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Thursday, September 16, 2010
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
T-DO Conference Room


: Low energy interactions between trapped ND3 molecules and Rb atoms

Paul Parazzoli
University of Colorado

Recent techniques that have been developed to produce trapped samples of cold molecules have allowed the possibility of studying low energy collisions in a regime were the interactions are dominated by resonances and can be controlled and manipulated using external fields. We use a Stark decelerator to decelerate a beam of polar ND3 molecules using time-varying inhomogeneous electric fields. The ND3 is decelerated in the upper inversion doublet state, |JK> = |11>, and then loaded into an electrostatic quadrupole trap. A magnetically trapped cloud of laser cooled Rb atoms, is then overlaid with the ND3 trap where collisions between the two species can then be studied.

Host: Diego Dalvit