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       2016 Publications
  • Li, Fuxiang; Sinitsyn, Nikolai A.. Dynamic symmetries and quantum nonadiabatic transitions. Chemical Physics 2016 10.1016/j.chemphys.2016.05.029
  • Li, Fuxiang; Sinitsyn, Nikolai A.. Dynamic symmetries and quantum nonadiabatic transitions. Chemical Physics 2016 10.1016/j.chemphys.2016.05.029
  • Schoonover, Joseph; Dewar, William K.; Wienders, Nicolas; Deremble, Bruno. Local Sensitivities of the Gulf Stream Separation. Journal of Physical Oceanography 2016 10.1175/JPO-D-16-0195.1
  • Deka, D.; Backhaus, S.; Chertkov, M.. Tractable structure learning in radial physical flow networks. 2016 IEEE 55th Conference on Decision and Control (CDC) 2016 10.1109/CDC.2016.7799290
  • Lokhov, A. Y.; Lemons, N.; McAndrew, T. C.; Hagberg, A., et al. Detection of Cyber-Physical Faults and Intrusions from Physical Correlations. 2016 IEEE 16th International Conference on Data Mining Workshops (ICDMW) 2016 10.1109/ICDMW.2016.0050
  • Alexandrov, Ludmil B.; Ju, Young Seok; Haase, Kerstin; Loo, Peter Van, et al. Mutational signatures associated with tobacco smoking in human cancer. Science 2016 10.1126/science.aag0299
  • Notta, Faiyaz; Chan-Seng-Yue, Michelle; Lemire, Mathieu; Li, Yilong, et al. A renewed model of pancreatic cancer evolution based on genomic rearrangement patterns. Nature 2016 10.1038/nature19823
  • Szilard, D.; Kort-Kamp, W. J. M.; Rosa, F. S. S.; Pinheiro, F. A., et al. Purcell effect at the percolation transition. Physical Review B 2016 10.1103/PhysRevB.94.134204
  • Szilard, D.; Kort-Kamp, W. J. M.; Rosa, F. S. S.; Pinheiro, F. A., et al. Purcell effect at the percolation transition. Physical Review B 2016 10.1103/PhysRevB.94.134204
  • Ozawa, Ryo; Hayami, Satoru; Barros, Kipton; Chern, Gia-Wei, et al. Vortex Crystals with Chiral Stripes in Itinerant Magnets. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 2016 10.7566/JPSJ.85.103703
  • Ozawa, Ryo; Hayami, Satoru; Barros, Kipton; Chern, Gia-Wei, et al. Vortex Crystals with Chiral Stripes in Itinerant Magnets. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 2016 10.7566/JPSJ.85.103703
  • Tian, Jianhui; López, Cesar A.; Derdeyn, Cynthia A.; Jones, Morris S., et al. Effect of Glycosylation on an Immunodominant Region in the V1V2 Variable Domain of the HIV-1 Envelope gp120 Protein. PLOS Computational Biology 2016 10.1371/journal.pcbi.1005094
  • Neale, Chris; Pomès, Régis. Sampling errors in free energy simulations of small molecules in lipid bilayers. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta (BBA) - Biomembranes 2016 10.1016/j.bbamem.2016.03.006
  • Mertens, Franz G.; Cooper, Fred; Arévalo, Edward; Khare, Avinash, et al. Variational approach to studying solitary waves in the nonlinear Schr""odinger equation with complex potentials. Physical Review E 2016 10.1103/PhysRevE.94.032213
  • Ondarse-Alvarez, D.; Kömürlü, S.; Roitberg, A. E.; Pierdominici-Sottile, G., et al. Ultrafast electronic energy relaxation in a conjugated dendrimer leading to inter-branch energy redistribution. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2016 10.1039/C6CP04448D
  • Ondarse-Alvarez, D.; Kömürlü, S.; Roitberg, A. E.; Pierdominici-Sottile, G., et al. Ultrafast electronic energy relaxation in a conjugated dendrimer leading to inter-branch energy redistribution. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics 2016 10.1039/C6CP04448D
  • Nagarajan, Harsha; Lu, Mowen; Yamangil, Emre; Bent, Russell. Tightening McCormick Relaxations for Nonlinear Programs via Dynamic Multivariate Partitioning. Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming 2016 10.1007/978-3-319-44953-1_24
  • Cuevas-Maraver, J.; Kevrekidis, P.G.; Saxena, A.; Cooper, F., et al. Solitary Waves of a -Symmetric Nonlinear Dirac Equation. IEEE Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics 2016 10.1109/JSTQE.2015.2485607
  • Tsai, Hsinhan; Nie, Wanyi; Blancon, Jean-Christophe; Stoumpos, Constantinos C., et al. High-efficiency two-dimensional Ruddlesden–Popper perovskite solar cells. Nature 2016 10.1038/nature18306
  • Tsai, Hsinhan; Nie, Wanyi; Blancon, Jean-Christophe; Stoumpos, Constantinos C., et al. High-efficiency two-dimensional Ruddlesden–Popper perovskite solar cells. Nature 2016 10.1038/nature18306
  • Deka, Deepjyoti; Backhaus, Scott; Chertkov, Michael. Learning Topology of Distribution Grids using only Terminal Node Measurements. arXiv:1608.05031 [cs, math] 2016
  • Franklin-Mergarejo, R.; Alvarez, D. Ondarse; Tretiak, S.; Fernandez-Alberti, S.. Carbon nanorings with inserted acenes: breaking symmetry in excited state dynamics. Scientific Reports 2016 10.1038/srep31253
  • Franklin-Mergarejo, R.; Alvarez, D. Ondarse; Tretiak, S.; Fernandez-Alberti, S.. Carbon nanorings with inserted acenes: breaking symmetry in excited state dynamics. Scientific Reports 2016 10.1038/srep31253
  • Franklin-Mergarejo, R.; Alvarez, D. Ondarse; Tretiak, S.; Fernandez-Alberti, S.. Carbon nanorings with inserted acenes: breaking symmetry in excited state dynamics. Scientific Reports 2016 10.1038/srep31253
  • Giirsoy, G.; Terebus, A.; Cao, Y.; Liang, J.. Mechanisms of stochastic focusing and defocusing in biological reaction networks: Insight from accurate Chemical Master Equation (ACME) solutions. 2016 38th Annual International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society (EMBC) 2016 10.1109/EMBC.2016.7590989
  • Makedonska, Nataliia; Hyman, Jeffrey D.; Karra, Satish; Painter, Scott L., et al. Evaluating the effect of internal aperture variability on transport in kilometer scale discrete fracture networks. Advances in Water Resources 2016 10.1016/j.advwatres.2016.06.010
  • Bellissent-Funel, Marie-Claire; Hassanali, Ali; Havenith, Martina; Henchman, Richard, et al. Water Determines the Structure and Dynamics of Proteins. Chemical Reviews 2016 10.1021/acs.chemrev.5b00664
  • Bechtold, A.; Li, F.; Müller, K.; Simmet, T., et al. Quantum Effects in Higher-Order Correlators of a Quantum-Dot Spin Qubit. Physical Review Letters 2016 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.027402
  • Bechtold, A.; Li, F.; Müller, K.; Simmet, T., et al. Quantum Effects in Higher-Order Correlators of a Quantum-Dot Spin Qubit. Physical Review Letters 2016 10.1103/PhysRevLett.117.027402
  • Maximov, Yury; Amini, Massih-Reza; Harchaoui, Zaid. Rademacher Complexity Bounds for a Penalized Multiclass Semi-Supervised Algorithm. 2016
  • Zlotnik, A.; Roald, L.; Backhaus, S.; Chertkov, M., et al. Control policies for operational coordination of electric power and natural gas transmission systems. 2016 American Control Conference (ACC) 2016 10.1109/ACC.2016.7526854
  • Wang, Yi-Xiang; Li, Fuxiang. Edge states and phase diagram for graphene under polarized light. Physica B: Condensed Matter 2016 10.1016/j.physb.2016.03.029
  • Gerashchenko, S.; Livescu, D.. Viscous effects on the Rayleigh-Taylor instability with background temperature gradient. Physics of Plasmas (1994-present) 2016 10.1063/1.4959810
  • Dvorkin, Y.; Lubin, M.; Backhaus, S.; Chertkov, M.. Uncertainty Sets for Wind Power Generation. IEEE Transactions on Power Systems 2016 10.1109/TPWRS.2015.2476664
  • Zlotnik, A.; Roald, L.; Backhaus, S.; Chertkov, M., et al. Control policies for operational coordination of electric power and natural gas transmission systems. 2016 American Control Conference (ACC) 2016 10.1109/ACC.2016.7526854
  • Wang, Yi-Xiang; Li, Fuxiang. Edge states and phase diagram for graphene under polarized light. Physica B: Condensed Matter 2016 10.1016/j.physb.2016.03.029
  • Sinitsyn, Nikolai A.; Li, Fuxiang. Solvable multistate model of Landau-Zener transitions in cavity QED. Physical Review A 2016 10.1103/PhysRevA.93.063859
  • Sinitsyn, Nikolai A.; Li, Fuxiang. Solvable multistate model of Landau-Zener transitions in cavity QED. Physical Review A 2016 10.1103/PhysRevA.93.063859
  • Dvijotham, Krishnamurthy; Van Hentenryck, Pascal; Chertkov, Michael; Misra, Sidhant, et al. Graphical Models for Optimal Power Flow. arXiv:1606.06512 [physics] 2016
  • Neukirch, Amanda J.; Nie, Wanyi; Blancon, Jean-Christophe; Appavoo, Kannatassen, et al. Polaron Stabilization by Cooperative Lattice Distortion and Cation Rotations in Hybrid Perovskite Materials. Nano Letters 2016 10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b01218
  • Neukirch, Amanda J.; Nie, Wanyi; Blancon, Jean-Christophe; Appavoo, Kannatassen, et al. Polaron Stabilization by Cooperative Lattice Distortion and Cation Rotations in Hybrid Perovskite Materials. Nano Letters 2016 10.1021/acs.nanolett.6b01218
  • Nik-Zainal, Serena; Davies, Helen; Staaf, Johan; Ramakrishna, Manasa, et al. Landscape of somatic mutations in 560 breast cancer whole-genome sequences. Nature 2016 10.1038/nature17676
  • Nagarajan, H.; Yamangil, E.; Bent, R.; Hentenryck, P. Van, et al. Optimal Resilient transmission Grid Design. 2016 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) 2016 10.1109/PSCC.2016.7540988
  • Blancon, Jean-Christophe; Nie, Wanyi; Neukirch, Amanda J.; Gupta, Gautam, et al. The Effects of Electronic Impurities and Electron–Hole Recombination Dynamics on Large-Grain Organic–Inorganic Perovskite Photovoltaic Efficiencies. Advanced Functional Materials 2016 10.1002/adfm.201505324
  • Roald, L.; Andersson, G.; Misra, S.; Chertkov, M., et al. Optimal power flow with wind power control and limited expected risk of overloads. 2016 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) 2016 10.1109/PSCC.2016.7540907
  • Deka, D.; Backhaus, S.; Chertkov, M.. Estimating distribution grid topologies: A graphical learning based approach. 2016 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) 2016 10.1109/PSCC.2016.7541005
  • Deka, D.; Backhaus, S.; Chertkov, M.. Learning topology of the power distribution grid with and without missing data. 2016 European Control Conference (ECC) 2016 10.1109/ECC.2016.7810304
  • Blancon, Jean-Christophe; Nie, Wanyi; Neukirch, Amanda J.; Gupta, Gautam, et al. The Effects of Electronic Impurities and Electron–Hole Recombination Dynamics on Large-Grain Organic–Inorganic Perovskite Photovoltaic Efficiencies. Advanced Functional Materials 2016 10.1002/adfm.201505324
  • Sundar, K.; Nagarajan, H.; Lubin, M.; Roald, L., et al. Unit commitment with N-1 Security and wind uncertainty. 2016 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) 2016 10.1109/PSCC.2016.7540910
  • Nagarajan, H.; Yamangil, E.; Bent, R.; Hentenryck, P. Van, et al. Optimal Resilient transmission Grid Design. 2016 Power Systems Computation Conference (PSCC) 2016 10.1109/PSCC.2016.7540988
  • Petljak, Mia; Alexandrov, Ludmil B.. Understanding mutagenesis through delineation of mutational signatures in human cancer. Carcinogenesis 2016 10.1093/carcin/bgw055
  • Cuevas–Maraver, Jesús; Kevrekidis, Panayotis G.; Saxena, Avadh; Comech, Andrew, et al. Stability of Solitary Waves and Vortices in a 2D Nonlinear Dirac Model. Physical Review Letters 2016 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.214101
  • Vuffray, Marc; Misra, Sidhant; Lokhov, Andrey Y.; Chertkov, Michael. Interaction Screening: Efficient and Sample-Optimal Learning of Ising Models. arXiv:1605.07252 [cond-mat, stat] 2016
  • Nie, Wanyi; Blancon, Jean-Christophe; Neukirch, Amanda J.; Appavoo, Kannatassen, et al. Light-activated photocurrent degradation and self-healing in perovskite solar cells. Nature Communications 2016 10.1038/ncomms11574
  • Nie, Wanyi; Blancon, Jean-Christophe; Neukirch, Amanda J.; Appavoo, Kannatassen, et al. Light-activated photocurrent degradation and self-healing in perovskite solar cells. Nature Communications 2016 10.1038/ncomms11574
  • Nie, Wanyi; Blancon, Jean-Christophe; Neukirch, Amanda J.; Appavoo, Kannatassen, et al. Light-activated photocurrent degradation and self-healing in perovskite solar cells. Nature Communications 2016 10.1038/ncomms11574
  • Hayami, Satoru; Lin, Shi-Zeng; Batista, Cristian D.. Bubble and skyrmion crystals in frustrated magnets with easy-axis anisotropy. Physical Review B 2016 10.1103/PhysRevB.93.184413
  • Hayami, Satoru; Lin, Shi-Zeng; Batista, Cristian D.. Bubble and skyrmion crystals in frustrated magnets with easy-axis anisotropy. Physical Review B 2016 10.1103/PhysRevB.93.184413
  • Hayami, Satoru; Lin, Shi-Zeng; Batista, Cristian D.. Bubble and skyrmion crystals in frustrated magnets with easy-axis anisotropy. Physical Review B 2016 10.1103/PhysRevB.93.184413
  • Lin, Shi-Zeng; Hayami, Satoru; Batista, Cristian D.. Magnetic Vortex Induced by Nonmagnetic Impurity in Frustrated Magnets. Physical Review Letters 2016 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.187202
  • Lin, Shi-Zeng; Hayami, Satoru; Batista, Cristian D.. Magnetic Vortex Induced by Nonmagnetic Impurity in Frustrated Magnets. Physical Review Letters 2016 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.187202
  • Lin, Shi-Zeng; Hayami, Satoru; Batista, Cristian D.. Magnetic Vortex Induced by Nonmagnetic Impurity in Frustrated Magnets. Physical Review Letters 2016 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.187202
  • Morganella, Sandro; Alexandrov, Ludmil B.; Glodzik, Dominik; Zou, Xueqing, et al. The topography of mutational processes in breast cancer genomes. Nature Communications 2016 10.1038/ncomms11383
  • Morganella, Sandro; Alexandrov, Ludmil B.; Glodzik, Dominik; Zou, Xueqing, et al. The topography of mutational processes in breast cancer genomes. Nature Communications 2016 10.1038/ncomms11383
  • Cao, Youfang; Terebus, Anna; Liang, Jie. State Space Truncation with Quantified Errors for Accurate Solutions to Discrete Chemical Master Equation. Bulletin of Mathematical Biology 2016 10.1007/s11538-016-0149-1
  • Bjorgaard, J. A.; Velizhanin, K. A.; Tretiak, S.. Nonequilibrium solvent effects in Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics for ground and excited electronic states. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2016 10.1063/1.4946009
  • Quintero, Niurka R.; Mertens, Franz G.; Efimov, Anatoly; Bishop, A. R.. Soliton dynamics in optical fibers using the generalized traveling-wave method. Physical Review E 2016 10.1103/PhysRevE.93.042214
  • Bjorgaard, J. A.; Velizhanin, K. A.; Tretiak, S.. Nonequilibrium solvent effects in Born-Oppenheimer molecular dynamics for ground and excited electronic states. The Journal of Chemical Physics 2016 10.1063/1.4946009
  • Kort-Kamp, W. J. M.; Cordes, N. L.; Ionita, A.; Glover, B. B., et al. Microscale Electromagnetic Heating in Heterogeneous Energetic Materials Based on X-ray Computed Tomography. Physical Review Applied 2016 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.5.044008
  • Kort-Kamp, W. J. M.; Cordes, N. L.; Ionita, A.; Glover, B. B., et al. Microscale Electromagnetic Heating in Heterogeneous Energetic Materials Based on X-ray Computed Tomography. Physical Review Applied 2016 10.1103/PhysRevApplied.5.044008
  • Hayami, Satoru; Kusunose, Hiroaki; Motome, Yukitoshi. Asymmetric Magnon Excitation by Spontaneous Toroidal Ordering. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 2016 10.7566/JPSJ.85.053705
  • Ismael, Amber; Tian, Wei; Waszczak, Nicholas; Wang, Xin, et al. Gβ promotes pheromone receptor polarization and yeast chemotropism by inhibiting receptor phosphorylation. Sci. Signal. 2016 10.1126/scisignal.aad4376
  • Hayami, Satoru; Kusunose, Hiroaki; Motome, Yukitoshi. Asymmetric Magnon Excitation by Spontaneous Toroidal Ordering. Journal of the Physical Society of Japan 2016 10.7566/JPSJ.85.053705
  • Dewar, William K.; Schoonover, Joseph; McDougall, Trevor; Klein, Rupert. Semicompressible Ocean Thermodynamics and Boussinesq Energy Conservation. Fluids 2016 10.3390/fluids1020009
  • Merkli, M.; Berman, G. P.; Sayre, R. T.; Gnanakaran, S., et al. Dynamics of a chlorophyll dimer in collective and local thermal environments. Journal of Mathematical Chemistry 2016 10.1007/s10910-016-0593-z
  • Wagh, Kshitij; Bhattacharya, Tanmoy; Williamson, Carolyn; Robles, Alex, et al. Optimal Combinations of Broadly Neutralizing Antibodies for Prevention and Treatment of HIV-1 Clade C Infection. PLOS Pathog 2016 10.1371/journal.ppat.1005520
  • Zlotnik, Anatoly; Nagao, Raphael; Kiss, István Z.; Li, Jr-Shin. Phase-selective entrainment of nonlinear oscillator ensembles. Nature Communications 2016 10.1038/ncomms10788
  • Li, Fuxiang; Crooker, S. A.; Sinitsyn, N. A.. Higher-order spin-noise spectroscopy of atomic spins in fluctuating external fields. Physical Review A 2016 10.1103/PhysRevA.93.033814
  • Li, Fuxiang; Crooker, S. A.; Sinitsyn, N. A.. Higher-order spin-noise spectroscopy of atomic spins in fluctuating external fields. Physical Review A 2016 10.1103/PhysRevA.93.033814
  • Lieou, Charles K. C.; Elbanna, Ahmed E.; Carlson, Jean M.. Dynamic friction in sheared fault gouge: Implications of acoustic vibration on triggering and slow slip. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 2016 10.1002/2015JB012741
  • Lin, Shi-Zeng; Hayami, Satoru. Ginzburg-Landau theory for skyrmions in inversion-symmetric magnets with competing interactions. Physical Review B 2016 10.1103/PhysRevB.93.064430
  • Lin, Shi-Zeng; Hayami, Satoru. Ginzburg-Landau theory for skyrmions in inversion-symmetric magnets with competing interactions. Physical Review B 2016 10.1103/PhysRevB.93.064430
  • Merlevede, Jane; Droin, Nathalie; Qin, Tingting; Meldi, Kristen, et al. Mutation allele burden remains unchanged in chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia responding to hypomethylating agents. Nature Communications 2016 10.1038/ncomms10767
  • Merlevede, Jane; Droin, Nathalie; Qin, Tingting; Meldi, Kristen, et al. Mutation allele burden remains unchanged in chronic myelomonocytic leukaemia responding to hypomethylating agents. Nature Communications 2016 10.1038/ncomms10767
  • Kort-Kamp, W. J. M.; Sinitsyn, N. A.; Dalvit, D. A. R.. Quantized beam shifts in graphene. Physical Review B 2016 10.1103/PhysRevB.93.081410
  • Kort-Kamp, W. J. M.; Sinitsyn, N. A.; Dalvit, D. A. R.. Quantized beam shifts in graphene. Physical Review B 2016 10.1103/PhysRevB.93.081410
  • Hansen, Scott G.; Wu, Helen L.; Burwitz, Benjamin J.; Hughes, Colette M., et al. Broadly targeted CD8+ T cell responses restricted by major histocompatibility complex E. Science 2016 10.1126/science.aac9475
  • Alexandrov, Ludmil B.; Bishop, Alan R.; Rasmussen, Kim Ø.; Alexandrov, Boian S.. The role of structural parameters in DNA cyclization. BMC Bioinformatics 2016 10.1186/s12859-016-0897-9
  • Alexandrov, Ludmil B.; Bishop, Alan R.; Rasmussen, Kim Ø; Alexandrov, Boian S.. The role of structural parameters in DNA cyclization. BMC Bioinformatics 2016 10.1186/s12859-016-0897-9
  • Azad, Abul K.; Kort-Kamp, Wilton J. M.; Sykora, Milan; Weisse-Bernstein, Nina R., et al. Metasurface Broadband Solar Absorber. Scientific Reports 2016 10.1038/srep20347
  • Azad, Abul K.; Kort-Kamp, Wilton J. M.; Sykora, Milan; Weisse-Bernstein, Nina R., et al. Metasurface Broadband Solar Absorber. Scientific Reports 2016 10.1038/srep20347
  • Samson, E. C.; Wilson, K. E.; Newman, Z. L.; Anderson, B. P.. Deterministic creation, pinning, and manipulation of quantized vortices in a Bose-Einstein condensate. Physical Review A 2016 10.1103/PhysRevA.93.023603
  • Samson, E. C.; Wilson, K. E.; Newman, Z. L.; Anderson, B. P.. Deterministic creation, pinning, and manipulation of quantized vortices in a Bose-Einstein condensate. Physical Review A 2016 10.1103/PhysRevA.93.023603
  • Sundar, Kaarthik; Nagarajan, Harsha; Lubin, Miles; Roald, Line, et al. Unit Commitment with N-1 Security and Wind Uncertainty. 2016 10.1109/PSCC.2016.7540910
  • Sundar, Kaarthik; Nagarajan, Harsha; Lubin, Miles; Roald, Line, et al. Unit Commitment with N-1 Security and Wind Uncertainty. arXiv:1602.00079 [cs, math] 2016
  • Palmero, F.; Han, J.; English, L. Q.; Alexander, T. J., et al. Multifrequency and edge breathers in the discrete sine-Gordon system via subharmonic driving: Theory, computation and experiment. Physics Letters A 2016 10.1016/j.physleta.2015.10.061
  • Rosenman, David J.; Wang, Chunyu; García, Angel E.. Characterization of Aβ Monomers through the Convergence of Ensemble Properties among Simulations with Multiple Force Fields. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2016 10.1021/acs.jpcb.5b09379
  • Rosenman, David J.; Wang, Chunyu; García, Angel E.. Characterization of Aβ Monomers through the Convergence of Ensemble Properties among Simulations with Multiple Force Fields. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2016 10.1021/acs.jpcb.5b09379
  • Rosenman, David J.; Wang, Chunyu; García, Angel E.. Characterization of Aβ Monomers through the Convergence of Ensemble Properties among Simulations with Multiple Force Fields. The Journal of Physical Chemistry B 2016 10.1021/acs.jpcb.5b09379
  • Li, Fuxiang; Sinitsyn, N. A.. Universality in Higher Order Spin Noise Spectroscopy. Physical Review Letters 2016 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.026601
  • Li, Fuxiang; Sinitsyn, N. A.. Universality in Higher Order Spin Noise Spectroscopy. Physical Review Letters 2016 10.1103/PhysRevLett.116.026601
  • Lokhov, Andrey. Reconstructing Parameters of Spreading Models from Partial Observations. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 29 2016
  • Deffner, Sebastian. Shortcuts to adiabaticity: suppression of pair production in driven Dirac dynamics. New Journal of Physics 2016 10.1088/1367-2630/18/1/012001
  • Hari, Sai Krishna Kanth; Sundar, Kaarthik; Rathinam, Sivakumar; Darbha, Swaroop. Scheduling Tasks for Human Operators in Monitoring and Surveillance Applications. IFAC-PapersOnLine 2016 10.1016/j.ifacol.2016.12.189
  • Lubin, Miles; Yamangil, Emre; Bent, Russell; Vielma, Juan Pablo. Extended Formulations in Mixed-integer Convex Programming. arXiv:1511.06710 [math] 2016 10.1007/978-3-319-33461-5_9
  • Jang, Hyeryung; Yun, Se-Young; Shin, Jinwoo; Yi, Yung. Distributed Coordination Maximization over Networks: A Stochastic Approximation Approach. Proceedings of the 17th ACM International Symposium on Mobile Ad Hoc Networking and Computing 2016 10.1145/2942358.2942366
  • Bierkens, Joris; Chernyak, Vladimir Y.; Chertkov, Michael; Kappen, Hilbert J.. Linear PDEs and eigenvalue problems corresponding to ergodic stochastic optimization problems on compact manifolds. Journal of Statistical Mechanics: Theory and Experiment 2016 10.1088/1742-5468/2016/01/013206
  • Zlotnik, A.; Chertkov, M.; Turitsyn, K.. Assessing Risk of Gas Shortage in Coupled Gas-Electricity Infrastructures. 2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2016 10.1109/HICSS.2016.315
  • Zlotnik, A.; Chertkov, M.; Turitsyn, K.. Assessing Risk of Gas Shortage in Coupled Gas-Electricity Infrastructures. 2016 49th Hawaii International Conference on System Sciences (HICSS) 2016 10.1109/HICSS.2016.315
  • Li, Hui; Stoddard, Mark B.; Wang, Shuyi; Giorgi, Elena E., et al. Single-Genome Sequencing of Hepatitis C Virus in Donor-Recipient Pairs Distinguishes Modes and Models of Virus Transmission and Early Diversification. Journal of Virology 2016 10.1128/JVI.02156-15
  • Deffner, Sebastian. Shortcuts to adiabaticity: suppression of pair production in driven Dirac dynamics. New Journal of Physics 2016 10.1088/1367-2630/18/1/012001
  • Mertens, Franz G.; Cooper, Fred; Quintero, Niurka R.; Shao, Sihong, et al. Solitary waves in the nonlinear Dirac equation in the presence of external driving forces. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 2016 10.1088/1751-8113/49/6/065402
  • Akçay, Cihan; Daughton, William; Lukin, Vyacheslav S.; Liu, Yi-Hsin. A two-fluid study of oblique tearing modes in a force-free current sheet. Physics of Plasmas (1994-present) 2016 10.1063/1.4940945
  • Deffner, Sebastian. Quantum stochastic thermodynamic on harmonic networks. New Journal of Physics 2016 10.1088/1367-2630/18/1/011001
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