Wonjune ChoiCNLS Postoctoral Associate T-4 Dynamics of quantum many-body systems 
Office: TA-3, Bldg 1690, Room 130 Mail Stop: B258 Phone: 505-665-3883 Email: wchoi@lanl.gov
Research highlightI study strongly correlated quantum matter by probing its dynamical properties and many-body entanglement. Recently, my work has focused on the nonlinear dynamics of quantum many-body systems, laying the theoretical foundation for new experimental protocols that can reveal hidden phases of matter.
|  | Educational Background/Employment:- B.S. 2015 Physics, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology
- M.S. 2016 Physics, Perimeter Institute for Theoretical Physics & University of Waterloo
- Ph.D. 2021 Physics, University of Toronto
- Employment:
- 2021-2024: Postdoctoral Research Fellow, University of Toronto
Research Interests:
- Frustrated Magnetism and Quantum Spin Liquids
- Quantum Geometry and Topology of Highly Entangled Quantum States
- Non-Fermi Liquids & Quantum Criticality
- Many-body Entanglement of Mixed Quantum States
Selected Recent Publications:
- Choi, W.; Knap, M.; Pollmann, F.. Finite-temperature entanglement negativity of fermionic symmetry-protected topological phases and quantum critical points in one dimension (2024) 10.1103/PhysRevB.109.115132
- Choi, W.; Tavakol, O.; Kim Y.B.. Pairing instabilities of the Yukawa-SYK models with controlled fermion incoherence (2022) 10.21468/SciPostPhys.12.5.151
- Choi, W.; Lee, K.H.; Kim, Y.B.. Theory of two-dimensional nonlinear spectroscopy for the Kitaev spin liquid (2020) 10.1103/PhysRevLett.124.117205