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Social Commentary
Resistance to critiques in the academic literature: An example from physics education research
C. Reichhardt, A. Small, C. Nisoli, and C.J.O. Reichhardt
Eur. Rev. 31(5), 547 (2023).
Materials Aging
Diffusion-reaction problems and the nonequilibrium statistical mechanics of aging
C.J.O. Reichhardt and C. Reichhardt
Weapons Eng. Symp. J. 9, 315 (2023).
Ion Damage
Swift heavy ion irradiation-induced microstructure modification of two
delta-phase oxides: Sc4Zr3O12
and Lu4Zr3O12
modified by heavy ion beam irradiation
M. Tang, P. Kluth, J. Zhang, M.K. Patel, B.P. Uberuaga, C.J. Olson Reichhardt, and
K.E. Sickafus,
Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. B 268, 3243 (2010).
AFM characterization of model nuclear fuel oxide multilayer structures
modified by heavy ion beam irradiation
M.E. Hawley, D.J. Devlin, C.J. Reichhardt, K.E. Sickafus, I.O. Usov, J.A. Valdez,
and Y.Q. Wang,
Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. B 268, 3269 (2010).
Irradiation effects in an HfO2/MgO/HfO2
tri-layer structure induced
by 10 MeV Au ions
I.O. Usov, J.A. Valdez, J. Won, M. Hawley, D.J. Devlin, R.M. Dickerson, B.P. Uberuaga,
Y.Q. Wang, C.J. Olson Reichhardt, G.D. Jarvinen, and K.E. Sickafus,
Nucl. Inst. Meth. Phys. Res. B 267, 1918 (2009).
Genetic Regulatory Networks
DNA Transport
Charge Transport in Metallic Dots
Elastic Depinning
Noise and Plasticity
Hysteresis in frustrated systems
F. Pazmandi, G. Zarand, K.F. Pal, C. Olson, and G. Zimanyi,
J. Mat. Proc. Manuf. Sci. 9, 27 (2000).