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Thursday, June 06, 2024
2:00 PM - 3:00 PM
CNLS Conference Room (TA-3, Bldg 1690)

Postdoc Seminar


William G. Unruh
University of British Columbia, Canada

Using fluid analogs promise to a) allow us to test theories of quantum emission by black hole and quantum thermaleffects of acceleration. I will review this field, and ideas for further experiments.

Bio: William Unruh is a Professor of Physics at the University of British Columbia who has made seminal contributionsto our understanding of gravity, black holes, cosmology, quantum fields in curved spaces, and the foundationsof quantum mechanics, including the discovery of the Unruh effect. His investigations into the effects of quantummechanics of the earliest stages of the universe have yielded many insights, including the effects of quantum mechanicson computation. Dr. Unruh was the first Director of the Cosmology and Gravity Program at the CanadianInstitute for Advanced Research (1985-1996). His many awards include the Rutherford Medal of the Royal Society ofCanada (1982), the Herzberg Medal of the Canadian Association of Physicists (1983), the Steacie Prize from the NationalResearch Council (1984), the Canadian Association of PhysicistsMedal of Achievement (1995), and the CanadaCouncil Killam Prize. He is an elected Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, a Fellow of the American Physical Society,a Fellow of the Royal Society of London, and a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Academy of Artsand Science.

Followed by Talks by Local LANL Scientists:
  • 15:00 - 15:25 Makana Silva, Corrections to Hawking Radiation from Primordial Black Holes as Dark Matter Probes
  • 15:25 - 15:50 Akram Touil, Emergence of Consensus About Classical Reality in a Quantum Universe