Optical Physics Condensed Matter Materials PhysicsOptical Physics
Nanoscale Science & TechnologyPlutonium ScienceSoft Condensed Matter
Technical Highlights


Optical Physics

Research in optical physics is comprised of both basic research in forefront areas of optical materials interactions, with an emphasis on ultrafast optical science and technology, as well as R&D focused on more applied programmatic efforts. The team consists of staff members Toni Taylor, George Rodriguez, Richard Averitt, and Jeff Roberts, as well as several postdocs and graduate students. Topics in ultrafast optical science and technology include the investigation of dynamical processes in materials and the development of novel measurement techniques based on optical technology. Areas of investigation include:
  • Ultrafast dynamics of correlated electron materials (spin-charge-lattice interactions in high temperature superconductors, colossal magneto-resistance manganites, heavy fermions, and organic materials).
  • Optical propagation in microstructured fibers.
  • Investigation of ultrafast dynamics of phase transitions in solids.
  • Ultrafast plasma dynamics.
  • Development of spatially and temporally local probes.
  • Ultrafast x-ray diffraction.
  • Adaptive pulse shaping and coherent control.
  • Optical interactions in nanostructured materials.
  • Terahertz time-domain spectroscopy.

Programmatic efforts include:

  • Diagnostic development and planning and execution of physics experiments for the Atlas pulsed power program http://atlasweb.lanl.gov/.
  • Ultrashort pulse laser effects and lethality.
  • Terahertz spectroscopy for remote sensing applications.


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