Travel support for students, postdocs and early-career scientists

There is limited funding available to support the travel and lodging expenses for students, postdocs and early-career scientists. Students, postdocs, and early career scientists requesting support must submit an application to the conference email address: netopt06@cnls.lanl.gov . The application deadline for financial support is: June 1, 2006. In the period of June 2-5, the applicants will be notified whether or not they will receive financial support.

To apply, please submit a recent curriculum vitae containing a publication list and the title and abstract of the poster or contributed talk to be presented. Those receiving financial support must present a poster or a contributed talk.

Reimbursement Details

Participants (invited or otherwise) will all receive a contract from the CNLS notifying them about the details of the reimbursement including the maximum allowed amount for the airfare from their starting location to Albuquerque. Those participants who believe that the maximum allowed is below the lowest fare possible, should notify Adam Shipman at netopt06@cnls.lanl.gov with a request to update the maximum allowed amount and an explanation. CNLS will try to accommodate these requests.

For those receiving financial support (including invited speakers) the payment will be through reimbursement based on receipts and for the period of the conference. The following expenses may be reimbursed:

* LANL will only reimburse for the nights between 18th of June and 23rd of June. Unfortunately, Best Western Hilltop House Hotel has no more rooms available for the night of 22nd June. Other hotels may be used, including Albuquerque hotels (for example due to an early flight).
Incidentals are not reimbursable.

Car Rental

  • Budget car rental is the primary supplier for LANL.
  • LANL has a contract with Budget Rental Car and based on that all insurance should be waived. However, the traveler needs to specify the LANL Customer Discount number at the reception desk of Budget when picking up a car. Your contract letter will have the discount number included.
  • For car reservations, you can contact  Budget at 1-800-527-0700  or visit Budget's Web Site
  • Budget Office Locations

    - Los Alamos - 1040 Airport Road, + (505) 662-4090
    Hours: M-F 6am-6pm, Sat 8am - 1pm, Sun 6am-3pm

    - Santa Fe - 1946 Cerrillos Road, + (505) 984-1596
    Hours: M-F 8am - 6pm, Sat 8am - 5pm, Sun 8am - 5pm

    - Albuquerque - International Airport, Sunport Blvd. 1-800-527-0700
    Hours: Sunday-Friday 5am - 1am, Sat 5am-12am (midnight)