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 Basil Nicolaenko (Nichols), founding CNLS member, is remembered for his seminal role.

Basil Nicolaenko, one of the early founding members of the Center for Nonlinear Studies, passed away on September 2, 2007. Basil had a long career in applied mathematics and physics with a special interest in turbulence. He was a technical staff member in the Mathematical Analysis Group, T-7, from 1975-1979 before becoming the Group Leader from 1980-1986. After the creation of the CNLS in 1980, David Campbell and Basil served as co-administrators of the Center before the selection of Alwyn Scott as the first permanent CNLS Director. A short article in LA-Science in 1981 described the early days of CNLS and Basil (Nichols) role at that time. Later Basil served on the CNLS Executive Committee, helping to organize six different CNLS workshops and conferences including the 2nd CNLS conference entitled "Nonlinear Problems: Present and Future" in 1981. In 1989, Basil moved to Arizona State University where he was Professor of Applied Mathematics. In 2006, a short workshop was held in Los Alamos to honor his role in the founding of the CNLS and his many contributions to nonlinear analysis. Basil was an important part of CNLS in the early days and continued his interactions with CNLS for many years after moving to Tempe; he will be missed by many.

Basil Nicolaenko
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