Nanoscale Science & Technology Condensed Matter Materials PhysicsOptical Physics
Nanoscale Science & TechnologyPlutonium ScienceSoft Condensed Matter
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Nanoscale Science & Technology

Nanoscale science and technology represents a new direction in condensed matter and materials physics for group members to apply their expertise in materials physics, synthesis and characterization. Topics of research in nanoscale science and technology within MST-10 include:
  • Ultrafast dynamics and coherent control in metallic and semiconductor quantum dots (Averitt, Taylor).
  • Investigation and development of photonic nanostructures (Taylor).
  • Development of spatially and temporally local probes. (Averitt, Movshovich, Taylor).
  • Assembly and actuation on nanomaterials using active biomolecules (Averitt)
  • Magnetic resonance force microscopy (Movshovich)
  • Investigation of nanomagnetism (Bao, Movshovich)
  • Understanding and optimization of mechanical properties of layered nanoscale materials (Averitt, Hundley)
  • Complex functional nanomaterials (Averitt, Sarrao, Taylor, Thompson)
  • Nanofluidics (Ecke)

One of the key programmatic connections for nanoscale science in MST-10 is the BES-funded, Center for Integrated Nanotechnology (CINT) that is being built jointly by Sandia and LANL, with facilities housed in both locations. CINT ( is a Department of Energy/Office of Science Nanoscale Science Research Center operating as a national user facility devoted to establishing the scientific principles that govern the design, performance, and integration of nanoscale materials. MST-10 is involved in four (out of five) scientific thrusts pursued within the scope of CINT including, nano-bio-micro-interfaces, nanophotonics and nanoelectronics, complex functional nanomaterials, and nanomechanics

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