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Thursday, February 26, 2015
12:30 PM - 1:30 PM
T-DO Conference Room (TA-3, Bldg 123)

Quantum Lunch

Hydrodynamic description of electron transport in high mobility semiconductor nanostructures

Anton Andreev
University of Washington

Although in many situations electron-electron (e-e) interactions do not affect the system resistivity because they conserve electron quasimomentum, generally this is not so. In modern high mobility nanostructures at intermediate temperatures the mean free path due to e-e scattering may be shorter than the spatial scale of the disorder potential. In this regime the e-e interactions have a dramatic effect on the resistivity and the system may be described by the hydrodynamic approach. The flow of electron liquid in a smooth disorder potential is markedly different from the Stokes flow. Dissipation of mechanical energy and resistivity are determined not only by viscous stresses but also by the heat fluxes that arise in the fluid in the presence of the current. The resistivity of the system can be expressed in terms of the kinetic coefficients of the electron fluid; viscosity, thermal conductivity, and spin diffusion coefficient.

Host: Nikolai Sinitsyn