Avadh B. Saxena
CNLS Executive Committee Member
Condensed Matter Physics, Statistical Physics, Nonlinear Phenomena
Office: TA-3, Bldg. SM-524, Rm 102
Mail Stop: B-262
Phone: (505) 667-5227
Fax: (505) 665-4063
Educational Background/Employment:
- B.E.(Hons.) Electrical & Electronics Engineering, BITS, Pilani, India (1982)
- M.Sc.(Hons.) Physics, BITS, Pilani, India (1982)
- M.A. (Physics), Temple University, Philadelphia (1983)
- Ph.D. (Physics), Temple University, Philadelphia (1986)
- Postdoctoral Research:
- Joint postdoc between Penn State University,
University Park and Cornell University (1986-1989)
- Employment:
- Consultant/Visiting Scientist, Theoretical Division and CNLS, Los Alamos
National Lab (1990-1992)
- Technical Staff Member, T-11, LANL (1993-present)
- Adjunct Professor: University of Barcelona, Spain (2002-present)
- Adjunct Professor: University of Arizona, Tucson (2005-present)
- Science Advisor: National Institute for Materials Science, Tsukuba, Japan (2007-present)
- Group Leader, Physics of Condensed Matter and Complex Systems
Group (T-4).
Research Interests:
- Structural Phase Transformations: Mesoscopic (Ginzburg-Landau)
modeling of multiferroic, martensitic and actinide materials
using nonlinear elasticity. Symmetry, microstructure and response.
- Nonlinear Excitations in Electronic Materials: Polarons, excitons,
breathers, etc. in inorganic and organic semiconductors and their
effect on optical, vibrational, transport and other peoperties.
Spin phenomena (spintronics) and nanoscale physics.
- Soft Condensed Matter: Phase separation and role of curvature
on the deformation of membranes and vesicles. Thermodynamics of
protein nucleation. Viscoelasticity and polymer morphology.
- Interplay of Nonlinearity, Geometry & Topology: Exactly and
quasi-exactly solvable models. Role of topology and curved
geometry in materials.
Selected Recent Publications:
- A. Saxena et al.,
Origin of magnetic and magnetoelastic tweed-like precursor
modulations in ferroic materials,,
Phys.Rev. Lett. 92, 197203 (2004).
- F.X. Bronold, A. Saxena and D.L. Smith,
Electron spin dynamics in semiconductors,,
Solid State Phys. 58, 73 (2004), review article.
- R. Ahluwalia, T. Lookman, A. Saxena, and W. Cao,
Piezoelectric response of engineered domains in ferroelectrics,
Appl. Phys. Lett. 84 3450 (2004).
- J. Benoit, E. von Hauff and A. Saxena,
Self-dual bending theory for vesicles,
Nonlinearity 17, 57 (2004).
- P.G. Kevrekidis, A. Khare, and A. Saxena,
Solitary wave interactions in dispersive equations using Manton's approach,
Phys. Rev. E 70, 057603 (2004).