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Caizhi Zhou

CNLS Postdoctoral Research Associate

Dislocation dynamics simulations of plasticity

Caizhi Zhou

Office: TA-3, Bldg 1690, Room 130
Mail Stop: B258
Phone: (505) 667-3216
Fax: (505) 665-2659
home page

Research highlight
  • The interface-dislocation dynamics model that I am developing is a new mesoscale model and break-through in materials modeling to bridge the length-scale gap from atomic-scale to macro-scale. With this predictive tool, people can develop the principles for the design of materials having superior mechanical properties.
  • In the paper "Dislocation induced anomalous softening of solid helium", our dislocation model provides a new approach applied to quantum solids and a different picture of the elastic softening.
  • Our dislocation dynamics simulations on small scale materials have dentified the determining critical events (i.e., dislocation multiplication, storage, nucleation and reactions etc.) for deformation response at small scales and how these events changed from bulk behavior as the system decreased in sizes. We created a physically based deformation mechanism map that accounts for the observed size-dependent behavior to help people understand the dislocation plasticity at different length scales.
  • Three of my papers on friction stir welding (FSW) have been listed on the "Top 25 Hottest Articles". In the FSW projest, I have done substantial work on identifying the influence of critical defects, such as oxidation arrays and "onion ring", on the fatigue properties of FSW welds.
 Educational Background/Employment:
  • * 2011-present Postdoctoral Research Associate, T-3/CNLS, LANL
  • * Ph.D. (2010) Materials Science and Engineering, Iowa State University
  • * M.S. (2006) Materials Processing Engineering, Tianjin University, China
  • * B.S. (2003) Metallic Materials Science and Engineering, Tianjin University, China

Research Interests:

  • Exploring fundamental material deformation and strengthening mechanisms to develop models bridging atomistic, micro/meso and continuum scales and help material design with improved understanding of relationship between microstructure and mechanical behaviour.
  • Research focusing on advanced materials in energy, aerospace, and nano-technology: *Materials under extreme conditions (e.g., radiation environment, high loading rate/pressure); *Super alloys at high temperatures for aerospace and energy generation industries; *Nanostructured and small-sized materials for novel applications; *Friction stir welding/processing for industrial applications.

Selected Recent Publications:

  1. C. Zhou , J. Wang, I. J. Beyerlein and C. A. Bronkhorst, "An Interface-Dislocation Dynamics Model to Incorporate the Physics of Interfaces ", to be submitted to Acta Materialia.
  2. C. Zhou, C. Reichhardt, C. J. Olson Reichhardt and I. J. Beyerlein, "Dynamic Phases for Driven Dislocation Assemblies", submitted to PRL.
  3. H. Chu, C. Zhou, J. Wang and J. Beyerlein, "An analytical model for the critical shell thickness in core/shell nanowires based on crystallographic slip", submitted to Journal of the Mechanics and Physics of Solids.
  4. C. Zhou, J. J. Su, M. J. Graf, C. Reichhardt, A. V. Balatsky and I. J. Beyerlein, "Dislocation induced anomalous softening of solid helium", Philosophical Magazine Letters, (2012) 92: 608.
  5. H. Chu, C. Zhou, J. Wang and J. Beyerlein, "Misfit strain relaxation mechanisms in core/shell nanowires", JOM, (2012) 64: 1258.
  6. C. Zhou and R. LeSar, "Dislocation dynamics simulations of plasticity in polycrystalline thin film", International Journal of Plasticity, (2012) 30-31: 185.
  7. C. Zhou and R. LeSar, "Dislocation dynamics simulations of the Bauschinger effect in metallic thin films", Computational Materials Science, (2012) 54: 350.
  8. C. Zhou, I. J. Beyerlein and R. LeSar, "Plastic deformation mechanisms of FCC single crystals at small scales", Acta Materialia, (2011) 59: 7673.
  9. H. Chu, J. Wang, C. Zhou and I. J. Beyerlein, "Self-energy of elliptical dislocation loops in anisotropic crystals and its application for defect-free core/shell nanowires", Acta Materialia, (2011) 59: 7114.
  10. C. Zhou, S. B. Biner, and R. LeSar, "Simulations of the Effect of Surface Coatings on Plasticity at Small Scales ", Scripta Materialia, (2010) 63:1096.
  11. C. Zhou, S. B. Biner, and R. LeSar, "Discrete dislocation dynamics simulations of plasticity at small scales", Acta Materialia, (2010) 58: 1565.
  12. C. Zhou, X. Yang, and G. Luan, "Effect of oxide array on the fatigue property of friction stir welds", Scripta Materialia, (2006) 54: 1515.
  13. C. Zhou, X. Yang, and G. Luan, "Effect of root flaws on the fatigue property of friction stir welded 2024-T3 Al alloy", Materials Science and Engineering A, (2006) 418: 155.
  14. C. Zhou, X. Yang, and G. Luan, "Fatigue properties of friction stir welds in 5083 Al alloy", Scripta Materialia, (2005) 53:1187.
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