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• 2018-11-07 Wan Kyu Park (National High Magnetic Field Laboratory, Florida State University, Tallahassee, Florida ) Dependence on the Crystallinity of the Topological Nature in the Kondo Insulator SmB6
• 2018-03-14 Dr. Alexei Koshelev (Argonne National Laboratory) Superconducting instabilities in extreme quantum limit in multiple-band materials near Lifshitz transition
• 2017-12-20 Ivar Martin (Argonne National Laboratory) Exciting dynamics in multiple time dimensions
• 2017-11-15 Nick Butch (NIST Center for Neutron Research & University of Maryland, College Park) Mapping the correlated f-state responsible for hidden order in URu2Si2
• 2017-09-27 Rafael Fernandes (University of Minnesota) Superconductivity mediated by quantum critical antiferromagnetic fluctuations: the rise and fall of hot spots
• 2017-08-23 Ho Nyung Lee (ORNL) Strain control of emergent phenomena in oxide heterostructures
• 2017-06-14 Kai Sun (University of Michigan) Topological Kondo insulators and topological crystalline Kondo insulators: theory, experiments and remaining puzzles
• 2017-05-31 Hiroshi Yasuoka (Japan Atomic Energy Agency (JAEA)) Emergent Weyl fermion excitations in Tap
• 2017-05-17 Anders Sandvik (Boston University) Scaling with two divergent lengths in decon ned quantum criticality
• 2017-04-19 Corwin Booth (Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory) Using actinide L3-edge resonant x-ray emission spectroscopy (RXES) to measure valence and delocalization effects in intermetallics such as URu2Si2
• 2017-03-08 James Hamlin (University of Florida, Gainesville) Recent studies on pressure-induced topological and superconducting transitions
• 2016-12-14 Congjun Wu (University of California, San Diego) Novel Orbital Phases of Cold Atoms in Optical Lattices – Unconventional BEC and Itinerant Ferromagnetism
• 2016-12-07 Yaroslav Tserkovnyak (University of California) Topological “spin” transport through magnetic insulators
• 2016-11-30 M. Brian Maple (University of California at San Diego) Novel electronic phases and competing interactions in the heavy fermion compound URu2Si2
• 2016-11-16 Ruihua He (Boston College) A Tale of Two Emergent Phenomena: From Pseudogap to Negative Electronic Compressibility, and Back Again?
• 2016-11-09 Nadya Mason (University of Illinois - Urbana Champaign) Surface State Transport in 3D Topological Insulators
• 2016-10-26 Alex Goncharov (Carnegie Science) High-pressure synthesis of super-hydrides and metallization of hydrogen
• 2016-10-05 David Hsieh (Institute for Quantum Information and Matter, California Institute of Technology) Revealing Hidden Phases in Correlated Electron Systems using Nonlinear Optics
• 2016-07-20 Zhiqiang Mao (Tulane University) TBD
• 2016-06-15 Qiang Li (Brookhaven National Laboratory) Chiral Magnetic Effect -from Quark Gluon plasma to Condensed Matters
• 2016-03-23 Stefan Sullow, apl. Prof., Dr. (TU Braunschweig, Braunschweig, Germany) Lifshitz transition in UPt2Si2: High magnetic field experiments and Fermi surface
• 2016-02-03 Yoshi Tokiwa (Kyoto University) Exotic elementary excitations in quantum spin ice
• 2016-01-27 Bob Markiewicz (Northeastern University) A New Approach to Hedin’s Many-Body Perturbation Theory Applied to Cuprates
• 2016-01-21 Prof. Minhyea Lee (Department of Physics, University of Colorado Boulder) The effects of non-trivial spin textures and magnetic anisotropy on the magnetotransport properties in inversion symmetry broken magnets.
• 2015-12-09 Prof. James A. Sauls (Department of Physics & Astronomy Northwestern University) From Condensed Matter Physics to Next Generation Quantum Devices
• 2015-11-18 Prof. Oleg Starykh (University of Utah) Frustration-driven multi magnon condensates and their excitations
• 2015-11-04 Brad Ramshaw (MPA-CMMS) Postdoc Publication Prize in Experimental Sciences Talk: Quasiparticle mass enhancement approaching optimal doping in a high-Tc superconductor
• 2015-10-28 Mohit Randeria (The Ohio State University) Skyrmions in chiral magnets
• 2015-10-21 Stuart Brown (UCLA) Charge Fluctuations and Superconductivity in Organic Conductors: the case of 𝛽′′-(ET)2SF5CH2CF2SO3
• 2015-08-26 Markus Garst (University of Cologne, Germany) Exciting skyrmions and helices in chiral magnets
• 2015-08-19 Gabe Aeppli (ETH Zurich) New Time: Are all interesting oxides inhomogeneous?
• 2015-08-19 Sasha Balatsky (NSEC) TBD
• 2015-08-12 Anthanasios Chantis (APS) An inside view of the Physical Review family of journals
• 2015-08-05 Jason Hancock (University of Connecticut) Resonant inelastic X-ray scattering (RIXS) in condensed matter physics
• 2015-07-22 Axel Hoffman (Argonne National Lab) Magnetism at the Mesoscale: Blowing Magnetic Skyrmions
• 2015-06-24 Pradeep Kumar (University of Florida) Metamagnetism in Heavy Fermion Systems
• 2015-06-11 Ulrich K. Roessler (Leibniz Institute for Solid State and Materials Research, IFW Dresden) Playing games of skyrmions in chiral magnets - really so easy?
• 2015-05-13 Ben McMorran (University of Oregon, Eugene) Investigations of topological states in electron wavefunctions and magnetization
• 2015-05-06 Max Metlitski (KITP, University of California at Santa Barbara) Are non-Fermi-liquids stable to Cooper pairing?
• 2015-04-29 Rafael Fernandez (University of Minnesota) Impact of electronic nematicity on the unconventional superconductivity of the iron pnictides
• 2015-03-11 Nic Shannon (Okinawa Institute of Science and Technology Graduate University) Quantum Spin Ice
• 2015-02-11 Art Hebard (University of Florida) Ah-ha Moments Inspired by the Scaling/Collapse of Experimental Data
• 2015-01-14 Jim Gubernatis (T-4) Materials Informatics: A Pilgrim's Progress
• 2014-12-17 Lu Li (University of Michigan) Quantum Oscillations in Kondo Insulator SmB6
• 2014-12-10 Jaime Fernandez-Baca Spin dynamics of multiferroic materials studied by neutron scattering
• 2014-10-08 Peter Riseborough (Temple University) Spin Excitons in Nodal Kondo Insulators
• 2014-10-01 Zohar Nussinov (Washington University) Possible high temperature quantization
• 2014-09-10 Maxim Dzero (Kent State University) Topological insulators driven by an electron spin
• 2014-07-03 Greg Stewart (University of Florida) Specific Heat of Iron Based Superconductors at Tc - A Global Correlation
• 2014-05-21 Greg Fiete (University of Texas at Austin) Topological Phases in Transition Metal Oxides
• 2014-04-16 Ian Affleck (University of British Columbia) Topological superconductor - Luttinger liquid junctions
• 2014-04-02 Kun Yang (Florida State University, National High Magnetic Field Lab) **Location Change** Bulk Thermoelectric and Thermodynamic Probes of non-Abelian Anyons in Topological Systems
• 2014-03-19 Weida Wu (Rutgets University) Visualization of domain wall magnetism and domain magnetoelectric effect
• 2014-02-19 Andriy Nevidomskyy (Rice University) Emergent quantum phases and magnetic frustration in heavy fermion materials
• 2014-02-12 Dmitry Malsov (University of Florida) Chiral Fermi liquids
• 2014-01-22 Chris Hammel (Ohio State University) Spin dynamics and transport in nanoscale volumes
• 2014-01-15 Valery Kiryukhin (Rutgers University) TBD
• 2014-01-08 Gabriel Kotliar (Rutgers University) Theoretical Modeling of Actinides: Past Present and Future
• 2013-12-11 Wei Pan (Sandia National Labs) Spin transition in fractional quantum Hall liquids in second Landau level
• 2013-12-04 Dimitri Basov (University of California, San Diego) TBD
• 2013-11-20 David Mandrus (University of Tennessee) An overview of some recent UT/ORNL work on layered chalcogenides
• 2013-11-14 Pablo Esquinazi (Institute for Experimental Physics II, University of Leipzig, Germany) Defect-induced magnetism in solids
• 2013-11-06 Alexander Chernyshev (UCI) TBD
• 2013-10-02 Jim Allen (University of Michigan) Topologically protected surface conduction in SmB6 – new solution to a thirty year old mystery
• 2013-06-06 Barbara Jones (IBM) First-principles Studies of Atomic-Scale Engineered Spin Chains
• 2013-05-29 Piers Coleman (Rutgers University) Spinors, Strings and Superconductors: Challenges of new era in Condensed Matter Physics
• 2013-05-22 Prof. Jean Heremans (Virgina Tech) Quantum-coherent transport in low-dimensional semiconductor and semimetal structures
• 2013-05-15 Nick Curro (UC Davis) Antiferromagnetism and Superconductivity in the Iron Pnictide Superconductors
• 2013-05-08 Natalia Perkins (University of Wisconsin) Emergent phases of correlated electrons in materials with strong spin-orbit coupling
• 2013-04-17 Chris Leighton (Materials Science, University of Minnesota ) Magneto-Electronic Phase Separation in the Doped Perovskite Cobaltites
• 2013-04-16 Ian Affleck (University of British Columbia) TBD
• 2013-04-03 Qimiao Si (Rice University) Orbital-Selective Mott Transition in Iron Pnictide Superconductors
• 2013-03-13 Thomas F. Rosenbaum (University of Chicago) Breakdown of the BCS Ground State at a Quantum Phase Transition
• 2013-02-27 Kevin Bedell (Boston College) The Virial Theorem for Dirac Materials: From 1D to 3D with Graphene in between
• 2013-01-08 Mark W. Meisel (University of Florida) Controlling Magnetism by Light in Nanoscaled Heterostructures of Cyanometallate Coordination Networks: the role of increased complexity
• 2012-12-12 Prof. R. Shankar (Yale University ) TBD
• 2012-12-02 Prof. Peter S. Riseborough (Temple University) A Phase Transition arising from the Underscreened Anderson Lattice Model: A Candidate Concept for Explaining the Hidden Order in URu2Si2?
• 2012-11-14 Prof. Gustavo Scuseira  (Rice University) TBD
• 2012-11-07 Prof. Dietrich Belitz (University of Oregon) TBD
• 2012-10-31 Prof. Vladimir Manucharyan (Harvard University) TBD
• 2012-10-24 Prof. Pillipp Werner (ETH (Zurich, Switzerland) ) The Hubbard model out of equilibrium ­ insights from dynamical mean field theory
• 2012-10-10 Prof. James Freericks (Georgetown University) The quantum tsunami: a theoretical many­body physics description of pump/probe experiments
• 2012-08-22 Prof. Bertram Batlogg (ETH (Zurich, Switzerland) ) Fe­based and related superconductors in high magnetic fields: mass renormalization, critical fields and critical currents
• 2012-05-16 Dr. Ni Ni (LANL (MPA­CMMS) ) Manipulating Tc in Fe­based Superconductors through Doping and Interlayer Coupling
• 2012-05-09 Prof. Megan Aronson (Stony Brook University) Dimer Formation and Quantum Criticality in the Shastry-­Sutherland-­Lattice
• 2012-05-02 Prof. Ali Yazdani (Princeton University) Visualizing heavy fermions emerging in a quantum critical Kondo lattice
• 2012-04-25 Dr. Michelle Johannes (Naval Research Laboratory) Magnetism, structure, spin fluctuations and superconductivity in Fe­based superconductors
• 2012-04-18 Prof. Peter Hisrchfeld (University of Florida) Gap structure and symmetry of Fe­based Superconductors
• 2012-03-28 John Kirtley (Stanford University) Scanning SQUID susceptometry ­ the next generation
• 2012-03-21 Qimiao Si (Rice University ) TBA
• 2012-03-21 Prof. Charles Kane From Topological Insulators to Majorana Fermions 
• 2012-02-22 Prof. Hai­Hu Wen Materials and pairing mechanism in iron pnictides/chalcogenides: what we have known and what are left
• 2012-01-25 Prof. Michel Gingras Magnetic Pyrochlore Oxides ­ A Fascinating Playground to Explore the Physics of High Magnetic Frustration
• 2012-01-18 Gabriel Kotliar Sleuthing Hidden Order in Correlated Materials: a Case Study URu2Si2?
• 2012-01-11 Prof. Morten Ring Eskildsen Pauli Paramagnetic Effects on the Vortex Cores in CeCoIn5?

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