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Wednesday, March 23, 2016
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
IMS/MPA Conference Room, TA-3, Bldg 32, Rm 134

CMS Colloquium

Lifshitz transition in UPt2Si2: High magnetic field experiments and Fermi surface

Stefan Sullow, apl. Prof., Dr.
TU Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany

Throughout the last decades, ternary intermetallic uranium compounds UT2M2, with T a transition metal and M either Si or Ge, have served as model compounds for topics such as heavy fermion superconductivity, “hidden order" or a testing ground for band structure calculations. Regarding the latter aspect, we have previously demonstrated that UPt2Si2 is a prime example where the physical properties need to be discussed in context of the electronic band structure, possibly under consideration of a varying degree of f electron localization. Here, we present an extensive account of our high magnetic field studies on single crystalline UPt2Si2, with particular emphasis on magnetoresistivity and Hall effect experiments in DC magnetic fields up to 35T at temperatures down to 50mK. Moreover, we include results from magnetostriction measurements in pulsed magnetic fields up to 65T for temperatures down to 1.5K. We discuss our findings in the context of field induced Lifshitz type transitions, this in particular in view of band structure calculations utilizing the concept of a dual nature of the uranium 5f electrons.

Host: Marcelo Jaime