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Steven Sanche


Systems Biology and Pharmacology

Steven Sanche

Office: TA-3, Bldg 1690, Room 138
Mail Stop: B258
Phone: (505) 664-0565
home page

Research highlight
     Educational Background/Employment:
    • Ph.D. Pharmaceutical Sciences (2018) Understanding HIV Treatment Efficacy and the Pathogenesis of the Disease, Univ. of Montreal
    • M.Sc. Statistics (2008) Gene Interactions in ADHD, Univ. of Montreal
    • M.Sc. Applied Mathematics (2006) Modeling the Dynamics of Bacterial Resistance, Univ. of Montreal
    • Bidisc. B.Sc. Physics and Mathematics (2004) Biophysics, Univ. of Montreal
    • Employment:
      • 2016-2018 Lecturer - Courses in Pharmacokinetics and Statistics, Univ. of Montreal, Montreal, Canada.
      • 2008-2015 Statistician - Biostatistics and Clinical Epidemiology, St. Mary's Research Centre - St. Mary's Hospital, Montreal, Canada.
      • 2005, 2007, 2015-2018 Assistant Teacher - Courses in Statistics and Real Number Analysis, Univ. of Montreal, Montreal, Canada.
    • Professional Training:
      • 2019-2021 Postdoctoral Research Associate - Los Alamos National Laboratory, New Mexico, US.

    Research Interests:

    • Inter- and Intra-Host Viral Dynamics
    • Biological Signal Detection from Large, Noisy Datasets
    • Physiologically-Based Pharmacokinetics and Systems Pharmacology
    • Informing the Dynamics of Complex Biological Systems using Machine Learning Algorithm

    Selected Recent Publications:

      (Past 3 years only)
    1. Sanche, S., Lin, YT, Chonggang, X., Romero-Severson, E., Hengartner, N., Ke, R. High Contagiousness and Rapid Spread of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2, Emerg. Infect. Dis. 26(7):1470-7 (2020).
    2. Kassem, I., Sanche, S., Li, J., Bonnefois, G., Dube, M.-P., Rouleau, J.-L., Tardif J.-C., White, M., Turgeon, J., Nekka, F. Population Pharmacokinetics of Candesartan in Patients with Chronic Heart Failure in Clinical and Translational Science, Clinical and Translational Science. (2020).
    3. Rabanel, JM, Adibnia, V., Tehrani, SF, Sanche, S., Hildgen, P., Banquy, X., Ramassamy, C. Nanoparticle heterogeneity: an emerging structural parameter influencing particle fate in biological media?, Nanoscale. 11(2):383-406 (2019).
    4. Sanche, S., Mesplede, T., Sheehan, N., Li, J., Nekka, F. Exploring an alternative explanation for the second phase of viral decay: Infection of short-lived cells in a drug-limited compartment during HAART, PloS one. 13(7):e0198090 (2018).
    5. Landry, S., Chen, CN, Patel, N., Tseng, A., Lalonde, RG, Thibeault, D., Sanche, S., Sheehan, NL Therapeutic drug monitoring in treatment-experienced HIV-infected patients receiving darunavir-based salvage regimens: A case series, Antiviral Research. 152:111-116 (2018).
    6. Sanche, S., Sheehan, N., Mesplede, T., Wainberg, MA, Li, J., Nekka, F. A mathematical model to predict HIV virological failure and elucidate the role of lymph node drug penetration, CPT: pharmacometrics & systems pharmacology. 6(7):469-76 (2017).
    7. Fortin, M., Haggerty, J., Sanche, S., Almirall, J.Self-reported versus health administrative data: implications for assessing chronic illness burden in populations. A cross-sectional study, CMAJ open. 11(6):E729-33 (2017).
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