| Date/Time | Place | Speaker | Affiliation | Title | Host |
| Jun. 26th 2025 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Dr. Rodney O. Fox | Iowa State University | Recent Advances in Kinetic-Based CFD Models for Polydisperse Multiphase Flows | Sara Calandrini (scalandrini@lanl.gov |
| Jun. 9th 2025 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Dr. Adam Coleman | XTD-SS | TBD: Hedonist/p-rad (Rescheduled - FINAL DATE NOT SET) | Sean Kuvin (kuvin@lanl.gov) |
| May. 29th 2025 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Dr. Geralyn Zeller | Fermilab | TBD: Neutrino Physics Overview and Future Directions | Sowjanya Gollapini (sowjanya@lanl.gov) and Sean Kuvin (kuvin@lanl.gov) |
| May. 1st 2025 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Dr. Mei Bai | SLAC/Stanford | Grand Challenges for Next-Generation Accelerators in Discovery Science | Gnana (gnana@lanl.gov) |
| Apr. 24th 2025 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Prof. Karin Verspoor | RMIT University | TBD: Opportunities for AI-enabled scientific knowledge exploration, analysis, and discovery | Anna Llobet (allobet@lanl.gov) and Sean Kuvin (kuvin@lanl.gov) |
| Apr. 3rd 2025 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Prof. Shirley Dyke | Purdue University | TBD: resilient extraterrestrial habitats/smart hab/cyber physical testing | Mahindra Rautela (mrautela@lanl.gov) and Sean Kuvin (kuvin@lanl.gov) |
| Mar. 27th 2025 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Dr. Kohta Murase | Penn State University | TBD: Multimessenger View of High-Energy Cosmic Neutrino Sources | Fan Guo (guofan@lanl.gov) and Mora Durocher (mdurocher@lanl.gov) |
| Mar. 13th 2025 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Prof. Justin Wark | Oxford University | TBD: The study of shock compressed condensed matter by use of advanced light sources | Tim Germann (tcg@lanl.gov) and Romain Perriot (rperriot@lanl.gov) |
| Mar. 6th 2025 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Prof. Rebecca Lindsey | University of Michigan | Elucidating Complex Phenomena in Reacting Systems under Extreme Conditions through Machine-Learning-Accelerated Simulation | Brenden Hamilton(brenden@lanl.gov) and Romain Perriot(rperriot@lanl.gov) |
| Dec. 5th 2024 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Dr. Philip Lubin | University of California Santa Barbara | Planetary Defense via Hypervelocity Penetrators | Romain Perriot (rperriot@lanl.gov) |
| Sep. 26th 2024 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Dr. William Priedhorsky | Laboratory Fellow, LANL | Why are the Laboratory’s technical publications on a plateau? | gnana@lanl.gov |
| Aug. 22nd 2024 3:45 PM | Physics Auditorium (TA-3, Bldg 215, Rm 182) | Dr. Gerhard Hummer | Max Planck Institute of Biophysics | Learning from molecular simulations | |
| Aug. 15th 2024 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Dr. Jack Shlachter | LANL/ALDPS | The List Goes On: Jewish American Nobel Prize Winners in Physics | Gnana (gnana@lanl.gov) |
| Jul. 25th 2024 3:45 PM | Physics Auditorium (TA-3, Bldg 215, Rm 182) | Prof. Mac Hyman | Tulane University and Los Alamos National Laboratory | An Agent-based Network Model to Inform Public Health Efforts for Controlling Sexually Transmitted Infections | Gnana (gnana@lanl.gov) |
| Jun. 20th 2024 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Dr. Alexander Scheinker | LANL AOT-AE | Adaptive Generative Deep Learning with Hard Physics Constraints and Uncertainty Quantification for Complex Dynamic Systems | kuvin@lanl.gov |
| Jun. 6th 2024 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Dr. Diane Oyen | LANL CCS-3 | LANL AI Initiatives - Foundation Models | Gnana (gnana@lanl.gov) |
| May. 23rd 2024 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Prof. Adam Frank | University of Rochester | Semantic Information and The Physics of Life | allobet@lanl.gov |
| May. 16th 2024 3:45 PM | Physics Auditorium (TA-3, Bldg 215, Rm 182) | Dr. Greg Huber | Director of Theory, Chan Zuckerberg Biohub, San Francisco | Ambigrammia Genetica -- Brave New World or Narna-Viral Backwater? | Gnana Gnanakaran (T-6) |
| Apr. 4th 2024 3:45 PM | Physics Auditorium (TA-3, Bldg 215) | Kathryne Daniel and Joshua Smith | University of Arizona and California State University Fullerton | Cosmic Explorer: a next-generation gravitational-wave observatory | Romain Perriot (rperpiot) |
| Mar. 28th 2024 3:45 PM | Physics Auditorium (TA-3, Bldg 215) | Prof. Kevin McFarland | Department of Physics and Astronomy, University of Rochester (NY) | Measuring the Structure of Protons with Accelerator Neutrinos | Oleksandr Tomalak (tomalak@lanl.gov) and Romain Perriot (rperriot@lanl.gov) |
| Mar. 14th 2024 3:45 PM | Physics Auditorium (TA-3, Bldg 215) | Dr. Kasra Nowrouzi | Lawrence Berkeley National laboratory | Charting a Coherent Path through Incoherence: Technical and Organizational Challenges to Useful Quantum Computing | Marianne Francois (mmfran@lanl.gov) and Gnana (gnana@lanl.gov) |
| Mar. 7th 2024 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Dr. Barbara Jacak | UC Berkeley | Experimental QCD | Ming Lui (mliu@lanl.gov) |
| Feb. 8th 2024 3:45 PM | Physics Auditorium (TA-3, Bldg 215) | Baylor Fox-Kemper | Brown University | Scale-dependent problems in climate and oceanography | Filipe Pereira (fspereira@lanl.gov) |
| Jan. 25th 2024 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Dr. Leslie Sherrill | LANL/XTD | The Los Alamos Common Modeling Framework Project | Anna Llobet (allobet@lanl.gov |
| Jan. 11th 2024 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Prof. Scott Marley | Louisiana State University | Fission Fragment Decay Spectroscopy at CARIBU | Matthew Mumpower (mumpower@lanl.gov) |
| Dec. 14th 2023 3:45 PM | VIRTUAL | Dr. Johan Frenje | MIT | Studying High-Energy-Density (HED) and Inertial-Confinement-Fusion (ICF) physics at the NIF, OMEGA, and the Z-facility using MIT-developed diagnostics and experimental platforms | Hermann Geppert-Kleinrath (geppert@lanl.gov) |
| Nov. 16th 2023 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Prof. Michael Snow | Indiana University | Development and Characterization of "Challenging" Neutron Beams | Jeph Wang (zwang@lanl.gov) and Sean Kuvin (kuvin@lanl.gov) |
| Nov. 9th 2023 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Dr. Ishay Pomerantz | Tel Aviv University | Nuclear Photonics | Sasi Palaniyappan (sasi@lanl.gov) and Kirk Flippo (kflippo@lanl.gov) |
| Nov. 2nd 2023 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Prof. Carl Gagliardi | Texas A&M University | What Makes the Proton Spin? | Ming Liu (mliu@lanl.gov) |
| Oct. 26th 2023 3:45 PM | Physics Auditorium (TA-3, Bldg 215) | Prof. Jacob Joseph | Brown University | TBD: Biological complexity of disease - heart failure | Gnana Gnanakaran (gnana@lanl.gov) |
| Oct. 19th 2023 3:45 PM | Physics Auditorium (TA-3, Bldg 215) | Prof. Melanie Mitchell | Santa Fe Institute | Abstraction and Analogy are the Keys to Robust AI | Gnana (gnana@lanl.gov) |
| Sep. 21st 2023 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Prof. Duncan Brown | Syracuse University | Cosmic Explorer: A Next-Generation Generation Ground-based Gravitational-Wave Observatory for Nuclear Astrophysics | Soumi De (soumide@lanl.gov) |
| Sep. 7th 2023 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Adrian Brugger | Director of Robert A.W. Carleton Strength of Materials Laboratory | “Strategic Civil Infrastructure Resiliency and Failures: Insights into their Mechanics using Neutron Scattering and Imaging†| Don Brown (dbrown@lanl.gov) and Sean Kuvin (kuvin@lanl.gov) |
| Aug. 24th 2023 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Prof. Andrew Steiner | University of Tennessee | Neutron-star equation of state from astrophysics | Ingo Tews (itews@lanl.gov) |
| Aug. 17th 2023 3:45 PM | Physics Auditorium (TA-3, Bldg 215) | Christoph Weder | Adolphe Merkle Institute, University of Fribourg, Switzerland | Bio-Inspired, Adaptive Polymer Systems | Roman Perriot (rperriot@lanl.gov) |
| Jul. 27th 2023 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Dr. Bill Priedhorsky | ISR-DO (LANL) | The American Physical Society Report on Missile Defense | Seann Kuvin (kuvin@lanl.gov) |
| Jul. 13th 2023 3:45 PM | Physics Auditorium (TA-3, Bldg 215) | Dr. Siegfried S. Hecker | Texas A&M University and Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey | How Putin’s invasion of Ukraine destroys the Global Nuclear Order | gnana@lanl.gov |
| Jun. 22nd 2023 3:45 PM | Physics Auditorium (TA-3, Bldg 215) | Dr. Tammy Ma | LLNL | Ignition and the Path Toward an Inertial Fusion Energy Future | Kirk Flippo (kflippo@lanl.gov) |
| Jun. 15th 2023 3:45 PM | Physics Auditorium (TA-3, Bldg 215) | Ellen McGehee and Madeline Whitacre | LANL | Oppenheimer and the Manhattan Project | gnana@lanl.gov |
| Jun. 1st 2023 3:45 PM | Rosen Auditorium (TA-53, Bldg 1) | Dr. Bill Rider | Sandia | The History of CFD, Part 1 – CFD before CFD | Filipe S. Pereira (fspereira@lanl.gov) |