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Tuesday, October 20, 2020
11:00 AM - 12:00 PM

Postdoc Seminar

Modeling and Control of Advanced Pumped Hydro for Power System Resiliency Enhancement

Soumyadeep Nag
Baylor University

With the increase in renewable penetration and frequency of high impact events, resilience of power systems has gained high importance. Flexible power system infrastructure can significantly enhance the resiliency of a power system. Conventional Pumped Storage Hydropower (CPSH) is the most matured form of PSH but is inefficient in part-load generation and slow in response and completely inflexible in pump mode. Thus, to meet the needs of the future power systems, CPSH has evolved into advanced configurations, namely, a) adjustable speed PSH (ASPSH), b) ternary PSH (TPSH) and c) Quaternary PSH (QPSH). To study the benefits of the advanced PSH configurations, their models and controls have been developed. Simultaneously, a revenue earning potential assessment for the configurations has been conducted based on a pay – for performance scheme. The presentation will highlight the advantages of the different configurations with specific attention to a) the flywheel response and multi-objective control of ASPSH, b) the pump mode regulation and mode change capability of TPSH, c) the regulation capabilities of QPSH along with, d) the revenue earning potential assessment of the different PSH configurations.

Host: David M Fobes