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Thursday, November 08, 2012
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
T-DO Conference Room Bldg 123, Room 121

Quantum Lunch

Operational Dynamic Modeling: Quantum-to-classical Transition and Relativistic Quantum Transport

Denys I. Bondar and Renan Cabrera
Department of Chemistry, Princeton University

In this joint talk, we first introduce Operational Dynamic Modeling (ODM) as a systematic theoretical framework for deducing equations of motion from the evolution of observed average values. Then, it is demonstrated that ODM is capable of encompassing wide ranging dynamics from classical non-relativistic mechanics to quantum field theory. Among all the applications, we show how to overcome some long-standing obstacles encountered in phase-space representation of relativistic fermions, which is at the heart of the relativistic quantum transport theory.

Host: Adolfo del Campo, T-4 and CNLS