J.O. Reichhardt
Phys. Rev. Res. 6, 023116 (2024).
Structural transitions and hysteresis in clump- and stripe-forming systems under
dynamic compression
D. McDermott, C.J. Olson Reichhardt, and C. Reichhardt
Soft Matter 12, 9549 (2016). arXiv
Stripe systems with competing interactions on quasi-one-dimensional
periodic substrates
D. McDermott, C.J. Olson Reichhardt, and C. Reichhardt
Soft Matter 10, 6332 (2014). arXiv
Ordering of colloids with competing interactions on quasi-one-dimensional
periodic substrates
C. Reichhardt, D. McDermott, and C.J. Olson Reichhardt
Proc. SPIE 9164, Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation XI,
916420 (2014).
Static and dynamic phases for magnetic vortex matter with attractive
and repulsive interactions
J.A. Drocco, C.J. Olson Reichhardt, C. Reichhardt, and A.R. Bishop
J. Phys.: Condens. Matter 25, 345703 (2013).
Statics and dynamics of vortex matter with competing repulsive and
attractive interactions
C. Reichhardt, J. Drocco, C.J. Olson Reichhardt, and A.R. Bishop
J. Supercond. Nov. Magn. 26, 2041 (2013). arXiv
The effect of pinning on vortex states with attractive and repulsive interactions
C. Reichhardt, J. Drocco, C.J. Olson Reichhardt, and A.R. Bishop
Physica C 479, 15 (2012).
Statics and dynamics of wetting-dewetting transitions for particles with
attractive interactions on periodic substrates
J.A. Drocco, C. Reichhardt, C.J. Olson Reichhardt, and A.R. Bishop
Proc. SPIE 8458, Optical Trapping and Optical Micromanipulation IX,
84581J (2012).
Anisotropic sliding dynamics, peak effect, and metastability in stripe systems
C.J. Olson Reichhardt, C. Reichhardt, and A.R. Bishop
Phys. Rev. E 83, 041501 (2011). arXiv
Structural transitions, melting, and intermediate phases for stripe- and
clump-forming systems
C.J. Olson Reichhardt, C. Reichhardt, and A.R. Bishop
Phys. Rev. E 82, 041502 (2010). arXiv
Commensurate and incommensurate checkerboard charge ordered states
C. Reichhardt, C.J. Olson Reichhardt, and A.R. Bishop
Physica C 460-462, 1178 (2007).
Noise and hysteresis in charged stripe, checkerboard, and clump forming
C. Reichhardt, C.J. Olson Reichhardt, and A.R. Bishop
Proc. SPIE 6600, Noise and Fluctuations in Circuits, Devices, and Materials,
66001B (2007).
Structure and fragmentation in colloidal artificial molecules and
C.J. Olson Reichhardt, C. Reichhardt, and A.R. Bishop
Eur. Phys. J. E 22,11 (2007). arXiv
Hysteresis and noise in stripe- and clump- forming systems
C. Reichhardt, C.J. Olson Reichhardt, and A.R. Bishop
Europhys. Lett. 72, 444 (2005). arXiv
Dynamics and melting of stripes, crystals, and bubbles with
quenched disorder
C.J. Olson Reichhardt, C. Reichhardt, I. Martin, and A.R. Bishop
Physica D 193, 303 (2004). arXiv
Fibrillar templates and soft phases in systems with short-range
dipolar and long-range interactions
C.J. Olson Reichhardt, C. Reichhardt, and A.R. Bishop
Phys. Rev. Lett. 92, 016801 (2004). arXiv
Effect of field-effect transistor geometry on charge ordering of
transition-metal oxides
C.J. Olson Reichhardt, C. Reichhardt, D.L. Smith, and A.R. Bishop
Phys. Rev. B 68, 033101 (2003). arXiv
Dynamical ordering of driven stripe phases in quenched disorder
C. Reichhardt, C.J. Olson Reichhardt, I. Martin, and A.R. Bishop
Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 026401 (2003). arXiv
Depinning and dynamics of systems with competing interactions in
quenched disorder
C. Reichhardt, C.J. Olson, I. Martin, and A.R. Bishop
Europhys. Lett. 61, 221 (2003). arXiv
Last modified November 16, 2016