The meeting is to be held at La Fonda Hotel in (typically) sunny downtown Santa Fe. While scientific discussions will be the order of the day, La Fonda also offers easy access to downtown Santa Fe’s many restaurants, shops, museums, and other entertainments.

Group rates of $106 single-occupancy or $126 double-occupancy per night plus taxes will be available for conference attendees if booked by December 21, 2007.

Reservations for these rooms must be made directly with the hotel. Be sure to reference the conference name.

To make reservations:
Phone: 800-523-5002 extension #1
Fax: 505-954-3599
Online (with 48-hour response): http://www.lafondasantafe.com/lafonda2/email-group.html

Proteins Under Pressure
Santa Fe, New Mexico, USA
January 21-25, 2008