Rajan GuptaLANL Fellow Theoretical Division/CNLS Field Theory and Lattice QCD, High Performance Computing, Energy Security, Global Development ![Rajan Gupta](..//photos/Rajan_Gupta.jpg)
Office: TA-3, Bldg 123, Room 126 Mail Stop: B285 Phone: (505) 667-7664 Fax: (505) 665-3700 rajan@lanl.gov home page Research highlight- 1982: First calculation of hadron spectrum detailing finite size corrections and using improved operators.
- 1983: Introduced a novel blocking transformation for 4-dimensional gauge theories. Applied to U(1), SU(2), and SU(3) gauge theories.
- 1984: First calculation of weak matrix elements describing mixing of neutral kaons.
| ![](..//images/e.gif) | Educational Background/Employment:- M.S. in Physics (1975), University of Delhi, Delhi, India
- Ph.D. in Theoretical Physics, 1982, California Institute of Technology
- Employment:
- Research Professor, Electrical and Computer Engineering, Univ. of New Mexico, 2009-
- Group Leader, Elementary Particles and Field Theory (T-8), LANL, 2001-2008
- Program Manager for High Energy Physics at LANL, 2000-Present
- Visiting Lecturer, Caltech, April-June, 1991.
- Staff Scientist, T-8, Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1988-Present
- Guest Professor, University of Wuppertal, March-April 1987
- Professional Training:
- J. Robert Oppenheimer Fellow; Los Alamos National Laboratory: 1985-1988
- Honorary Post-doctoral fellow at Harvard University: 1983-1986
- Post-doctoral fellow at Northeastern University: 1982-1985
Research Interests: -
Standard Model Physics and Lattice QCD
High Performance Computing
Energy and Climate Security
Smart Green Grids
Global Development
Selected Recent Publications: -
A. Bazavov et al. (The HotQCD collaboration)
Equation of State and QCD Transition at Finite Temperature
Physical Review
D80 (2009) 014504
T. Bhattacharya, R. Gupta, W. Lee, S. Sharpe
Scaling behavior of discretization errors in renormalization and improvement constants
Physical Review
D73 (2006) 114507