Sergei Tretiak
CNLS Executive Committee Member
Theoretical Chemical Physics
Office: TA-3, Bldg. 1420, Rm 111
Mail Stop: B-268
Phone: (505) 667-8351
Fax: (505) 665-3909
home page
Educational Background/Employment:
- B. S. in physics, Moscow institute of Physics and Technology, 1992
- M. S. in physics, Institute of Spectroscopy, Russia, 1994
- M. S. in chemistry, University of Rochester, NY, 1996
- Ph.D. in chemistry, University of Rochester, NY, 1999
- Postdoctoral Research:
- University of Rochester, 1999-1999
- Los Alamos National Laboratory, 1999-2001
- Employment:
- Technical Staff Member, T-1, 2001-present
- Staff Scientist, Center for Integrated Nanotechnologies (CINT), 2005-present
Research Interests:
- Relation between optical and chemical properties of organic and semiconductor materials
- Time-Dependent Density Functional Theory
- Molecular dynamics of the excited states
- Charge and energy transfer in biological and artificial antenna complexes
- Ultrafast nonlinear spectroscopy; Nonlinear dynamics of complex classical and quantum systems
Selected Recent Publications:
- S. Kilina, S. Ivanov, and S. Tretiak, Effect of Surface Ligands on Optical and Electronic Spectra of Semiconductor Nanoclusters, J. Am. Chem. Soc., 131, 7717 (2009).
- C. Wu, S. Malinin, S. Tretiak, and V. Chernyak, Multiscale Modeling of Electronic Excitations in Branched Conjugated Molecules Using Exciton Scattering Approach, Phys. Rev. Lett. 100, 057405 (2008).
- F. Terenziani, C. Katan, M. Blanchard-Desce, E. Badaeva, and S. Tretiak, Enhanced two-photon absorption of organic chromophores: theoretical and experimental assessments, Adv. Mat. (Review Article, journal cover page) 20, 1 (2008).
- S. Tretiak, Triplet absorption in carbon nanotubes: a TD-DFT study, Nano Letters (journal cover page), 7, 2201 (2007).
- C. Wu, S. Malinin, S. Tretiak, and V. Chernyak, Exciton scattering and localization in branched dendrimeric structures, Nature Phys., 2, 631 (2006).