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Tuesday, May 24, 2022
1:00 PM - 2:00 PM
CNLS conference room (03-1690-102)


Standard, One-Bit, and Saturated Compressive Sensing

Simon Foucart
Dept. of Mathematics, Texas A&M University

The theory of sparse recovery from compressive measurements relies predominantly on the so-called restricted isometry property. In this talk, I shall summarize recent results based on an appropriate modification of this property. Firstly, I will show how exact recovery of sparse vectors can still be achieved from standard linear measurements. Secondly, I will give a simple explanation for the possibility of approximate recovery when these measurements are quantized to the extreme. Thirdly, I will discuss an intermediate situation where large measurements saturate. I will finally mention analogous results dealing with the recovery of low-rank matrices rather than sparse vectors.

Host: Nick Hengartner