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We study the interaction between gravitational waves and quantum matter such as Bose-Einstein condensates,superfluid helium, or ultracold solids, explicitly taking into account the changes of the trapping potential induced bythe gravitational wave. As a possible observable, we consider the change of energy due to the gravitational wave,for which we derive rigorous bounds in terms of kinetic energy and particle number. Finally, we discuss implicationsfor possible experimental tests. Bio: Ralf Schützhold is the director of the Department of Theoretical Physics at the Helmholtz-Zentrum Dresden-Rossendorf, Germany and full professor for Theoretical Physics at the Technische Universität Dresden, Germany. Hisresearch focuses on exploring analogies between disparate domains, including fundamental phenomena such asHawking radiation, and experimental realms such as ion traps, cold atoms, graphene, and beyond. Followed by Talk by Local LANL Scientist: