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       2018 Publications
  • Pal, Nairita; Kurien, Susan; Clark, Timothy; Aslangil, Denis, et al. Two-point spectral model for variable-density homogeneous turbulence. Physical Review Fluids 2018 10.1103/PhysRevFluids.3.124608
  • Craven, Galen T.; He, Dahai; Nitzan, Abraham. Electron-Transfer-Induced Thermal and Thermoelectric Rectification. Physical Review Letters 2018 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.247704
  • Picardo, Jason R.; Vincenzi, Dario; Pal, Nairita; Ray, Samriddhi Sankar. Preferential Sampling of Elastic Chains in Turbulent Flows. Physical Review Letters 2018 10.1103/PhysRevLett.121.244501
  • O’Malley, Daniel; Vesselinov, Velimir V.; Alexandrov, Boian S.; Alexandrov, Ludmil B.. Nonnegative/Binary matrix factorization with a D-Wave quantum annealer. PLOS ONE 2018 10.1371/journal.pone.0206653
  • Caravelli, Francesco; Carbajal, Juan. Memristors for the Curious Outsiders. Technologies 2018 10.3390/technologies6040118
  • Kurtakoti, Prajvala; Veneziani, Milena; Stössel, Achim; Weijer, Wilbert. Preconditioning and Formation of Maud Rise Polynyas in a High-Resolution Earth System Model. Journal of Climate 2018 10.1175/JCLI-D-18-0392.1
  • Amin, Kazi Rafsanjani; Ray, Samriddhi Sankar; Pal, Nairita; Pandit, Rahul, et al. Exotic Multifractal Conductance Fluctuations in Graphene. Communications Physics 2018 10.1038/s42005-017-0001-4
  • Petersen, L. K.. Continent-wide Poverty Estimates of Africa from Synthesized Satellite and Ground-based Data. 2018
  • Srinivasan, Shriram; Hyman, Jeffrey; Karra, Satish; O’Malley, Daniel, et al. Robust system size reduction of discrete fracture networks: a multi-fidelity method that preserves transport characteristics. Computational Geosciences 2018 10.1007/s10596-018-9770-4
  • Lokhov, A. Y.; Deka, D.; Vuffray, M.; Chertkov, M.. Uncovering Power Transmission Dynamic Model from Incomplete PMU Observations. 2018 IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2018 10.1109/CDC.2018.8619606
  • Chacon, Alexis; Zhu, W; Zhu, Jian-Xin; Fauseweh, Benedikt. Ultrafast Laser Driven Many-Body Dynamics and Kondo Coherence Collapse. arXiv 2018
  • Cincio, Lukasz; Subaşı, Yiğit; Sornborger, Andrew T; Coles, Patrick J. Learning the quantum algorithm for state overlap. New Journal of Physics 2018
  • Cincio, Lukasz; Subaşı, Yigit; Sornborger, Andrew T; Coles, Patrick J. Learning the quantum algorithm for state overlap. New Journal of Physics 2018
  • Bailey, Jon A.; Lee, Sunkyu; Lee, Weonjong; Leem, Jaehoon, et al. Updated evaluation of ϵ K in the standard model with lattice QCD inputs. Physical Review D 2018 10.1103/PhysRevD.98.094505
  • Bailey, Jon A.; Lee, Sunkyu; Lee, Weonjong; Leem, Jaehoon, et al. Updated evaluation of ϵ K in the standard model with lattice QCD inputs. Physical Review D 2018 10.1103/PhysRevD.98.094505
  • Sifain, Andrew E; Gifford, Brendan J; Gao, David W; Lystrom, Levi, et al. NEXMD Modeling of Photoisomerization Dynamics of 4-Styrylquinoline. The Journal of Physical Chemistry A 2018
  • Suwa, Hidemaro; Smith, Justin S.; Lubbers, Nicholas; Batista, Cristian D., et al. Machine learning for molecular dynamics with strongly correlated electrons. 2018 10.1103/PhysRevB.99.161107
  • Venkatachalam, Saravanan; Sundar, Kaarthik; Rathinam, Sivakumar. A Two-Stage Approach for Routing Multiple Unmanned Aerial Vehicles with Stochastic Fuel Consumption. Sensors (Basel, Switzerland) 2018 10.3390/s18113756
  • Petersen, Lillian. Real-Time Prediction of Crop Yields From MODIS Relative Vegetation Health: A Continent-Wide Analysis of Africa. Remote Sensing 2018 10.3390/rs10111726
  • Madathil, S. Chalil; Yamangil, E.; Nagarajan, H.; Barnes, A., et al. Resilient Off-Grid Microgrids: Capacity Planning and N-1 Security. IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid 2018 10.1109/TSG.2017.2715074
  • Huang, Wenwen; Lin, Yen Ting; Frömberg, Daniela; Shin, Jaeoh, et al. Exactly solvable dynamics of forced polymer loops. New Journal of Physics 2018 10.1088/1367-2630/aae8f0
  • Saha, Avishek; Gifford, Brendan J; He, Xiaowei; Ao, Geyou, et al. Narrow-band single-photon emission through selective aryl functionalization of zigzag carbon nanotubes. Nature chemistry 2018
  • Sweeney, Matthew R.; Grosso, Zachary S.; Valentine, Greg A.. Topographic controls on a phreatomagmatic maar-diatreme eruption: field and numerical results from the Holocene Dotsero volcano (Colorado, USA). Bulletin of Volcanology 2018 10.1007/s00445-018-1253-x
  • Tews, Ingo; Margueron, Jerome; Kumar Reddy, Sanjay. Confronting gravitational-wave observations with modern nuclear physics constraints from chiral effective field theory. Bulletin of the American Physical Society 2018
  • Tews, I.; Margueron, J.; Reddy, S.. Critical examination of constraints on the equation of state of dense matter obtained from GW170817. Physical Review C 2018 10.1103/PhysRevC.98.045804
  • Rohs, Patricia D. A.; Buss, Jackson; Sim, Sue I.; Squyres, Georgia R., et al. A central role for PBP2 in the activation of peptidoglycan polymerization by the bacterial cell elongation machinery. PLOS Genetics 2018 10.1371/journal.pgen.1007726
  • McNerney, James; Savoie, Charles; Caravelli, Francesco; Farmer, J. Doyne. How production networks amplify economic growth. arXiv:1810.07774 [physics, q-fin] 2018
  • Doddi, Harish; Talukdar, Saurav; Deka, Deepjyoti; Salapaka, Murti. Data-driven identification of a thermal network in multi-zone building. 2018
  • Neale, Chris; García, Angel E.. Methionine 170 is an Environmentally Sensitive Membrane Anchor in the Disordered HVR of K-Ras4B. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2018 10.1021/acs.jpcb.8b07919
  • Deka, Deepjyoti; Vishwanath, Sriram; Baldick, Ross. Topological vulnerability of power grids to disasters: Bounds, adversarial attacks and reinforcement. PLOS ONE 2018 10.1371/journal.pone.0204815
  • Cao, Youfang; Cartwright, Emily K.; Silvestri, Guido; Perelson, Alan S.. CD8+ lymphocyte control of SIV infection during antiretroviral therapy. PLOS Pathogens 2018 10.1371/journal.ppat.1007350
  • Civciristov, Srgjan; Ellisdon, Andrew M.; Suderman, Ryan; Pon, Cindy K., et al. Preassembled GPCR signaling complexes mediate distinct cellular responses to ultralow ligand concentrations. Science Signaling 2018 10.1126/scisignal.aan1188
  • Smith, Justin; Roitberg, Adrian; Isayev, Olexandr. Transforming Computational Drug Discovery with Machine Learning and AI. ACS medicinal chemistry letters 2018
  • Aboushelbaya, R.; Savin, A. F.; Ceurvorst, L.; Sadler, J., et al. Single-shot frequency-resolved optical gating for retrieving the pulse shape of high energy picosecond pulses. Review of Scientific Instruments 2018 10.1063/1.5044526
  • Park, S.; Deka, D.; chertkov, M.. Learning in Power Distribution Grids under Correlated Injections. 2018 52nd Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers 2018 10.1109/ACSSC.2018.8645102
  • Wang, Bingyu; Rathinam, Sivakumar; Sharma, Rajnikant; Sundar, Kaarthik. Algorithms for Localization and Routing of Unmanned Vehicles in GPS-Denied Environments. 2018 10.1115/DSCC2018-8949
  • Carpenter, Timothy S.; López, Cesar A.; Neale, Chris; Montour, Cameron, et al. Capturing Phase Behavior of Ternary Lipid Mixtures with a Refined Martini Coarse-Grained Force Field. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2018 10.1021/acs.jctc.8b00496
  • Carpenter, Timothy S.; López, Cesar A.; Neale, Chris; Montour, Cameron, et al. Capturing Phase Behavior of Ternary Lipid Mixtures with a Refined Martini Coarse-Grained Force Field. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2018 10.1021/acs.jctc.8b00496
  • Craven, Galen T.; Chen, Renai; Nitzan, Abraham. Upside/Downside statistical mechanics of nonequilibrium Brownian motion. II. Heat transfer and energy partitioning of a free particle. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2018 10.1063/1.5045361
  • Lin, Wei-Cheng; Chakraborty, Archan; Huang, Shih-Chia; Wang, Pei-Yu, et al. Histidine-Dependent Protein Methylation Is Required for Compartmentalization of CTP Synthase. Cell Reports 2018 10.1016/j.celrep.2018.08.007
  • Sarovar, Mohan; Parekh, Ojas D; Somma, Rolando; Subasi, Yigit, et al. Quantum Optimization and Learning and Simulation.. SAND2018-10467C 2018
  • Deka, D.; Backhaus, S.; Chertkov, M.. Structure Learning in Power Distribution Networks. IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems 2018 10.1109/TCNS.2017.2673546
  • Chen, Yize; Tan, Yushi; Deka, Deepjyoti. Is Machine Learning in Power Systems Vulnerable?. arXiv:1808.08197 [cs] 2018
  • Watts, Anna L.; Yu, WenFei; Poutanen, Juri; Zhang, Shu, et al. Dense matter with eXTP. Science China Physics, Mechanics & Astronomy 2018 10.1007/s11433-017-9188-4
  • Weight, Braden; Gifford, Brendan; Tretiak, Sergei; Kilina, Svetlana. Chemical defects in (10, 5) single-walled carbon nanotubes: Position vs. polarity of covalently attached groups. 2018
  • Sifain, Andrew E.; Lubbers, Nicholas; Nebgen, Benjamin T.; Smith, Justin S., et al. Discovering a Transferable Charge Assignment Model Using Machine Learning. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters 2018 10.1021/acs.jpclett.8b01939
  • Cheng, Wei; Weijer, Wilbert; Kim, Who M.; Danabasoglu, Gokhan, et al. Can the Salt-Advection Feedback Be Detected in Internal Variability of the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation?. Journal of Climate 2018 10.1175/JCLI-D-17-0825.1
  • Gibbon, John D.; Gupta, Anupam; Pal, Nairita; Pandit, Rahul. The role of BKM-type theorems in 3 D Euler, Navier–Stokes and Cahn–Hilliard–Navier–Stokes analysis. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 2018 10.1016/j.physd.2017.11.007
  • Nagarajan, Harsha; Sundar, Kaarthik; Hijazi, Hassan; Bent, Russell. Convex Hull Formulations for Mixed-Integer Multilinear Functions. 2018 10.1063/1.5090004
  • Miller, Jonah Maxwell (ORCID:0000000164327860); Ryan, Benjamin Ransom (ORCID:0000000189394461); Dolence, Joshua C. (ORCID:0000000343538751); Fryer, Christopher Lee (ORCID:0000000326240056). Neutron Star Mergers and Neutrino Driven Accretion Flows [PowerPoint]. 2018
  • He, Xiaowei; Velizhanin, Kirill A; Bullard, George; Bai, Yusong, et al. Solvent- and Wavelength-Dependent Photoluminescence Relaxation Dynamics of Carbon Nanotube sp3 Defect States. ACS nano 2018
  • Caravelli, Francesco. The mise en scéne of memristive networks: effective memory, dynamics and learning. International Journal of Parallel, Emergent and Distributed Systems 2018 10.1080/17445760.2017.1320796
  • Caravelli, F.; Barucca, P.. A mean-field model of memristive circuit interaction. EPL (Europhysics Letters) 2018 10.1209/0295-5075/122/40008
  • Chacón, Alexis; Zhu, Wei; Kelly, Shane; Dauphin, Alexandre, et al. Observing Topological Phase Transitions with High Harmonic Generation. Pre-print ArXiv 2018
  • Lao, Yuyang; Caravelli, Francesco; Sheikh, Mohammed; Sklenar, Joseph, et al. Classical topological order in the kinetics of artificial spin ice. Nature Physics 2018 10.1038/s41567-018-0077-0
  • Bokes, Pavol; Lin, Yen Ting; Singh, Abhyudai. High Cooperativity in Negative Feedback can Amplify Noisy Gene Expression. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 2018 10.1007/s11538-018-0438-y
  • Tews, I.; Carlson, J.; Gandolfi, S.; Reddy, S.. Constraining the Speed of Sound inside Neutron Stars with Chiral Effective Field Theory Interactions and Observations. The Astrophysical Journal 2018 10.3847/1538-4357/aac267
  • Sifain, Andrew E; Bjorgaard, Josiah A; Nelson, Tammie R; Nebgen, Benjamin T, et al. Photoexcited nonadiabatic dynamics of solvated push–pull π-conjugated oligomers with the NEXMD software. Journal of chemical theory and computation 2018
  • O'Malley, C.; Roald, L.; Kourounis, D.; Schenk, O., et al. Security Assessment in Gas-Electric Networks. 2018 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) 2018 10.23919/PSCC.2018.8442923
  • Molzahn, D. K.; Roald, L. A.. Towards an AC Optimal Power Flow Algorithm with Robust Feasibility Guarantees. 2018 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) 2018 10.23919/PSCC.2018.8442889
  • Jiang, Xue; Zerfaß, Christian; Feng, Song; Eichmann, Ruth, et al. Impact of spatial organization on a novel auxotrophic interaction among soil microbes. The ISME Journal 2018 10.1038/s41396-018-0095-z
  • Travers, Timothy; López, Cesar A.; Van, Que N.; Neale, Chris, et al. Molecular recognition of RAS/RAF complex at the membrane: Role of RAF cysteine-rich domain. Scientific Reports 2018 10.1038/s41598-018-26832-4
  • Lin, Yen Ting; Chylek, Lily A.; Lemons, Nathan W.; Hlavacek, William S.. Using Equation-Free Computation to Accelerate Network-Free Stochastic Simulation of Chemical Kinetics. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2018 10.1021/acs.jpcb.8b02960
  • Lin, Yen Ting; Chylek, Lily A.; Lemons, Nathan W.; Hlavacek, William S.. Using Equation-Free Computation to Accelerate Network-Free Stochastic Simulation of Chemical Kinetics. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2018 10.1021/acs.jpcb.8b02960
  • Miner, Jacob Carlson; García, Angel Enrique. Concentration-dependent and configuration-dependent interactions of monovalent ions with an RNA tetraloop. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2018 10.1063/1.5019939
  • Mathew, Nithin; Kroonblawd, Matthew P.; Sewell, Tommy; Thompson, Donald L.. Predicted melt curve and liquid-state transport properties of TATB from molecular dynamics simulations. Molecular Simulation 2018 10.1080/08927022.2017.1418084
  • Smith, Justin S.; Nebgen, Ben; Lubbers, Nicholas; Isayev, Olexandr, et al. Less is more: Sampling chemical space with active learning. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2018 10.1063/1.5023802
  • Chacon, Alexis; Osika, EN; Suarez, Noslen; Ortmann, Lisa, et al. Wannier-Bloch approach to localization in high-order harmonic generation in solids. 2018
  • Roald, L.; Andersson, G.. Chance-Constrained AC Optimal Power Flow: Reformulations and Efficient Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 2018 10.1109/TPWRS.2017.2745410
  • Mashayekh, S.; Stadler, M.; Cardoso, G.; Heleno, M., et al. Security-Constrained Design of Isolated Multi-Energy Microgrids. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 2018 10.1109/TPWRS.2017.2748060
  • Gifford, Brendan J; Sifain, Andrew E; Htoon, Han; Doorn, Stephen K, et al. Correction scheme for comparison of computed and experimental optical transition energies in functionalized single-walled carbon nanotubes. The journal of physical chemistry letters 2018
  • Ye, Libin; Neale, Chris; Sljoka, Adnan; Lyda, Brent, et al. Mechanistic insights into allosteric regulation of the A 2A adenosine G protein-coupled receptor by physiological cations. Nature Communications 2018 10.1038/s41467-018-03314-9
  • Lao, Yuyang; Caravelli, Francesco; Sheikh, Mohammed; Sklenar, Joseph, et al. Classical topological order in the kinetics of artificial spin ice. Nature Physics 2018 10.1038/s41567-018-0077-0
  • Lao, Yuyang; Caravelli, Francesco; Sheikh, Mohammed; Sklenar, Joseph, et al. Classical topological order in the kinetics of artificial spin ice. Nature Physics 2018 10.1038/s41567-018-0077-0
  • Gholam-Mirzaei, Shima; Beetar, John E.; Chacón, Alexis; Chini, Michael. High-harmonic generation in ZnO driven by self-compressed mid-infrared pulses. JOSA B 2018 10.1364/JOSAB.35.000A27
  • Gholam-Mirzaei, Shima; Beetar, John E.; Chacón, Alexis; Chini, Michael. High-harmonic generation in ZnO driven by self-compressed mid-infrared pulses. JOSA B 2018 10.1364/JOSAB.35.000A27
  • Chacón, Alexis; Suárez, Noslen; Pisanty, Emilio; Ortmann, Lisa, et al. Above-threshold ionization in multicenter molecules: The role of the initial state. Physical Review A 2018
  • Chacon, Alexis; Ciappina, MF; Pérez-Hernández, JA; Ortmann, L, et al. Emergence of a Higher Energy Structure in Strong Field Ionization with Inhomogeneous Laser Fields. 2018
  • McSkimming, Alex; Su, Jing; Cheisson, Thibault; Gau, Michael R., et al. Coordination Chemistry of a Strongly-Donating Hydroxylamine with Early Actinides: An Investigation of Redox Properties and Electronic Structure. Inorganic Chemistry 2018 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b03238
  • McSkimming, Alex; Su, Jing; Cheisson, Thibault; Gau, Michael R., et al. Coordination Chemistry of a Strongly-Donating Hydroxylamine with Early Actinides: An Investigation of Redox Properties and Electronic Structure. Inorganic Chemistry 2018 10.1021/acs.inorgchem.7b03238
  • Efimov, Dmitry K.; Maksymov, Artur; Prauzner-Bechcicki, Jakub S.; Thiede, Jan, et al. Restricted space ab initio models for double ionization by strong laser pulses. arXiv:1803.08364 [physics] 2018
  • Efimov, Dmitry K.; Maksymov, Artur; Prauzner-Bechcicki, Jakub S.; Thiede, Jan, et al. Restricted space ab initio models for double ionization by strong laser pulses. arXiv:1803.08364 [physics] 2018
  • Lubbers, Nicholas; Smith, Justin S.; Barros, Kipton. Hierarchical modeling of molecular energies using a deep neural network. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2018 10.1063/1.5011181
  • Disrud, Brendon; Han, Yulun; Gifford, Brendan J; Kilin, Dmitri S. Molecular dynamics of reactions between (4, 0) zigzag carbon nanotube and hydrogen peroxide under extreme conditions. Molecular Physics 2018
  • Hari, Sai Krishna Kanth; Sundar, Kaarthik; Nagarajan, Harsha; Bent, Russell, et al. Hierarchical Predictive Control Algorithms for Optimal Design and Operation of Microgrids. 2018
  • Díaz, S. A.; Reichhardt, C.; Arovas, D. P.; Saxena, A., et al. Avalanches and Criticality in Driven Magnetic Skyrmions. Physical Review Letters 2018 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.117203
  • Díaz, S. A.; Reichhardt, C.; Arovas, D. P.; Saxena, A., et al. Avalanches and Criticality in Driven Magnetic Skyrmions. Physical Review Letters 2018 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.117203
  • Deblonde Gauthier J.‐P.; Kelley Morgan P.; Su Jing; Batista Enrique R., et al. Spectroscopic and Computational Characterization of Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic Acid/Transplutonium Chelates: Evidencing Heterogeneity in the Heavy Actinide(III) Series. Angewandte Chemie 2018 10.1002/ange.201709183
  • Deblonde Gauthier J.‐P.; Kelley Morgan P.; Su Jing; Batista Enrique R., et al. Spectroscopic and Computational Characterization of Diethylenetriaminepentaacetic Acid/Transplutonium Chelates: Evidencing Heterogeneity in the Heavy Actinide(III) Series. Angewandte Chemie 2018 10.1002/ange.201709183
  • Suderman, Ryan; Fricke, G. Matthew; Hlavacek, William S.. Using RuleBuilder to graphically define and visualize BioNetGen-language patterns and reaction rules. arXiv:1803.05012 [q-bio] 2018
  • Nebgen, Ben; Lubbers, Nick; Smith, Justin S.; Sifain, Andrew, et al. Transferable Molecular Charge Assignment Using Deep Neural Networks. arXiv:1803.04395 [physics] 2018
  • Park, Sejun; Deka, Deepjyoti; Backhaus, Scott; Chertkov, Michael. Learning with End-Users in Distribution Grids: Topology and Parameter Estimation. arXiv:1803.04812 [cs] 2018
  • Talukdar, Saurav; Deka, Deepjyoti; Chertkov, Michael; Salapaka, Murti. Topology Learning of Radial Dynamical Systems with Latent Nodes. arXiv:1803.02793 [cs] 2018
  • Wang, Zhentao; Chern, Gia-Wei; Batista, Cristian D.; Barros, Kipton. Gradient-based stochastic estimation of the density matrix. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2018 10.1063/1.5017741
  • Wang, Zhentao; Chern, Gia-Wei; Batista, Cristian D.; Barros, Kipton. Gradient-based stochastic estimation of the density matrix. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2018 10.1063/1.5017741
  • Chowdhury, Anirban Narayan; Subasi, Yigit; Somma, Rolando D. Improved implementation of reflection operators. arXiv e-prints 2018
  • Ahn, S.; Chertkov, M.; Gelfand, A. E.; Park, S., et al. Maximum Weight Matching Using Odd-Sized Cycles: Max-Product Belief Propagation and Half-Integrality. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 2018 10.1109/TIT.2017.2788038
  • Zhu, Guanyu; Subaşı, Yigit; Whitfield, James D; Hafezi, Mohammad. Hardware-efficient fermionic simulation with a cavity–QED system. npj Quantum Information 2018
  • Gopakumar, Abhijith M.; Balachandran, Prasanna V.; Xue, Dezhen; Gubernatis, James E., et al. Multi-objective Optimization for Materials Discovery via Adaptive Design. Scientific Reports 2018 10.1038/s41598-018-21936-3
  • Gopakumar, Abhijith M.; Balachandran, Prasanna V.; Xue, Dezhen; Gubernatis, James E., et al. Multi-objective Optimization for Materials Discovery via Adaptive Design. Scientific Reports 2018 10.1038/s41598-018-21936-3
  • Amin, Kazi Rafsanjani; Ray, Samriddhi Sankar; Pal, Nairita; Pandit, Rahul, et al. Exotic multifractal conductance fluctuations in graphene. Communications Physics 2018 10.1038/s42005-017-0001-4
  • Sundar, Kaarthik; Srinivasan, Shriram; Misra, Sohum; Rathinam, Sivakumar, et al. Landmark Placement for Localization in a GPS-denied Environment. 2018
  • Chacón, Alexis; Ruiz, Camilo. Attosecond delay in the molecular photoionization of asymmetric molecules. Optics Express 2018 10.1364/OE.26.004548
  • Chacón, Alexis; Ruiz, Camilo. Attosecond delay in the molecular photoionization of asymmetric molecules. Optics Express 2018 10.1364/OE.26.004548
  • Lin, Yen Ting; Hufton, Peter G.; Lee, Esther J.; Potoyan, Davit A.. A stochastic and dynamical view of pluripotency in mouse embryonic stem cells. PLOS Computational Biology 2018 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1006000
  • Katz, Daniel S.; Niemeyer, Kyle E.; Gesing, Sandra; Hwang, Lorraine, et al. Report on the Fourth Workshop on Sustainable Software for Science: Practice and Experiences (WSSSPE4). Journal of Open Research Software 2018 10.5334/jors.184
  • Cui, Tianyu; Caravelli, Francesco; Ududec, Cozmin. Correlations and clustering in wholesale electricity markets. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 2018 10.1016/j.physa.2017.11.077
  • Cui, Tianyu; Caravelli, Francesco; Ududec, Cozmin. Correlations and clustering in wholesale electricity markets. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 2018 10.1016/j.physa.2017.11.077
  • Lin, Shi-Zeng; Batista, Cristian D.. Face Centered Cubic and Hexagonal Close Packed Skyrmion Crystals in Centrosymmetric Magnets. Physical Review Letters 2018 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.077202
  • Bjorgaard, J. A.; Sheppard, D.; Tretiak, S.; Niklasson, A. M. N.. Extended Lagrangian Excited State Molecular Dynamics. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2018 10.1021/acs.jctc.7b00857
  • Lin, Shi-Zeng; Batista, Cristian D.. Face Centered Cubic and Hexagonal Close Packed Skyrmion Crystals in Centrosymmetric Magnets. Physical Review Letters 2018 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.077202
  • Bjorgaard, J. A.; Sheppard, D.; Tretiak, S.; Niklasson, A. M. N.. Extended Lagrangian Excited State Molecular Dynamics. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation 2018 10.1021/acs.jctc.7b00857
  • Yuan Ruihao; Liu Zhen; Balachandran Prasanna V.; Xue Deqing, et al. Accelerated Discovery of Large Electrostrains in BaTiO3‐Based Piezoelectrics Using Active Learning. Advanced Materials 2018 10.1002/adma.201702884
  • Yuan Ruihao; Liu Zhen; Balachandran Prasanna V.; Xue Deqing, et al. Accelerated Discovery of Large Electrostrains in BaTiO3‐Based Piezoelectrics Using Active Learning. Advanced Materials 2018 10.1002/adma.201702884
  • Travers, Timothy; Wang, Katherine J.; López, Cesar A.; Gnanakaran, S.. Sequence- and structure-based computational analyses of Gram-negative tripartite efflux pumps in the context of bacterial membranes. Research in Microbiology 2018 10.1016/j.resmic.2018.01.002
  • Amar, J. G.; Ben-Naim, E.; Davis, S. M.; Krapivsky, P. L.. Extinction and survival in two-species annihilation. Physical Review E 2018 10.1103/PhysRevE.97.022112
  • López, Cesar A.; Unkefer, Clifford J.; Swanson, Basil I.; Swanson, Jessica M. J., et al. Membrane perturbing properties of toxin mycolactone from Mycobacterium ulcerans. PLOS Computational Biology 2018 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005972
  • Neale, Chris; García, Angel. The Membrane Tether of the RAS Signaling Protein Drives Nanoclustering by Fly-Casting for Anionic Lipids. Biophysical Journal 2018 10.1016/j.bpj.2017.11.1589
  • Das, Payel; Chakrabarty, Srirupa; Chacko, Anita; Murray, Brian, et al. An in Silico Investigation of Amyloid Beta with a Focus on N-Terminus: from Structure to Amyloid Inhibitor Design. Biophysical Journal 2018 10.1016/j.bpj.2017.11.3177
  • Suderman, Ryan; Mitra, Eshan D.; Lin, Yen Ting; Erickson, Keesha E., et al. Generalizing Gillespie's direct method to enable network-free simulations. arXiv:1801.10227 [q-bio] 2018
  • Craven, Galen T.; Nitzan, Abraham. Upside/Downside statistical mechanics of nonequilibrium Brownian motion. I. Distributions, moments, and correlation functions of a free particle. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2018 10.1063/1.5007854
  • Hsiang, J-T; Chou, Chung Hsien; Subaşı, Yigit; Hu, Bei Lok. Quantum thermodynamics from the nonequilibrium dynamics of open systems: Energy, heat capacity, and the third law. Physical Review E 2018
  • Ng, Yeesian; Misra, Sidhant; Roald, Line A.; Backhaus, Scott. Statistical Learning For DC Optimal Power Flow. 2018
  • Rodriguez-Lopez, Pablo; Kort-Kamp, Wilton J. M.; Dalvit, Diego A. R.; Woods, Lilia M.. Nonlocal optical response in topological phase transitions in the graphene family. Physical Review Materials 2018 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.2.014003
  • Sundar Kaarthik; Coffrin Carleton; Nagarajan Harsha; Bent Russell. Probabilistic N‐k failure‐identification for power systems. Networks 2018 10.1002/net.21806
  • Rodriguez-Lopez, Pablo; Kort-Kamp, Wilton J. M.; Dalvit, Diego A. R.; Woods, Lilia M.. Nonlocal optical response in topological phase transitions in the graphene family. Physical Review Materials 2018 10.1103/PhysRevMaterials.2.014003
  • Libál, A.; Nisoli, C.; Reichhardt, C. J. O.; Reichhardt, C.. Inner Phases of Colloidal Hexagonal Spin Ice. Physical Review Letters 2018 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.027204
  • Libál, A.; Nisoli, C.; Reichhardt, C. J. O.; Reichhardt, C.. Inner Phases of Colloidal Hexagonal Spin Ice. Physical Review Letters 2018 10.1103/PhysRevLett.120.027204
  • Ásgeirsson, Vilhjálmur; Arnaldsson, Andri; Jónsson, Hannes. Efficient evaluation of atom tunneling combined with electronic structure calculations. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2018 10.1063/1.5007180
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