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Monday, February 03, 2025
3:00 PM - 4:30 PM
CNLS Conference Room (TA-3, Bldg 1690)


Nucleosynthesis: Nuclei and nuclear reactions for astrophysics

Carla Frohlich
North Carolina State University

In this Ulam lecture, I will be discussing astrophysical nucleosynthesis from a practitioner's perspective. Signatures from stellar nucleosynthesis are ubiquitous. The quest to understand the origin of elements and to interpret the observed signatures of nucleosynthesis remain a top priority into the current decade (eg Astro Decadal Survey and Nuclear Physics Long Range plan). The general concepts and mechanisms are well known since the seminal paper known as B2FH from 1957, yet the picture continues to become richer and new questions emerge as the field progresses. In this lecture, I will discuss challenges and assumptions for the relevant nuclear physics, techniques and implications from numerical modeling of astrophysical sites, and technical aspects of computing nucleosynthesis yields. This lecture is aimed at the interested student/postdoc, no prior knowledge in nucleosynthesis is required.

Host: Jonah Miller (CCS-2)