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Ivan C. Christov

Richard P. Feynman Distinguished Postdoctoral Fellow

Applied Mathematics, Fluid Mechanics, Nonlinear Dynamics

Ivan C. Christov

Office: TA-3, Bldg 1690, Room 134
Mail Stop: B258
Phone: (505) 665-1830
Fax: (505) 665-2659
home page

Research highlight
 Educational Background/Employment:
  • S.B. (2005) Mathematics (Applied Option), Massachusetts Institute of Technology
  • M.S. (2007) Mathematics, Texas A&M University
  • Ph.D. (2011) Applied Mathematics, Northwestern University
  • Professional Training:
    • 2011-2013 NSF Mathematical Sciences Postdoctoral Research Fellow, Complex Fluids Group, Department of Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering, Princeton University

Research Interests:

  • Complex and Nonlinear Systems: the study of the mechanics of natural phenomena using advanced mathematical techniques and state-of-the-art computational simulations; in particular: diffusion, mixing and self-organization of granular matter, flow in heterogeneous porous media, multiphase interfacial instabilities, fluid-structure interaction, shock-formation in compressible flows, viscoelastic flows and non-Newtonian rheology, dynamics of coherent structures in nonlinear wave equations, nonlinear Fourier analysis of physical data.

Selected Recent Publications:

  1. Christov, I.C., On a hierarchy of nonlinearly dispersive generalized KdV equations, Proceedings of the Estonian Academy of Sciences. to appear (2015). e-print arXiv:1501.01044.
  2. Zheng, Z., Guo, B., Christov, I.C., Celia, M.A., Stone, H.A., Flow regimes for fluid injection into a confined porous medium, Journal of Fluid Mechanics. 767, 881–909 (2015).
  3. Christov, I.C., Jordan, P.M., On an instability exhibited by the ballistic-diffusive heat conduction model of Xu and Hu, Proceedings of the Royal Society A. 470, 20130557 (2014).
  4. Al-Housseiny, T.T, Christov, I.C., Stone, H.A., Two-phase fluid displacement and interfacial instabilities under elastic membranes, Physical Review Letters. 111, 034502 (2013).
  5. Christov, I.C., Stone, H.A., Resolving a paradox of anomalous scalings in the diffusion of granular materials, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the USA. 109, 16012–16017, (2012).
  6. Christov, I.C., Ottino, J.M., Lueptow, R.M., From streamline jumping to strange eigenmodes: Bridging the Lagrangian and Eulerian pictures of the kinematics of mixing in granular flows, Physics of Fluids. 23, 103302 (2011).
  7. Christov, I.C., Ottino, J.M., Lueptow, R.M., Streamline jumping: A mixing mechanism, Physical Review E. 81, 046307 (2010).
  8. Christov, I., Popov, B., New non-oscillatory central schemes on unstructured triangulations for hyperbolic systems of conservation laws, Journal of Computational Physics. 227, 5736–5757 (2008).
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