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       2012 Publications
  • Intravaia, Francesco; Behunin, Ryan. Casimir effect as a sum over modes in dissipative systems. Physical Review A 2012 10.1103/PhysRevA.86.062517
  • Li, Hao; Chernyak, Vladimir Y.; Tretiak, Sergei. Natural Atomic Orbital Representation for Optical Spectra Calculations in the Exciton Scattering Approach. Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2012 10.1021/jz301521p
  • Barua, Dipak; Goldstein, Byron. A Mechanistic Model of Early Fc?RI Signaling: Lipid Rafts and the Question of Protection from Dephosphorylation. PLoS ONE 2012 10.1371/journal.pone.0051669
  • Chern, Gia-Wei; Rahmani, Armin; Martin, Ivar; Batista, Cristian D.. Quantum Hall ice. 2012
  • Hoogeboom, C.; Kevrekidis, P. G.; Saxena, A.; Bishop, A. R.. Discrete breathers in a nonlinear polarizability model of ferroelectrics. Physical Review E 2012 10.1103/PhysRevE.86.066601
  • Duchon, E.; Kato, Y.; Trivedi, N.. Diagnostic for phases and quantum critical regions using deviations from the local fluctuation-dissipation theorem. Physical Review A 2012 10.1103/PhysRevA.86.063608
  • Gupta, Sanju; Saxena, Avadh. Negative Gaussian curvature distribution in physical and biophysical systems—Curved nanocarbons and ion-channel membrane proteins. Journal of Applied Physics 2012 doi:10.1063/1.4768207
  • Giorgi, E E; Bhattacharya, T. A note on two-sample tests for comparing intra-individual genetic sequence diversity between populations. Biometrics 2012 10.1111/j.1541-0420.2012.01775.x
  • Wierschem, Keola; Kato, Yasuyuki; Nishida, Yusuke; Batista, Cristian D., et al. Magnetic and nematic orderings in spin-1 antiferromagnets with single-ion anisotropy. Physical Review B 2012 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.201108
  • Gerbner, Dániel; Lemons, Nathan; Palmer, Cory; Patkós, Balázs, et al. Almost Intersecting Families of Sets. SIAM Journal on Discrete Mathematics 2012 10.1137/120878744
  • Kato, Yasuyuki; Batista, C. D.; Vekhter, I.. Structure of magnetic order in Pauli limited unconventional superconductors. Physical Review B 2012 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.174517
  • Behunin, R. O.; Zeng, Y.; Dalvit, D. A. R.; Reynaud, S.. Electrostatic patch effects in Casimir-force experiments performed in the sphere-plane geometry. Physical Review A 2012 10.1103/PhysRevA.86.052509
  • Ben-Naim, E; Krapivsky, P L. Discrete analogue of the Burgers equation. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 2012 10.1088/1751-8113/45/45/455003
  • Vasseur, R.; Xue, D.; Zhou, Y.; Ettoumi, W., et al. Phase diagram of ferroelastic systems in the presence of disorder: Analytical model and experimental verification. Physical Review B 2012 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.184103
  • Bel, Golan; Hagberg, Aric; Meron, Ehud. Gradual regime shifts in spatially extended ecosystems. Theoretical Ecology 2012 10.1007/s12080-011-0149-6
  • Brandão, Fernando G. S. L.; Christandl, Matthias; Yard, Jon. Erratum to: Faithful Squashed Entanglement. Communications in Mathematical Physics 2012 10.1007/s00220-012-1584-y
  • Mertens, Franz G.; Quintero, Niurka R.; Cooper, Fred; Khare, Avinash, et al. Nonlinear Dirac equation solitary waves in external fields. Physical Review E 2012 10.1103/PhysRevE.86.046602
  • Velizhanin, Kirill A.; Piryatinski, Andrei. Numerical analysis of carrier multiplication mechanisms in nanocrystalline and bulk forms of PbSe and PbS. Physical Review B 2012 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.165319
  • Liu, Xinfei; Wang, Deqi; Wei, Peng; Zhu, Lijun, et al. Effect of carrier mobility on magnetothermoelectric transport properties of graphene. Physical Review B (Condensed Matter and Materials Physics) 2012 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.155414
  • Soler, Miguel A.; Roitberg, Adrian E.; Nelson, Tammie; Tretiak, Sergei, et al. Analysis of State-Specific Vibrations Coupled to the Unidirectional Energy Transfer in Conjugated Dendrimers. Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2012 10.1021/jp301293e
  • Morriss-Andrews, Alex; Bellesia, G.; Shea, J.-E.. β-Sheet Propensity Controls the Kinetic Pathways and Morphologies of Seeded Peptide Aggregation. Journal of Chemical Physics 2012 10.1063/1.4755748
  • Drocco, J.; Lopatina, L. M.; Reichhardt, C.; Olson Reichhardt, C.J.. Dynamics of Self-Driven and Flocking Particles on Periodic Arrays. SPIE Proceedings 2012 10.1117/12.931268
  • Drocco, J.; Reichhardt, C.; Olson Reichhardt, C. J.; Bishop, A. R.. Statics and Dynamics of Wetting-Dewetting Transitions for Particles with Attractive Interactions on Periodic Substrates. SPIE Proceedings 2012 10.1117/12.931272
  • Chern, Gia-Wei; Batista, C. D.. Spontaneous Quantum Hall Effect via a Thermally Induced Quadratic Fermi Point. Physical Review Letters 2012 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.156801
  • Chatterjee, Anushree; Gudej, Jeremie; Perelson, Alan S.. Mathematical Modeling of HCV Infection: What Can it Teach Us in the Direct Antiviral Agents Era?. Antiviral Therapy 2012 10.3851/IMP2428
  • Shepherd, Douglas P.; Sambur, Justin B.; Liang, Yong-Qi; Parkinson, Bruce A., et al. In Situ Studies of Photoluminescence Quenching and Photocurrent Yield in Quantum Dot Sensitized Single Crystal TiO2 and ZnO Electrodes. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2012 10.1021/jp306255g
  • Roy, Dibyendu. Crossover from Fermi-Pasta-Ulam to normal diffusive behavior in heat conduction through open anharmonic lattices. Physical Review E 2012 10.1103/PhysRevE.86.041102
  • Nemenman, Ilya; Gnanakaran, S; Hlavacek, William S; Jiang, Yi, et al. The Fifth Annual q-bio Conference on Cellular Information Processing. Physical Biology 2012 10.1088/1478-3975/9/5/050201
  • Drocco, J A; Wieschaus, E F; Tank, D W. The synthesis–diffusion–degradation model explains Bicoid gradient formation in unfertilized eggs. Physical Biology 2012 10.1088/1478-3975/9/5/055004
  • Chern, Gia-Wei; Fernandes, Rafael M.; Nandkishore, Rahul; Chubukov, Andrey V.. Broken translational symmetry in an emergent paramagnetic phase of graphene. Physical Review B 2012 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.115443
  • Bienstock, Daniel; Chertkov, Michael; Harnett, Sean. Chance Constrained Optimal Power Flow: Risk-Aware Network Control under Uncertainty. arXiv:1209.5779 2012
  • Ueland, B. G.; Miclea, C. F.; Kato, Yasuyuki; Ayala–Valenzuela, O., et al. Controllable chirality-induced geometrical Hall effect in a frustrated highly correlated metal. Nature Communications 2012 10.1038/ncomms2075
  • del Campo, Adolfo; Rams, Marek M.; Zurek, Wojciech H.. Assisted Finite-Rate Adiabatic Passage Across a Quantum Critical Point: Exact Solution for the Quantum Ising Model. Physical Review Letters 2012 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.115703
  • Murphy, MK; Yue, L; Pan, R; Boliar, S, et al. Sequential exposure to specific antibody escape mutations may program neutralization breadth during subtype A HIV-1 infection. Retrovirology 2012 10.1186/1742-4690-9-S2-P104
  • Gnanakaran, G; Tian, J; Sethi, A. Conformational study of quaternary epitope region of V1/V2 loop: influence of disulfide bonds and glycosylations. Retrovirology 2012 10.1186/1742-4690-9-S2-P88
  • Chu, Haijian; Zhou, Caizhi; Wang, Jian; Beyerlein, Irene J.. Misfit Strain Relaxation Mechanisms in Core/Shell Nanowires. JOM 2012 10.1007/s11837-012-0435-9
  • Campo, A. del; Boshier, M. G.. Shortcuts to adiabaticity in a time-dependent box. Scientific Reports 2012 10.1038/srep00648
  • Reichhardt, C.; Drocco, J.; Olson Reichhardt, C.J.; Bishop, A.R.. The effect of pinning on vortex states with attractive and repulsive interactions. Physica C: Superconductivity 2012 10.1016/j.physc.2011.12.029
  • Maienschein-Cline, Mark; Dinner, Aaron R.; Hlavacek, William S.; Mu, Fangping. Improved predictions of transcription factor binding sites using physicochemical features of DNA. Nucleic Acids Research 2012 10.1093/nar/gks771
  • Sethi, Anurag; Tian, Jianhui; Vu, Dung M; Gnanakaran, S. Identification of minimally interacting modules in an intrinsically disordered protein. Biophysical journal 2012 10.1016/j.bpj.2012.06.052
  • Fernandez-Alberti, S.; Roitberg, Adrian E.; Kleiman, Valeria D.; Nelson, T., et al. Shishiodoshi unidirectional energy transfer mechanism in phenylene ethynylene dendrimers. Journal of Chemical Physics 2012 doi:10.1063/1.4745835
  • Ji, Zhengping; Brumby, Steven P.; Kenyon, Garrett; Bettencourt, Luis M. A.. Integrating Bottom-up and Top-down Visual Attention for Object Segmentation. Journal of Vision 2012 10.1167/12.9.926
  • Chertkov, Michael; Kolokolov, Igor; Lebedev, Vladimir. Tail-constraining stochastic linear–quadratic control: a large deviation and statistical physics approach. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2012 10.1088/1742-5468/2012/08/P08007
  • Jess Riedel, C; Zurek, Wojciech H; Zwolak, Michael. The rise and fall of redundancy in decoherence and quantum Darwinism. New Journal of Physics 2012 10.1088/1367-2630/14/8/083010
  • Kamiya, Y.; Batista, C. D.. Formation of Magnetic Microphases in Ca_{3}Co_{2}O_{6}. Physical Review Letters 2012 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.067204
  • Asztalos, Andrea; Daniels, Marcus; Sethi, Anurag; Shen, Tongye, et al. A coarse-grained model for synergistic action of multiple enzymes on cellulose. Biotechnology for Biofuels 2012 10.1186/1754-6834-5-55
  • Karaulanov, T.; Park, B. K.; Budker, D.; Sushkov, A. O.. Pressure broadening and shift of the D_{1} line of Ag by He, Ar, and N_{2}. Physical Review A 2012 10.1103/PhysRevA.86.014503
  • Kilina, Svetlana; Velizhanin, Kirill A.; Ivanov, Sergei; Prezhdo, Oleg V., et al. Surface Ligands Increase Photoexcitation Relaxation Rates in CdSe Quantum Dots. ACS Nano 2012 10.1021/nn302371q
  • Giani, A.; Bent, R.; Hinrichs, M.; McQueen, M., et al. Metrics for assessment of smart grid data integrity attacks. 2012 IEEE Power and Energy Society General Meeting 2012 10.1109/PESGM.2012.6345468
  • Kuntscher, Christine; Rabia, Kaneez; Forthaus, M. K.; Abd-Elmeguid, M. M., et al. Nonmonotonic evolution of the charge gap in ZnV_{2}O_{4} under pressure. Physical Review B 2012 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.020405
  • Kato, Yasuyuki. Quantum Monte-Carlo study of magnetic ordering in ZnV2O4. Proceedings of the 25th Workshop in Computer Simulation Studies in Condensed Matter Physics 2012 10.1016/j.phpro.2012.05.010
  • Faenov, A.Ya.; Skobelev, I.Yu.; Pikuz, T.a.; Pikuz, S.a., et al. X-ray spectroscopy diagnoses of clusters surviving under prepulses of ultra-intense femtosecond laser pulse irradiation. Laser and Particle Beams 2012 10.1017/S0263034612000419
  • Mau, Yair; Hagberg, Aric; Meron, Ehud. Spatial Periodic Forcing Can Displace Patterns It Is Intended to Control. Physical Review Letters 2012 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.034102
  • Kent, J.; Jablonowski, C.; Whitehead, J. P.; Rood, R. B.. Downscale cascades in tracer transport test cases: an intercomparison of the dynamical cores in the Community Atmosphere Model CAM5. Geoscientific Model Development Discussions 2012 10.5194/gmdd-5-1781-2012
  • Altarawneh, M. M.; Chern, G.-W.; Harrison, N.; Batista, C. D., et al. Cascade of Magnetic Field Induced Spin Transitions in LaCoO_{3}. Physical Review Letters 2012 10.1103/PhysRevLett.109.037201
  • Barua, Dipak; Hlavacek, William S.; Lipniacki, Tomasz. A Computational Model for Early Events in B Cell Antigen Receptor Signaling: Analysis of the Roles of Lyn and Fyn. Journal of Immunology 2012 10.4049/jimmunol.1102003
  • Pikuz, T. A.; Faenov, A. Ya; Skobelev, I. Yu; Fortov, V. E., et al. The spectra of the multicharged argon hollow ions: Observation, modeling and using for diagnostics of the early stage of the heating of clusters by a super high contrast femtosecond laser pulses. AIP Conference Proceedings 2012 doi:10.1063/1.4737559
  • Fernandez-Alberti, Sebastian; Roitberg, Adrian E.; Nelson, Tammie; Tretiak, Sergei. Identification of unavoided crossings in nonadiabatic photoexcited dynamics involving multiple electronic states in polyatomic conjugated molecules. Journal of Chemical Physics 2012 doi:10.1063/1.4732536
  • Salje, E K H; Gofryk, K; Safarik, D J; Lashley, J C. Order-parameter coupling in the improper ferroelectric lawsonite. Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter 2012 10.1088/0953-8984/24/25/255901
  • Pietarila Graham, Jonathan; Blackman, Eric G.; Mininni, Pablo D.; Pouquet, Annick. Not much helicity is needed to drive large-scale dynamos. Physical Review E 2012 10.1103/PhysRevE.85.066406
  • Kato, Yasuyuki; Chern, Gia-Wei; Al-Hassanieh, K. A.; Perkins, Natalia B., et al. Orbital Disorder Induced by Charge Fluctuations in Vanadium Spinels. Physical Review Letters 2012 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.247215
  • Huang, Wentao; Ji, Zhengping; Brumby, S.P.; Kenyon, G., et al. Development of invariant feature maps via a computational model of simple and complex cells. 2012 International Joint Conference on Neural Networks (IJCNN) 2012 10.1109/IJCNN.2012.6252521
  • Silva, Andrea X.; Jander, Georg; Samaniego, Horacio; Ramsey, John S, et al. Insecticide Resistance Mechanisms in the Green Peach Aphid Myzus persicae (Hemiptera: Aphididae) I: A Transcriptomic Survey. PLoS ONE 2012 10.1371/journal.pone.0036366
  • Sykes, Andrew G.; Ticknor, Christopher. Coherence and correlation functions of quasi-2D dipolar superfluids at zero temperature. arXiv:1206.1350 2012
  • Aluie, Hussein; Li, Shengtai; Li, Hui. Conservative Cascade of Kinetic Energy in Compressible Turbulence. Astrophysical Journal Letters 2012 10.1088/2041-8205/751/2/L29
  • Ji, Zhengping; Huang, Wentao; Brumby, S.P.. Learning sparse representation via a nonlinear shrinkage encoder and a linear sparse decoder. Neural Networks (IJCNN), The 2012 International Joint Conference on 2012 10.1109/IJCNN.2012.6252810
  • Munsky, Brian; Nemenman, Ilya; Bel, Golan. Erratum: “Specificity and completion time distributions of biochemical processes” [J. Chem. Phys. 131, 235103 (2009)]. Journal of Chemical Physics 2012 doi:10.1063/1.4722990
  • Nesterov, Alexander I.; Berman, Gennady P.. Modeling of low- and high-frequency noise by slow and fast fluctuators. Physical Review A 2012 10.1103/PhysRevA.85.052125
  • Sato, Toshihiro; Kato, Yasuyuki; Suzuki, Takafumi; Kawashima, Naoki. Validity of projected Gross-Pitaevskii simulation: Comparison with quantum Monte Carlo. Physical Review E 2012 10.1103/PhysRevE.85.050105
  • Salje, E. K. H.; Ding, X.; Zhao, Z.; Lookman, T.. How to generate high twin densities in nano-ferroics: Thermal quench and low temperature shear. Applied Physics Letters 2012 10.1063/1.4724192
  • Sargsyan, Ori. Analytical Framework for Identifying and Differentiating Recent Hitchhiking and Severe Bottleneck Effects from Multi-Locus DNA Sequence Data. PLoS ONE 2012 10.1371/journal.pone.0037588
  • Sykes, Andrew G.; Solenov, Dmitry; Mozyrsky, Dmitry. Bloch-Redfield theory of high-temperature magnetic fluctuations in interacting spin systems. Physical Review B 2012 10.1103/PhysRevB.85.174419
  • Kilina, Svetlana; Ramirez, Jessica; Tretiak, Sergei. Brightening of the Lowest Exciton in Carbon Nanotubes via Chemical Functionalization. Nano Letters 2012 10.1021/nl300165w
  • Drocco, Jeffrey A.; Olson Reichhardt, C. J.; Reichhardt, C.. Bidirectional sorting of flocking particles in the presence of asymmetric barriers. Physical Review E 2012 10.1103/PhysRevE.85.056102
  • Ferrie, Christopher; Blume-Kohout, Robin. Estimating the bias of a noisy coin. AIP Conference Proceedings 2012 10.1063/1.3703615
  • White, Claire E.. Pair distribution function analysis of amorphous geopolymer precursors and binders: the importance of complementary molecular simulations. Zeitschrift für Kristallographie 2012 10.1524/zkri.2012.1488
  • Kato, Yasuyuki; Al-Hassanieh, K. A.; Feiguin, A. E.; Timmermans, Eddy, et al. Novel polaron state for single impurity in a bosonic Mott insulator. EPL (Europhysics Letters) 2012 10.1209/0295-5075/98/46003
  • Cooper, Fred; Khare, Avinash; Quintero, Niurka R.; Mertens, Franz G., et al. Forced nonlinear Schrödinger equation with arbitrary nonlinearity. Physical Review E 2012 10.1103/PhysRevE.85.046607
  • Chernyak, Vladimir Y.; Klein, John R.; Sinitsyn, Nikolai A.. Quantization and fractional quantization of currents in periodically driven stochastic systems. I. Average currents. Journal of Chemical Physics 2012 10.1063/1.3703328
  • Chernyak, Vladimir Y.; Klein, John R.; Sinitsyn, Nikolai A.. Quantization and Fractional Quantization of Currents in Periodically Driven Stochastic Systems II: Full Counting Statistics. Journal of Chemical Physics 2012 doi:10.1063/1.3703329
  • Munsky, Brian; Neuert, Gregor; Oudenaarden, Alexander van. Using Gene Expression Noise to Understand Gene Regulation. Science 2012 10.1126/science.1216379
  • Galley, Chad R.; Behunin, Ryan O.; Hu, B. L.. Theory of optomechanics: Oscillator-field model of moving mirrors. 2012
  • Tao, Jianmin; Prasankumar, Rohit P.; Chia, Elbert E. M.; Taylor, Antoinette J., et al. Theory of ultrafast quasiparticle dynamics in high-temperature superconductors: The dependence on pump fluence. Physical Review B 2012 10.1103/PhysRevB.85.144302
  • Johnson, P. A.; Carpenter, B.; Knuth, M.; Kaproth, B. M., et al. Nonlinear dynamical triggering of slow slip on simulated earthquake faults with implications to Earth. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 2012 10.1029/2011JB008594
  • Petrovic, A. P.; Kato, Y.; Sunku, S. S.; Ito, T., et al. Intrinsic Structural Disorder and the Magnetic Ground State in Bulk EuTiO3. arXiv:1204.0150 2012
  • Atanasov, Victor; Dandoloff, Rossen; Saxena, Avadh. Torus in a magnetic field: curvature-induced surface states. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 2012 10.1088/1751-8113/45/10/105307
  • Erdos, Peter L.; Gerbner, Daniel; Lemons, Nathan; Mubayi, Dhruv, et al. Two-Part Set Systems. Electronic Journal of Combinatorics 2012
  • Wolpert, David H.; Harré, Michael; Olbrich, Eckehard; Bertschinger, Nils, et al. Hysteresis effects of changing the parameters of noncooperative games. Physical Review E 2012 10.1103/PhysRevE.85.036102
  • Daub, Eric G.; Ben-Naim, Eli; Guyer, Robert A.; Johnson, Paul A.. Are megaquakes clustered?. Geophysical Research Letters 2012 10.1029/2012GL051465
  • Nag, Ambarish; Monine, Michael; Perelson, Alan S.; Goldstein, Byron. Modeling and Simulation of Aggregation of Membrane Protein LAT with Molecular Variability in the Number of Binding Sites for Cytosolic Grb2-SOS1-Grb2. PLoS ONE 2012 10.1371/journal.pone.0028758
  • Zhou, Caizhi; LeSar, Richard. Dislocation dynamics simulations of the Bauschinger effect in metallic thin films. Computational Materials Science 2012 10.1016/j.commatsci.2011.09.031
  • Zhou, Caizhi; LeSar, Richard. Dislocation dynamics simulations of plasticity in polycrystalline thin films. International Journal of Plasticity 2012 10.1016/j.ijplas.2011.10.001
  • Verspoor, Karin M.; Cohn, Judith D.; Ravikumar, Komandur E.; Wall, Michael E.. Text Mining Improves Prediction of Protein Functional Sites. PLoS ONE 2012 10.1371/journal.pone.0032171
  • Kamiya, Y.; Batista, C. D.. Multiferroic Behavior in Trimerized Mott Insulators. Physical Review Letters 2012 10.1103/PhysRevLett.108.097202
  • Goel, Satyender; Velizhanin, Kirill A.; Piryatinski, Andrei; Ivanov, Sergei A., et al. Ligand Effects on Optical Properties of Small Gold Clusters: A TDDFT Study. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2012 10.1021/jp208732k
  • Nelson, Tammie; Fernandez-Alberti, Sebastian; Chernyak, Vladimir; Roitberg, Adrian E., et al. Nonadiabatic excited-state molecular dynamics: Numerical tests of convergence and parameters. Journal of Chemical Physics 2012 10.1063/1.3680565
  • Reichhardt, C. J. Olson; Libál, A.; Reichhardt, C.. Multi-step ordering in kagome and square artificial spin ice. New Journal of Physics 2012 10.1088/1367-2630/14/2/025006
  • Procaccia, I.; Regev, I.. Coarse-grained theory of a realistic tetrahedral liquid model. EPL (Europhysics Letters) 2012 10.1209/0295-5075/97/36010
  • Khare, Avinash; Saxena, Avadh. Solutions of several coupled discrete models in terms of Lamé polynomials of order one and two. Pramana 2012 10.1007/s12043-011-0215-z
  • Odier, P.; Chen, J.; Ecke, R. E.. Understanding and modeling turbulent fluxes and entrainment in a gravity current. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 2012 10.1016/j.physd.2011.07.010
  • Ben-Naim, E.; Krapivsky, P. L.. Popularity-driven networking. EPL (Europhysics Letters) 2012 10.1209/0295-5075/97/48003
  • Regev, Ido; Ding, Xiangdong; Lookman, Turab. Effective Temperature Thermodynamics and the Glass Transition: Connecting Time-Scales. 2012
  • Shepherd, Douglas P.; Li, Nan; Hong-Geller, Elizabeth; Munsky, Brian, et al. New tools for discovering the role sRNA plays in cellular regulation. Proc. SPIE 8228, Single Molecule Spectroscopy and Superresolution Imaging V 2012 10.1117/12.910540
  • Fischer, Sean A.; Crotty, Angela M.; Kilina, Svetlana V.; Ivanov, Sergei A., et al. Passivating ligand and solvent contributions to the electronic properties of semiconductor nanocrystals. Nanoscale 2012 10.1039/C2NR11398H
  • White, Claire E.; Provis, John L.. Comment on “Structure-Directing Role of Counterions in the Initial Stage of Zeolite Synthesis”. Journal of Physical Chemistry C 2012 10.1021/jp2096373
  • Behunin, R. O.; Intravaia, F.; Dalvit, D. A. R.; Neto, P. A. Maia, et al. Modeling electrostatic patch effects in Casimir force measurements. Physical Review A 2012 10.1103/PhysRevA.85.012504
  • Zhou, Rong; Behunin, Ryan Orson; Lin, Shih-Yuin; Hu, Bei-lok. Autangle: A case of Quantum Narcissism?. arXiv:1201.0541 2012
  • Li, Hui; Stoddard, Mark B.; Wang, Shuyi; Blair, Lily M., et al. Elucidation of Hepatitis C Virus Transmission and Early Diversification by Single Genome Sequencing. PLoS Pathogens 2012 10.1371/journal.ppat.1002880
  • Tian, Jianhui; Sethi, Anurag; Anunciado, Divina; Vu, Dung M., et al. Characterization of a Disordered Protein during Micellation: Interactions of α-Synuclein with Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2012 10.1021/jp210339f
  • Bellesia, Giovanni; Chundawat, Shishir P. S.; Langan, Paul; Redondo, Antonio, et al. Coarse-Grained Model for the Interconversion between Native and Liquid Ammonia-Treated Crystalline Cellulose. Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2012 10.1021/jp300354q
  • Johnson, Matthew P.; Gutfraind, Alexander. Evader Interdiction and Collateral Damage. Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Algorithms for Sensor Systems, Wireless Ad Hoc Networks and Autonomous Mobile Entities 2012 10.1007/978-3-642-28209-6_8
  • Boffetta, Guido; Ecke, Robert E.. Two-Dimensional Turbulence. Annual Review of Fluid Mechanics 2012 10.1146/annurev-fluid-120710-101240
  • Bradonjić, Milan; Lazos, Loukas. Graph-based criteria for spectrum-aware clustering in cognitive radio networks. Ad Hoc Networks 2012 10.1016/j.adhoc.2011.05.009
  • Samaniego, Horacio; Sérandour, Guillaume; Milne, Bruce T.. Analyzing Taylor’s Scaling Law: qualitative differences of social and territorial behavior on colonization/extinction dynamics. Population Ecology 2012 10.1007/s10144-011-0287-0
  • Lou, Chunbo; Stanton, Brynne; Chen, Ying-Ja; Munsky, Brian, et al. Ribozyme-based insulator parts buffer synthetic circuits from genetic context. Nature Biotechnology 2012 10.1038/nbt.2401
  • Whitehead, Jared P.; Doering, Charles R.. Rigid bounds on heat transport by a fluid between slippery boundaries. Journal of Fluid Mechanics 2012 10.1017/jfm.2012.274
  • Ding, X.; Zhao, Z.; Lookman, T.; Saxena, A., et al. High Junction and Twin Boundary Densities in Driven Dynamical Systems. Advanced Materials 2012 10.1002/adma.201200986
  • Zhou, Caizhi; Su, Jung-jung; Graf, Matthias J.; Reichhardt, Charles, et al. Dislocation-induced anomalous softening of solid helium. Philosophical Magazine Letters 2012 10.1080/09500839.2012.704415
  • White, Claire E.; Provis, John L.; Proffen, Thomas; van Deventer, Jannie S. J.. Molecular mechanisms responsible for the structural changes occurring during geopolymerization: Multiscale simulation. AIChE Journal 2012 10.1002/aic.12743
  • Ben-Naim, E.; Krapivsky, P.. Scaling behavior of threshold epidemics. European Physical Journal B - Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 2012 10.1140/epjb/e2012-30117-0
  • Hou, Chang-Yu; Rahmani, Armin; Feiguin, Adrian E.; Chamon, Claudio. Junctions of multiple quantum wires with different Luttinger parameters. Physical Review B 2012 10.1103/PhysRevB.86.075451
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