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       2003 Publications
  • Batista, C. D.; Bonča, J.; Gubernatis, J. E.. Itinerant ferromagnetism in the periodic Anderson model. Physical Review B 2003 10.1103/PhysRevB.68.214430
  • Vanossi, A.; Röder, J.; Bishop, A. R.; Bortolani, V.. Commensurate sliding on a multiple-well substrate potential. Materials Science and Engineering: C 2003 10.1016/j.msec.2003.09.135
  • Chowell, G.; Hyman, J. M.; Eubank, S.; Castillo-Chavez, C.. Scaling laws for the movement of people between locations in a large city. Physical Review E 2003 10.1103/PhysRevE.68.066102
  • Tiampo, K. F.; Rundle, J. B.; Klein, W.; Martins, J. S. Sá, et al. Ergodic Dynamics in a Natural Threshold System. Physical Review Letters 2003 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.238501
  • Frauenfelder, Hans. Science with Gunny. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications 2003 10.1016/j.bbrc.2003.09.187
  • Eyink, Gregory L.; Chen, Shiyi; Chen, Qiaoning. Gibbsian Hypothesis in Turbulence. Journal of Statistical Physics 2003 10.1023/A:1027304501435
  • Frisch, U.; Matsumoto, T.; Bec, J.. Singularities of Euler Flow? Not Out of the Blue!. Journal of Statistical Physics 2003 10.1023/A:1027308602344
  • Holm, Darryl D.; Putkaradze, Vakhtang; Weidman, Patrick D.; Wingate, Beth A.. Boundary Effects on Exact Solutions of the Lagrangian-Averaged Navier–Stokes-α Equations. Journal of Statistical Physics 2003 10.1023/A:1027364720090
  • Ben-Naim, E; Krapivsky, P. L; Vazquez, F; Redner, S. Unity and discord in opinion dynamics. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications 2003 10.1016/j.physa.2003.08.027
  • ben-Avraham, Daniel; Ben-Naim, Eli; Lindenberg, Katja; Rosas, Alexandre. Self-similarity in random collision processes. Physical Review E 2003 10.1103/PhysRevE.68.050103
  • Maniadis, P.; Kalosakas, G.; Rasmussen, K. Ø.; Bishop, A. R.. Polaron normal modes in the Peyrard-Bishop-Holstein model. Physical Review B 2003 10.1103/PhysRevB.68.174304
  • Tretiak, S.; Chernyak, V.. Resonant nonlinear polarizabilities in the time-dependent density functional theory. Journal of Chemical Physics 2003 10.1063/1.1614240
  • Holm, Darryl D.; Nadiga, Balasubramanya T.. Modeling Mesoscale Turbulence in the Barotropic Double-Gyre Circulation. Journal of Physical Oceanography 2003 2.0.CO;2 target="_blank">10.1175/1520-0485(2003)033<2355:MMTITB>2.0.CO;2
  • Zhou, Changsong; Kurths, Jürgen; Neufeld, Zoltán; Kiss, István Z.. Noise-Sustained Coherent Oscillation of Excitable Media in a Chaotic Flow. Physical Review Letters 2003 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.150601
  • Reichhardt, C.; Olson Reichhardt, C. J.. Temperature and ac effects on charge transport in arrays of metallic dots. Physical Review B 2003 10.1103/PhysRevB.68.165305
  • Reichhardt, C.; Olson Reichhardt, C. J.. Absolute transverse mobility and ratchet effect on periodic two-dimensional symmetric substrates. Physical Review E 2003 10.1103/PhysRevE.68.046102
  • Saxena, A.; Lookman, T.; Bishop, A. R.; Shenoy, S. R.. Computational modeling of martensite: Emerging new paradigms. Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings) 2003 10.1051/jp4:2003841
  • Lookman, T.; Shenoy, S. R.; Rasmussen, K. O.; Saxena, A., et al. On dynamics of ferroelastic transitions. Journal de Physique IV (Proceedings) 2003 10.1051/jp4:2003864
  • Kalosakas, G.; Bishop, A. R.. Intrinsic inhomogeneity due to nonlinearity. Physica B: Condensed Matter 2003 10.1016/S0921-4526(03)00466-6
  • Holm, D. D.; Hone, A. N. W.. Nonintegrability of a Fifth-Order Equation with Integrable Two-Body Dynamics. Theoretical and Mathematical Physics 2003 10.1023/A:1026060924520
  • Ben-Naim, E.; Krapivsky, P. L.. Exchange-driven growth. Physical Review E 2003 10.1103/PhysRevE.68.031104
  • Kiss, I. Z.; Merkin, J. H.; Neufeld, Z.. Combustion initiation and extinction in a 2D chaotic flow. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 2003 10.1016/S0167-2789(03)00172-6
  • Ben-Naim, E.; Krapivsky, P. L.; Redner, S.. Bifurcations and patterns in compromise processes. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 2003 10.1016/S0167-2789(03)00171-4
  • Chowell, G.; Fenimore, P. W.; Castillo-Garsow, M. A.; Castillo-Chavez, C.. SARS outbreaks in Ontario, Hong Kong and Singapore: the role of diagnosis and isolation as a control mechanism. Journal of Theoretical Biology 2003 10.1016/S0022-5193(03)00228-5
  • Kevrekidis, P. G; Malomed, B. A; Saxena, A; Bishop, A. R, et al. Higher-order lattice diffraction: solitons in the discrete NLS equation with next-nearest-neighbor interactions. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 2003 10.1016/S0167-2789(03)00178-7
  • Hastings, M. B.. Mean-Field and Anomalous Behavior on a Small-World Network. Physical Review Letters 2003 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.098701
  • Taylor, Mark A.; Kurien, Susan; Eyink, Gregory L.. Recovering isotropic statistics in turbulence simulations: The Kolmogorov 4/5th law. Physical Review E 2003 10.1103/PhysRevE.68.026310
  • Neufeld, Zoltán; Kiss, István Z.; Zhou, Changsong; Kurths, Jürgen. Synchronization and Oscillator Death in Oscillatory Media with Stirring. Physical Review Letters 2003 10.1103/PhysRevLett.91.084101
  • Kalosakas, G.; Bishop, A. R.; Kenkre, V. M.. Multiple-timescale quantum dynamics of many interacting bosons in a dimer. Journal of Physics B: Atomic, Molecular and Optical Physics 2003 10.1088/0953-4075/36/15/305
  • Kalosakas, G.; Bishop, A. R.; Kenkre, V. M.. Small-tunneling-amplitude boson-Hubbard dimer. II. Dynamics. Physical Review A 2003 10.1103/PhysRevA.68.023602
  • Krapivsky, P. L.; Ben-Naim, E.. Shattering transitions in collision-induced fragmentation. Physical Review E 2003 10.1103/PhysRevE.68.021102
  • Batista, C. D.; Bonča, J.; Gubernatis, J. E.. Ferromagnetism in the strong hybridization regime of the periodic Anderson model. Physical Review B 2003 10.1103/PhysRevB.68.064403
  • Qiao, Zhijun. The Camassa-Holm Hierarchy, N-Dimensional Integrable Systems, and Algebro-Geometric Solution on a Symplectic Submanifold. Communications in Mathematical Physics 2003 10.1007/s00220-003-0880-y
  • Dullin, Holger R.; Gottwald, Georg A.; Holm, Darryl D.. Camassa–Holm, Korteweg–de Vries-5 and other asymptotically equivalent equations for shallow water waves. Fluid Dynamics Research 2003 10.1016/S0169-5983(03)00046-7
  • Frauenfelder, H.; McMahon, B. H.; Fenimore, P. W.. Myoglobin: The hydrogen atom of biology and a paradigm of complexity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2003 10.1073/pnas.1633688100
  • Berman, G. P.; Borgonovi, F.; López, G. V.; Tsifrinovich, V. I.. Transient dynamics in magnetic force microscopy for a single-spin measurement. Physical Review A 2003 10.1103/PhysRevA.68.012102
  • Hastings, M. B.; Martin, I.; Mozyrsky, D.. Quantum dynamics in nonequilibrium strongly correlated environments. Physical Review B 2003 10.1103/PhysRevB.68.035101
  • Hastings, M. B.; Reichhardt, C. J. Olson; Reichhardt, C.. Ratchet Cellular Automata. Physical Review Letters 2003 10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.247004
  • Frisch, U.; Mineev-Weinstein, M.. Extension of the pole decomposition for the multidimensional Burgers equation. Physical Review E 2003 10.1103/PhysRevE.67.067301
  • Reichhardt, C. J. Olson; Reichhardt, C.. Frustration and melting of colloidal molecular crystals. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 2003 10.1088/0305-4470/36/22/303
  • Scalerandi, Marco; Agostini, Valentina; Delsanto, Pier Paolo; Abeele, Koen Van Den, et al. Local interaction simulation approach to modelling nonclassical, nonlinear elastic behavior in solids. Journal of the Acoustical Society of America 2003 10.1121/1.1570440
  • Kevrekidis, P. G.; Frantzeskakis, D. J.; Malomed, Boris A.; Bishop, A. R., et al. Dark-in-bright solitons in Bose-Einstein condensates with attractive interactions. New Journal of Physics 2003 10.1088/1367-2630/5/1/364
  • Bishop, A. R.; Kalosakas, G.; Rasmussen, K. O/; Kevrekidis, P. G.. Localization in physical systems described by discrete nonlinear Schrödinger-type equations. Chaos: An Interdisciplinary Journal of Nonlinear Science 2003 10.1063/1.1567651
  • Fenimore, Paul W.; Frauenfelder, Hans; Young, Robert D.. Proteins as paradigms of complex systems. Proc. SPIE 5110, Fluctuations and Noise in Biological, Biophysical, and Biomedical Systems, 1 2003 10.1117/12.500848
  • Chen, Qiaoning; Chen, Shiyi; Eyink, Gregory L.; Holm, Darryl D.. Intermittency in the Joint Cascade of Energy and Helicity. Physical Review Letters 2003 10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.214503
  • Olson, C. J.; Reichhardt, C.; Scalettar, R. T.; Zimányi, G. T., et al. Metastability and transient effects in vortex matter near a decoupling transition. Physical Review B 2003 10.1103/PhysRevB.67.184523
  • Hudock, J.; Kevrekidis, P. G.; Malomed, B. A.; Christodoulides, D. N.. Discrete vector solitons in two-dimensional nonlinear waveguide arrays: Solutions, stability, and dynamics. Physical Review E 2003 10.1103/PhysRevE.67.056618
  • Rosenau, Philip. Hamiltonian dynamics of dense chains and lattices: or how to correct the continuum. Physics Letters A 2003 10.1016/S0375-9601(03)00455-9
  • Franco, Ignacio; Tretiak, Sergei. Electron-vibrational relaxation of photoexcited polyfluorenes in the presence of chemical defects: A theoretical study. Chemical Physics Letters 2003 10.1016/S0009-2614(03)00419-6
  • Berman, G. P.; Borgonovi, F.; Chapline, G.; Gurvitz, S. A., et al. Application of magnetic resonance force microscopy cyclic adiabatic inversion for a single-spin measurement. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and General 2003 10.1088/0305-4470/36/15/314
  • Hastings, M. B.. Random Vibrational Networks and the Renormalization Group. Physical Review Letters 2003 10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.148702
  • Berman, G. P.; Borgonovi, F.; Goan, Hsi-Sheng; Gurvitz, S. A., et al. Single-spin measurement and decoherence in magnetic-resonance force microscopy. Physical Review B 2003 10.1103/PhysRevB.67.094425
  • Fabijonas, Bruce R.; Holm, Darryl D.. Mean Effects of Turbulence on Elliptic Instability in Fluids. Physical Review Letters 2003 10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.124501
  • Kevrekidis, P. G.; Malomed, Boris A.; Frantzeskakis, D. J.; Bishop, A. R.. Domain walls in two-component dynamical lattices. Physical Review E 2003 10.1103/PhysRevE.67.036614
  • Rivera, M. K.; Daniel, W. B.; Chen, S. Y.; Ecke, R. E.. Energy and Enstrophy Transfer in Decaying Two-Dimensional Turbulence. Physical Review Letters 2003 10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.104502
  • Holm, Darryl D.; Staley, Martin F.. Nonlinear balance and exchange of stability in dynamics of solitons, peakons, ramps/cliffs and leftons in a 1+1 nonlinear evolutionary PDE. Physics Letters A 2003 10.1016/S0375-9601(03)00114-2
  • Reichhardt, C.; Olson Reichhardt, C. J.. Fluctuating Topological Defects in 2D Liquids: Heterogeneous Motion and Noise. Physical Review Letters 2003 10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.095504
  • Hastings, M. B.; Olson Reichhardt, C. J.; Reichhardt, C.. Depinning by Fracture in a Glassy Background. Physical Review Letters 2003 10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.098302
  • Tretiak, S.; Saxena, A.; Martin, R. L.; Bishop, A. R.. Photoexcited breathers in conjugated polyenes: An excited-state molecular dynamics study. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2003 10.1073/pnas.0530132100
  • Scheuring, István; Károlyi, György; Toroczkai, Zoltán; Tél, Tamás, et al. Competing populations in flows with chaotic mixing. Theoretical Population Biology 2003 10.1016/S0040-5809(02)00035-7
  • Kawasaki, Kyozi. Dynamical van der Waals Model of Glassy Behavior. Journal of Statistical Physics 2003 10.1023/A:1022161330306
  • Kalosakas, G.; Rasmussen, K. O/; Bishop, A. R.. Charge trapping in DNA due to intrinsic vibrational hot spots. Journal of Chemical Physics 2003 10.1063/1.1539091
  • Holm, Darryl D.. Rasetti–Regge Dirac bracket formulation of Lagrangian fluid dynamics of vortex filaments. Mathematics and Computers in Simulation 2003 10.1016/S0378-4754(02)00187-8
  • Chen, Qiaoning; Chen, Shiyi; Eyink, Gregory L.. The joint cascade of energy and helicity in three-dimensional turbulence. Physics of Fluids (1994-present) 2003 10.1063/1.1533070
  • Kurien, Susan. The reflection-antisymmetric counterpart of the Kármán–Howarth dynamical equation. Physica D: Nonlinear Phenomena 2003 10.1016/S0167-2789(02)00695-4
  • Qiao, Zhijun; Cao, Cewen; Strampp, Walter. Category of nonlinear evolution equations, algebraic structure, and r-matrix. Journal of Mathematical Physics 2003 10.1063/1.1532769
  • Komineas, S.; Bishop, A. R.; G. Mertens, F.. Stretched-exponential relaxation in two-dimensional easy-plane ferromagnets. EPL (Europhysics Letters) 2003 10.1209/epl/i2003-00188-3
  • Cao, Chongsheng; Titi, Edriss S.. Global well-posedness and finite-dimensional global attractor for a 3-D planetary geostrophic viscous model. Communications on Pure and Applied Mathematics 2003 10.1002/cpa.10056
  • Portman, John J.. Non-Gaussian dynamics from a simulation of a short peptide: Loop closure rates and effective diffusion coefficients. Journal of Chemical Physics 2003 10.1063/1.1532728
  • Zagorodny, J. P.; Gaididei, Y.; Mertens, F. G.; Bishop, A. R.. Switching of vortex polarization in 2D easy-plane magnets by magnetic fields. European Physical Journal B - Condensed Matter and Complex Systems 2003 10.1140/epjb/e2003-00057-y
  • Lookman, T.; Shenoy, S. R.; Rasmussen, K. Ø.; Saxena, A., et al. Ferroelastic dynamics and strain compatibility. Physical Review B 2003 10.1103/PhysRevB.67.024114
  • Arévalo, Edward; Mertens, Franz G.; Gaididei, Yuri; Bishop, A. R.. Thermal diffusion of supersonic solitons in an anharmonic chain of atoms. Physical Review E 2003 10.1103/PhysRevE.67.016610
  • Reichhardt, C.; Olson Reichhardt, C. J.. Charge Transport Transitions and Scaling in Disordered Arrays of Metallic Dots. Physical Review Letters 2003 10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.046802
  • Trombettoni, A.; Smerzi, A.; Bishop, A. R.. Discrete nonlinear Schrödinger equation with defects. Physical Review E 2003 10.1103/PhysRevE.67.016607
  • Reichhardt, C.; Reichhardt, C. J. Olson; Martin, I.; Bishop, A. R.. Dynamical Ordering of Driven Stripe Phases in Quenched Disorder. Physical Review Letters 2003 10.1103/PhysRevLett.90.026401
  • Moran, Andrew M; Myers Kelley, Anne; Tretiak, Sergei. Excited state molecular dynamics simulations of nonlinear push–pull chromophores. Chemical Physics Letters 2003 10.1016/S0009-2614(02)01583-X
  • Holm, D.; Staley, M.. Wave Structure and Nonlinear Balances in a Family of Evolutionary PDEs. SIAM Journal on Applied Dynamical Systems 2003 10.1137/S1111111102410943
  • Margolin, L.; Titi, E.; Wynne, S.. The Postprocessing Galerkin and Nonlinear Galerkin Methods---A Truncation Analysis Point of View. SIAM Journal on Numerical Analysis 2003 10.1137/S0036142901390500
  • Winter, C. L.; Tartakovsky, D. M.; Guadagnini, A.. Moment Differential Equations for Flow in Highly Heterogeneous Porous Media. Surveys in Geophysics 2003 10.1023/A:1022277418570
  • Zhang, Jinsuo; Li, Ning. Improved application of local models to steel corrosion in lead-bismuth loops. Nuclear technology 2003
  • Ben-Naim, Eli; Krapivsky, Paul L.. The Inelastic Maxwell Model. Granular Gas Dynamics 2003
  • Brandow, B. H.. Strongly anisotropic s-wave gaps in exotic superconductors. Philosophical Magazine 2003 10.1080/0141861031000111129
  • Hyman, James M.; Li, Jia; Stanley, E. Ann. Modeling the impact of random screening and contact tracing in reducing the spread of HIV. Mathematical Biosciences 2003 10.1016/S0025-5564(02)00128-1
  • Margolin, L. G.; Shashkov, Mikhail. Second-order sign-preserving conservative interpolation (remapping) on general grids. Journal of Computational Physics 2003 10.1016/S0021-9991(02)00033-5
  • Reichhardt, C.; Olson, C. J.; Martin, I.; Bishop, A. R.. Depinning and dynamics of systems with competing interactions in quenched disorder. EPL (Europhysics Letters) 2003 10.1209/epl/i2003-00222-0
  • Zhang, J.; Zhang, B.. Dean Equations Extended to a Rotating Helical Pipe Flow. Journal of Engineering Mechanics 2003 10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(2003)129:7(823)
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