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Thursday, July 26, 2018
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
T-DO Conference Room (03-123-121)

Quantum Lunch

Progress in Two-Dimensional Quantum Turbulence

Ashton Bradley
University of Otago

The motion of 2D superfluid vortices supports a rich phenomenology including the chaotic states of quantum turbulence. I will give an outline of foundational concepts in theoretical understanding 2DQT, including vortex injection, energy spectra, and transport in Bose-Einstein condensates. I will also describe more recent developments including the reformulation of the point-vortex model in the hydrodynamic regime as a novel vortex fluid with anomalous stress tensor due to the quantized nature of the vortex cores. Current experimental efforts and future challenges for theory and experiment will also be described.

Host: Chris Ticknor