Probing Novel CP Violation
Using Lattice QCD (CPV)

The quest of high energy and nuclear physicists is to understand the universe in terms of fundamental interactions and particles and address questions such as: What extension of the standard model describes nature at the TeV scale? Where do the masses of fundamental particles come from? Why is the observed universe predominately matter? What is the nature of dark matter and dark energy? These questions are being addressed both at the high energy frontier at the LHC and through high precision experiments at scales all the way from ultracold neutrons, to physics of c and b quarks, to neutrinos from accelerators, astrophysical events, and nuclear decays. On the theory side, to constrain the many candidate extensions of the standard model one needs to calculate the predictions of the standard model and look for deviations due to possible novel interactions. A key challenge to calculations involving quarks and gluons (they also impact processes mediated by elctromagnetic and weak interactions through quantum corrections) are the corrections due to strong interactions described by Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). In the hadronic world (below few GeV), these corrections can be large since the coupling constant is order unity and non-perturbative methods are needed. For many quantities large scale simulations of Lattice QCD are providing (or can provide) estimates with control over all systematics and of accuracy required to interpret experiments and test candidate theories. This project is focused on calculating the matrix elements of novel CP violating operators within the neutron state and using bounds on the neutron electric dipole moment to constrain theories beyond the standard model at the TeV scale.


Our goal is to provide increasingly high precision calculations of matrix elements (ME) of bilinear quark operators within nucleon states to probe new physics beyond the standard model (BSM) of elementary particles and their interactions. The basic idea is that new interactions at the TeV and higher energy scales give rise to tiny corrections to the properties of nucleons (protons and neutrons) in low energy processes involving them. By the combined effort, measuring these possible subtle deviations from predictions of the standard model in ongoing and upcoming low-energy precision experiments and calculating the matrix elements of novel interactions, one can constrain the parameter space of possible BSM theories. This approach to discovery is complementary to experiments being done at the highest energies at the LHC at CERN, where one aims to directly detect new particles and interactions, such as the recent discovery of the Higgs boson.


The proposed calculations of matrix elements are being done using large scale simulations of lattice Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD). We will derive precise estimates of QCD corrections to a variety of matrix elements of bilinear quark operators between nucleon states on ensembles of gauge configurations generated with 2+1+1-flavors of dynamical HISQ fermions at multiple values of lattice spacing and quark masses. These calculations will allow us to extract a variety of low-energy observables that will elucidate the structure of nucleons and probe the presence of new interactions beyond the Standard Model at the TeV scale. By performing simulations at multiple values of lattice spacings and quark masses, including the physical mass, we will demostrate control over all sources of systematic errors. The toolkit being used includes:

Ongoing Calculations

The matrix elements within nucleon states are being calculated using ensembles of 2+1+1-flavor HISQ fermions generated by the MILC Collaboration and 2+1-flavor Clover fermions generated by the JLab/W&M collaboration. They will provide estimates of:

Results and Expected Results

The Neutron Electric Dipole Moment (nEDM)

The neutron electric dipole moment (nEDM) is a measure of the distribution of positive and negative charge inside the neutron. To generate a finite nEDM, one needs processes that violate CP-symmetry. In the standard model there are two sources of CP violation: a CP-odd θ-term and the complex phase in the quark mixing matrix. The standard model contribution of the CP violating phase is too small, O(10−32 e⋅cm), to explain baryogenesis, i.e., why the observed universe is predominately made up of matter and not equal parts of matter and anti-matter. The current bound on θ~10−10 comes from the current bound on the nEDM and is is an un-naturally small number. New sources of CP violation arise in almost all extensions of the standard model and the bound on the nEDM can be used to constrain these theories provided matrix elements of the new interactions within the neutron state are calculated with commensurate precision. Our goal is to calculate the matrix elements of the two leading interactions, the quark EDM and quark chromo EDM.


Last updated: 2016 September 21