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During the last years a fundamental transformation of the electric power and integrated energy systems has been initiated in Europe and other industrialized countries. These new developments will drastically change the structure of these systems and the way they are operated. One can identify two main driving forces in this process. First, a massive introduction of distributed renewable power sources, i.e. mostly wind power and photo voltaics (PV), requires new system solutions. Since these sources are fluctuating and uncertain new methods for planning, managing, and operating the system must be developed and introduced. Second, information and communication technologies (ICT) offer new possibilities with regard to system control in general and management of distributed power sources and demand side response in particular.
This presentation will give an overview of the current developments in this field. The work at ETHZ concerning modeling of future energy systems will be presented. In particular the energy hub and power node will be described and their use in system analysis exemplified. Simulations from real system will be presented. The role of storage devices and demand side response will be elaborated.