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We celebrate the centenary of Louis de Broglie conception of matter waves. It inspired Erwin Schrodinger's wave equation and a century of studies on quantum foundations and technologies.Louis de Broglie still believed to have solved "probably . . . all problems related to quanta"[1], however, the very natureof the quantum wave has remained a matter of debate. Our research group at the University of Vienna is running matter-wave interference experiments with atoms [2],hydrocarbons [3], organic clusters [4], biomolecules [5-8], macromolecules [8] in more than half a dozen of differentmatter-wave interferometers, searching for indications of violations of quantum linearity as well as applications inbio-physical chemistry. In all experiments quantum mechanics has been found to be the correct description ofnature. I will review these efforts and recent progress in matter-wave interferometry with nanoparticles – focusing on ob-jects of high mass and on new materials [10,11]. [1] L. De Broglie, Nature 112, 540-540 (1923). [2] Y. Y. Fein, et al., Phys. Rev. X 10, 011014 (2020). [3] Y. Y. Fein, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 129, 123001 (2022). [4] P. Haslinger, et al., Nature Physics 9, 144 (2013). [5] L. Mairhofer, et al., Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 56, 10947 (2017). [6] C. Brand, et al., Ann. Phys. 527, 580 (2015). [7] C. Brand, et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 033604 (2020). [8] A. Shayeghi, et al., Nat. Communs. 11, 1447 (2020). [9] Y. Y. Fein, et al., Nature Phys. 15, 1242 (2019). [10] S. Pedalino, et al., Phys. Rev. A 106, 023312 (2022). [11] F. Kiałka, et al., AVS Quant. Sci. 4, 020502 (2022). Bio: Markus Arndt is a Professor of Quantum Nanophysics at the University of Vienna. He got his PhD in 1994 workingat LMU Munich / MPQ Garching with A.R. Weis and T.W. Hansch on spectroscopy and spin coherence of metal atomstrapped in solid helium. As a postdoc at Ecole Normale Superieure, Paris, he worked with Jean Dalibard on atomcooling, atom interferometry in the time domain. Together with A. Zeilinger he realized the first fullerene diffractionexperiments in Vienna, in 1999. Arndt became Ao. Univ. Prof. (2002), V. Prof. (2004) and Univ. Prof. (2008) at theUniversity of Vienna, where he has been leading the quantum nanophysics group for more than 20 years. They aredeveloping universal matter-wave interferometers for atoms, tailored and biologically relevant molecules, as wellas massive clusters composed of atoms of molecules. The team is interested in experimental tests of quantumdecoherence and quantum macroscopicity, quantum tools for physical chemistry, new cooling and the coherentmanipulation methods for biological nanoobjects, in quantum sensors based on superconducting nanowires andmatter-waves as well as in rotational optomechanics. Followed by Talks by Local LANL Scientists: