Hasan Guclu
CNLS Director Funded Postdoctoral Fellow
Computational Statistical Physics
Office: TA-3, Bldg. 1690, Rm 125
Mail Stop: B-258
Phone: (505) 667-6896
Fax: (505) 665-2659
home page
Educational Background/Employment:
- M.Sc. Physics, Middle East Technical University, 2001.
- Ph.D. Physics, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 2005.
- Director Funded Postdoctoral Fellow, CNLS/LANL, October 2005–present.
Research Interests:
- Complex Networks
- Synchronization in Computing Networks
- Computational Epidemiology
- Nonlinear Dynamical Systems, Fermi-Pasta-Ulam problem.
Selected Recent Publications:
- H. Guclu and
G. Korniss, Extreme
Fluctuations in Small-World-Coupled Autonomous Systems with
Relaxational Dynamics , Fluctuation
and Noise Letters 5, L43 (2005).
- S. Eubank, H. Guclu, V.S.A. Kumar, M. Marathe, A. Srinivasan, Z. Toroczkai
and N. Wang,
Modelling Disease Outbreaks in Realistic Urban Social
Networks, Nature 429, 180 (2004).
- G. Korniss, M.A. Novotny, H. Guclu, Z. Toroczkai, P.A. Rikvold,
Suppressing Roughness of Virtual Times in
Parallel Discrete-Event Simulations,
Science 299, 677 (2003).