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Abstracts should be submitted electronically as pdf files using the abstract submission form below. Talk and poster abstracts will be printed in a conference proceedings book that will be made available to all conference participants before the meeting.

Invited Speaker Talk Abstract Example

Poster abstracts will be reviewed by the organizing committee for adherence to the formatting requirements, topicality, and to the extent possible, technical correctness and potential impact. Originality will be considered but is not required. Authors of accepted abstracts will have an opportunity to revise their abstracts before distribution of the abstract book. Authors of selected poster abstracts will be invited to present contributed talks in addition to their posters.

Poster Abstract Guidelines and Example

The deadline for submitting a poster abstract is April 13, 2008.

You will receive an acceptance or rejection notice before May 16, 2008. Abstracts will be reviewed as they are received.

Submit Abstract
Conference Organizers will contact you once your abstract is reviewed.

Travel Grants:

The conference organizers plan to establish a scholarship fund for students, post-doctoral fellows, and residents of developing countries who would otherwise be unable to attend this conference. Limited funds are available, and all applicants are encouraged to submit poster abstracts. Grant recipients will be selected based on abstract quality and need.

Submitting an travel grant application is not the same as registering for the conference.
Please do not register until you are sure you will be attending.
If you would like to register instead of submitting a travel grant application, then please click here.
Submit Application