Erzsébet Ravasz
CNLS Director's Postdoctoral Fellow
Biological Networks
Office: TA-3, Bldg. 1690, Rm 125
Mail Stop: B258
Phone: (505) 667-9467
Fax: (505) 665-2659
home page
Educational Background/Employment:
- Diploma de Licenta (M.S.), Physics, Romania 1999
- Ph.D. Physics, Notre Dame University, 2004.
- Director's Funded Postdoctoral Fellow, Los Alamos National Lab, 2004–present
Research Interests:
- Metabolic networks
- Protein folding networks
- Quantum information theory
Selected Recent Publications:
- E. Ravasz, A.L. Barabási,
Hierarchical organization in complex networks,
Phys. Rev. E, 67, 261121 (2003).
- E. Ravasz, A.L. Somera, D.A. Mongru, Z.N. Oltvai, A.L. Barabási,
Hierarchical organization of modularity in metabolic networks,
Science, 297, 1551 (2002).
- Z. Néda, E. Ravasz, Y. Brechet, T. Vicsek, A.L. Barabási,
The sound of many hands clapping — Tumultuous applause can transform itself
into waves of synchronized clapping,
Nature, 403, 849 (2000).