Peter LoxleyCNLS Postdoctoral Research Associate T-5/CNLS Theoretical Physics 
Office: TA-3, Bldg 1690, Room 126 Mail Stop: B258 Phone: (505) 665 3203 Fax: (505) 665-2659 home page |  | Educational Background/Employment:- B.Sc. (1996) Chemistry, Murdoch University.
- B.Sc. (1998) Physics with Honours, Univ. of Sydney.
- Ph.D. (2005) Physics, Univ. of Western Australia.
- Professional Training:
- 2002 Casual Lecturer, School of Physics, Univ. of Western Australia.
- 2005-2008 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, School of Physics, Univ. of Sydney.
- 2009 Postdoctoral Research Fellow, CNLS, Los Alamos National Laboratory.
Research Interests: - Condensed Matter Physics
- Computational Neuroscience of Vision
- Solitons
- Exactly Solvable Models
Selected Recent Publications: - P. N. Loxley and P. A. Robinson, Phys. Rev. Lett. 102, 258701 (2009):
"Soliton Model of Competitive Neural Dynamics during Binocular Rivalry".
- P. N. Loxley, Phys. Rev. B 77, 144424 (2008):
"Rate of magnetization reversal due to nucleation of soliton-antisoliton pairs at point-like defects".
- P. N. Loxley and P. A. Robinson, Phys. Rev. E 76, 046224 (2007):
"Energy approach to rivalry dynamics, soliton stability, and pattern formation in neuronal networks".
- P. N. Loxley and P. A. Robinson, Biol. Cybern. 97, 113 (2007):
"Spike-rate adaptation and neuronal bursting in a mean-field model of brain activity".
- P. N. Loxley and R. L. Stamps, Phys. Rev. B 73, 024420 (2006):
"Theory for nucleation at an interface and magnetization reversal of a two-layer nanowire".