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Thursday, June 10, 2010
12:30 PM - 2:00 PM
T-DO Conference Room (TA-3, Bldg 123, Room 121)

Quantum Lunch

Dynamics of Molecular Collisions: Analysis, Control, Information

Marcelo P. de Miranda
School of Chemistry, University of Leeds

If you are interested in control of dynamical processes or information theory, but are not an expert on molecular collision dynamics, this talk is for you. First, you will get familiar with some unconventional ways of looking at the problem that will make it easier for you to think about collision dynamics. Next, you will understand how the new points of view reveal the extent to which one can control collision cross sections by selection of the initial state of the colliding molecules. Finally, you will realize that the new points of view expose a natural connection between collision dynamics and information theory, and in particular that information theory directly answers what used to be very tough questions about molecular collisions.

Host: Brian Kendrick