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Monday, May 01, 2017
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
CNLS Conference Room (TA-3, Bldg 1690)


CANCELLED-Democratizing large-scale data and machine learning in materials research-CANCELLED

CANCELLED-Bryce Meredig
Citrine Informatics

Over the first five years of the Materials Genome Initiative (MGI), the materials community has gained new appreciation for the enormous potential of digital data in the research enterprise. Nonetheless, the fact remains that the vast majority of materials research data is neither widely accessible nor readily computable (i.e., amenable to statistical analyses and machine learning). In this talk, we will discuss the data infrastructure work that has made it possible today to store all essential research data for the entire materials community. If we characterize the first five years of the MGI as the infrastructure-building period, we anticipate that the next five years of MGI will be marked by rapid proliferation of machine learning within materials research, and a concomitant flourishing of newly-enabled, data-driven discoveries. Our vision is for our Open Citrination platform to democratize these benefits of data-driven research across the materials community.

Host: Turab Lookman