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Monday, November 30, 2015
3:00 PM - 4:00 PM
CNLS Conference Room (TA-3, Bldg 1690)


Energy transition in Europe: Needs, challenges and possible solutions: an European TSO perspective

Patrick Panciatici

The complexity of the Pan European transmission system is increasing. More and more generations based on renewable energy are installed in the system. Some are dispersed (PV in distribution system) or others far way from load centers (off shore wind). They are generally intermittent (day ahead forecasts are not very accurate). We have a lot of difficulties to build overhead power lines. People don’t like their impact on the landscape and they are now afraid of hypothetical effect of EMF on health. We must use more complex solutions: numerous Phase Shifters Transformers, upgrades of existing corridors by using new conductors (ACSS), underground cables, HVDC links embedded in AC systems. The Single European Electricity market is an optimizer which maximizes the use of existing assets, pushing the system to its limits. To plan and to operate such a very large and complex system, new tools are needed to help operators to make decisions. During the presentation, needs, challenges will be described. On the solution side, the results of two large EU funded project: e-Highway2050 (long term planning g of the European grid: ) and iTesla (advanced security assessment: ) will be presented.

Host: Misha Chertkov