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2019 Visitors
Francois Pacaud, Artelys- Host: Carleton Coffrin (A-1)
- Visit Dates: Dec. 18th, 2019 to Dec. 20th, 2019.
- Francois is an expert in nonlinear optimization and conducts research and development on the commercial optimization software KNITRO. Francois will be collaborating with Carleton Coffrin, Russell Bent and Andreas Waechter.
Angela Wilson, Michigan State University- Host: Enrique Batista (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Dec. 16th, 2019 to Dec. 17th, 2019.
- Give Talk
O'Shaugnessy Richard, RIT- Host: Chris Fryer (CCS-2)
- Visit Dates: Dec. 9th, 2019 to Dec. 13th, 2019.
Sherwood Richers, North Carolina State University- Host: Jonah Miller (CCS-2)
- Visit Dates: Dec. 9th, 2019 to Dec. 13th, 2019.
- Sherwood will be giving a talk on neutrino physics as the LA Astro seminar and collaborating with the Los Alamos astrophysics group, including Jonah Miller, Ingo Tews, Sanjana Curtis, Josh Dolence, Matt Mumpower, Jonas Lippuner, and Chris Fryer.
- Talks:
OShaugnessy Richard, RIT- Host: Chris Fryer (CCS-2)
- Visit Dates: Dec. 9th, 2019 to Dec. 13th, 2019.
Andrew Steiner, UTK/ORNL- Host: Chris Fryer (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Dec. 9th, 2019 to Dec. 13th, 2019.
- Andrew is an expert in neutron star equations of state. He is working with LANL to study LIGO binaries and constraints on the equation of state (He is a co-I on a NSF proposal that Fryer and Korobkin are collaborators) and will discuss science projects in this collaboration.
Beckstein Oliver, Arizona State University- Host: Tyler Reddy (CCS-7)
- Visit Dates: Dec. 9th, 2019 to Dec. 10th, 2019.
- Prof. Oliver Beckstein want to give the 12/9 colloquium if still available (otherwise 12/16), abstract below. As he comes from ASU travel costs should be minimal. Molecular Mechanisms of Secondary Active Transporters Transport of ions and small molecules across the cell membrane against electrochemical gradients is catalyzed by integral membrane proteins that use a source of free energy to drive the energetically uphill flux of the transported substrate. Secondary active transporters couple the spontaneous influx of a "driving" ion such as Na+ or H+ to the flux of the substrate. The fact that these transporters change their conformation between an inward-facing and outward-facing conformation in a cyclical fashion, called the alternating access mechanism, has been recognized as the general principle underlying secondary transporter function. We have been using molecular dynamics simulations (long equilibrium MD, free energy calculations, enhanced sampling for rare events, constant pH simulations) in combination with experimental techniques such as X-ray crystallography, cryo-electron microscopy, and functional measurements to better understand the mechanism of secondary active transport in a wide range of transporters such as sodium/proton antiporters, bile acid/sodium symporters, the major facilitator superfamily, nucleobase-sodium symporters, and zinc transporters. Identification of the binding sites of ions and substrates together with the moving elements of the alternating access transition shows how a common principle has been implemented by nature in a wide range of protein architectures.
Gorham Caroline, Carnegie Mellon- Host: Francesco Caravelli (T-4)
- Visit Dates: Dec. 8th, 2019 to Dec. 12th, 2019.
- Seminar and collaboration
William Cunningham, Perimeter Institue- Host: Francesco Caravelli (T-4)
- Visit Dates: Dec. 8th, 2019 to Dec. 12th, 2019.
- Talk and collaboration with Francesco Carvelli (T4) and Yigit Subasi (CCS3)on Generalized parallel Tempering
- Talks:
Clelia De Mulatier, University of Pennslyvannia- Host: Russell Bent (T-5)
- Visit Dates: Dec. 3rd, 2019 to Dec. 6th, 2019.
Sukharev Maxim, Arizona State University- Host: Andrei Piryatinski (T-4)
- Visit Dates: Nov. 25th, 2019 to Nov. 26th, 2019.
- CNLS Colloquium Speaker
Thomas Vogel, University of North Georgia- Host: Christoph Junghans (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Nov. 25th, 2019 to Nov. 27th, 2019.
- Talks:
Maxim Sukharev, Arizona State Unniversity- Host: Andrei Piryatinkski (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Nov. 25th, 2019 to Nov. 26th, 2019.
- Talks:
Fumika Suzuki, University of British Columbia- Host: Marco Cerezo (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Nov. 18th, 2019 to Nov. 22nd, 2019.
- Talks:
John Herr- Visit Dates: Nov. 18th, 2019 to Nov. 22nd, 2019.
- Presentation
- Talks:
Alejandra Pena-Ordieres, Northwestern university- Host: Andresas Waechter (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Nov. 17th, 2019 to Nov. 22nd, 2019.
Philippe Odier, ENS Lyon- Host: Robert Eceke (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Nov. 17th, 2019 to Nov. 22nd, 2019.
Ojas Parekh, Sandia National Labs- Host: Rolando Somma (T-4)
- Visit Dates: Nov. 13th, 2019 to Nov. 13th, 2015.
- Visitor will give a seminar in a Quantum Lunch. Additionally, his visit to LANL will allow him to discuss physics and research with LANL researchers such as Rolando Somma, Patrick Coles, Lukasz Cincio, and Marco Cerezo.
Kristin Beck, IonQ, Inc- Host: Malcolm Boshier (MPA-Q)
- Visit Dates: Nov. 13th, 2019 to Nov. 15th, 2019.
- Visitor will give a seminar in a Quantum Lunch about physics with ultracold atoms. Additionally, his visit to LANL will allow him to discuss physics and research with LANL researchers such as Michael Martin, Malcolm Boshier, Leonardo de Melo, Lukasz Cincio, and Marco Cerezo.
Burak Aksoylu, US Army Reserach Labratory- Host: Oleg Korobkin (CCS-7)
- Visit Dates: Nov. 12th, 2019 to Nov. 14th, 2019.
- Prof. Aksoylu will be presenting his research in the form of a CNLS talk titled "Local Boundary Conditions in the Peridynamic Wave Propagation". The talk will present new solutions int he area of wave propagation with nonlocal operators as used in fracture theory. Prof. Aksoylu will be also meeting with LANL experts on peridynamics, fracture theory, solid mechanics and applied methods in hydrodynamics, to seek venues for potential collaboration. The experts include Nathaniel Morgan (XCP-4), Esteban Rougier (EES-17), Wesley Even (CCS-7) and Oleg Korobkin (CCS-7).
Mark Edwards, Georgia Southern University- Host: Marco Cerezo (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Nov. 6th, 2019 to Nov. 8th, 2019.
Jose Lara, Univeristy of California, Berkeley- Host: Carleton Coffrin (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Nov. 5th, 2019 to Nov. 7th, 2019.
Gerhard Hummer, Max Planck Institute of Biophysics- Host: Angel Garcia (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Nov. 4th, 2019 to Nov. 8th, 2019.
- Talks:
Alioscia Hamma, University of Massachusetts, Boston- Host: Francesco Caravelli (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Oct. 16th, 2019.
Tameem Albash, University of New Mexico- Host: Marco Cerezo (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Oct. 16th, 2019 to Oct. 18th, 2019.
Wenting Li, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute- Host: Deep Deka (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Oct. 15th, 2019 to Oct. 17th, 2019.
Fabian Neumann, Kalsruhe Institute of Technology- Host: Carleton Coffrin (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Oct. 14th, 2019 to Oct. 18th, 2019.
Michael Chapman, Georgia Tech- Host: Marco Cerezo (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Oct. 9th, 2019 to Oct. 11th, 2019.
- Quantum Lunch 10/10/19
William Noid, Pennsylvania State University- Host: Ryan Jadrich (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Oct. 7th, 2019.
- Talks:
Priyanka Srivastava, University of Texas- Host: Chris Neale (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Oct. 7th, 2019 to Oct. 8th, 2019.
Hansmann Ulrich, University of Oklahoma- Host: Christoph Junghans (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Oct. 7th, 2019 to Oct. 8th, 2019.
- Talks:
Francesco Sorrentino, University of New Mexico- Host: Yen-Ting Lin (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Sep. 30th, 2019.
- Talks:
Ivan Oselesets, Skolkovo Institute of Science and Technology- Host: Benjamin Nebgen (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: May. 22nd, 2019 to May. 24th, 2019.
- Visitor will deliver the colloquium talk.
Ehud Meron, Ben-Gurion University- Host: Aric Hagberg (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: May. 8th, 2019 to May. 16th, 2019.
- Visitor will give a seminar.
Sayonee Ray, University of New Mexico- Host: Yigit (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Apr. 17th, 2019.
- Dr. Ray will deliver the quantum lunch seminar.
Junko Yano, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab - Host: Michael Wall (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Apr. 15th, 2019 to Apr. 16th, 2019.
- Visitor will give a seminar on molecular dynamics.
- Talks:
Alexander Wagner, North Dakota State University - Host: Qinjun Kang (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Apr. 1st, 2019 to Apr. 2nd, 2019.
- Mr. Wagner will deliver the colloquium talk.
Cote Benoit, Hungarian Academy of Sciences- Host: Jonas Lippuner (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Apr. 1st, 2019 to Apr. 5th, 2019.
- Visitor will give the Los Alamos Distinguished Astrophysics Seminar.
Katherine Davis , Texas A&M University - Host: Hassan Hijazi (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Mar. 18th, 2019 to Mar. 22nd, 2019.
- Ms. Davis will give a seminar on cyber-physical systems.
Kristan Temme , IBM T.J., Watson Research Center - Host: Yigit Subasi (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Mar. 12th, 2019 to Mar. 14th, 2019.
- Mr. Temme will deliver the quantum lunch seminar.
Feliks Nueske, Rice University- Host: Danny Perez (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Mar. 11th, 2019 to Mar. 15th, 2019.
- Visitor will give a seminar.
- Talks:
Mohit Tawarmalani, Purdue University- Host: Harsha Nagarjan (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Mar. 4th, 2019 to Mar. 7th, 2019.
- Mr. Tawarmalani will give a seminar.
Philipp Moesta, University of Berkeley- Host: Jonah Miller (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Feb. 26th, 2019 to Mar. 1st, 2019.
- Visitor will give a seminar at the Los Alamos Distinguished Seminar Series.
Mark Wilson, University of Nebraska, Lincoln - Host: Michael Wall (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Feb. 22nd, 2019 to Feb. 25th, 2019.
- Visitor will have discussions with Michael Wall on analysis and modeling of macro-molecular diffuse scattering data.
Martin Ganahl, Perimeter Institute - Host: Lukasz Cincio (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Feb. 13th, 2019 to Feb. 22nd, 2019.
- Mr. Ganahl will deliver the quantum lunch seminar.
Urs Rene Haehner, ETH Zurich - Host: Kipton Barros (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Feb. 11th, 2019 to Feb. 15th, 2019.
- Visitor will have discussions with Kipton Barros and Justin Smith.
Heidi Newberg, Rensslaer Polytechnic Institute - Host: Amy Lovell (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Feb. 11th, 2019 to Feb. 12th, 2019.
- Ms. Newberg will give a colloquium talk.
Yoshihisa Yamamoto, Stanford University- Host: Yigit Subasi (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Feb. 7th, 2019.
- Visitor will deliver the quantum lunch seminar.
Marek Rams, Jagiellonian University- Host: Lukasz Cincio (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Jan. 28th, 2019 to Feb. 22nd, 2019.
- Visitor will deliver the Quantum Lunch Seminar.
Mira Todorova, Mx-Plank Institute - Host: Enrique Batista/Ping Yang (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Jan. 28th, 2019 to Feb. 1st, 2019.
- Visitor will have discussions with Ping Yang and Enrique Batista.
Bismark Singh, Sanda National Laboratories - Host: Russell Bent (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Jan. 22nd, 2019.
- Visitor will interview for a postdoctoral researcher position and give a seminar.
George Tsironis, University of Crete- Visit Dates: Jan. 14th, 2019 to Jan. 16th, 2019.
- Mr. Tsironis will give a special colloquium on January 15, 2019.
Matthias Kling, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich- Host: Alexis Chacon (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Jan. 14th, 2019.
- Visitor will deliver the colloquium talk on January 14, 2019.
Aaron Szasz, University of California, Berkeley- Host: Lukasz Cincio (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Jan. 9th, 2019 to Jan. 11th, 2019.
- Mr. Szasz will deliver the quantum lunch seminar.
Isla Ranganathan, MIT- Host: Balu Nadiga (T-CNLS)
- Visit Dates: Jan. 7th, 2019 to Jan. 11th, 2019.
- Ms. Ranganathan will collaborate on estimation and machine learning techniques for climate modeling.