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Thursday, March 27, 2014
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
T-DO Conference Room (TA-3, Bldg 123)

Quantum Lunch

Is fermionic antisymmetry a resource for quantum computation?

David Feder
University of Calgary

The properties of systems of identical bosons or fermions are generically difficult to obtain using classical computers. Quantum field theory suffers from the exponential growth in particle occupation space; alternatively one must calculate increasingly large permanents or determinants. In the fermionic case antisymmetrization appears superficially as entanglement, and indeed even non-interacting fermionic systems violate entanglement area laws. Yet non-interacting quantum systems are trivial to describe as products of single-particle states. An important question is: does quantum statistics alone provide any advantage over classical strategies for solving computational problems? To address this, I will discuss a mapping between free fermions and cluster states, maximally entangled states that are resources for universal measurement-based quantum computation. While from this perspective fermionic antisymmetry is equivalent to maximal entanglement, the resulting states can only be used to perform operations that are efficiently simulatable classically.

Host: Chris Ticknor