


Bishop’s Lodge, Santa Fe, NM

Updated 1/4/11

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

6:00 PM  Check-in and Registration

7:00 PM ~ 9:00 PM  Opening Discussion and Panel Chair Meeting


Wednesday, January 19, 2011

7:30 AM ~ 8:30 AM         Collaboration Discussion, Breakfast
8:30 AM ~ 9:00 AM          Welcome, Conference Objectives
Dr. Will Rees Jr., LANL Principal Associate Director Global Security

9:00 AM ~ 9:40 AM            Keynote: Dr. Dan Gerstein, Office of Secretary of Defense
   A Policy Perspective: Biosurveillance & Public Health in the Information Age

9:40 AM ~ 10:00 AM           Dr. Gary Resnick: Conference Structure and Agenda


10:00 AM ~ 10:20 AM   Coffee Break


10:20 AM  - 12:30 PM Panel I: Global Biosurveillance Opportunities and Challenges
Panel Leads: Dr. Rebecca Katz (DOS/GWU), Dr. Helen Cui (LANL)
Dr. Rebecca Katz (DOS/GWU)
Dr. Pamela Diaz (CDC)
Dr. Dave Franz (Midwest Research Institute)
Dr. Chris Purdue (DOD-GEIS)
Dr. Peter Biggins (UK-DSTL)
Dr. Kay Marano Briggs (USGS, invited)
Dr. Bill Huff (DTRA-CB)
Dr. Chris Hassell (FBI)
Topical Presentations:

12:30 PM ~ 2:00 PM  Working Lunch  
Topical Presentation:
Joseph Fair: PREDICT -- Detect and prevent spillover of pathogens between wildlife and people


2:00 PM ~ 3:30 PM  Panel II: Global Biosurveillance for One Health
Panel Leads: Dr. Annie Sobel (UMiss-Columbia), Dr. Harshini Mukundan (LANL)
            Dr. DJ Perkins (UNM)
Dr. Eric Noji (private consulting firm, formally CDC)
Dr. Balaji Narasimhan (Iowa State)
Dr. Jeanne Fair (LANL)
Dr. Peter Smallwood (Richmond)
Topical Presentations:

3:30 PM ~ 4:00 PM  Break

4:00 PM ~ 5:30 PM            Breakout Sessions crossing Application Areas:

Facilitator: Dr. Mary Neu
Rapporteur: Dr. Annie Sobel

                  Facilitator: Dr. Tammy Taylor
                  Rapporteur: Dr. Gary Simpson

Facilitator: Dr. Steve Beulow (LANL)
Rapporteur: Dr. Malin Young (Sandia)

Discussion Topics:


6:30 PM ~ 8:30 PM            Poster Session/Reception

Thursday, January 20, 2011


7:30 AM ~ 8:30 AM  Collaboration Discussion, Breakfast

8:30 AM ~ 8:45 AM  Welcome
Dr. Nan Sauer, LANL Associate Director Chemistry, Life and Earth Sciences

8:45 AM – 10:00 AM  Breakout Group Reports and Discussion
Breakout Session Rapporteurs


10:00 AM ~ 10:30 AM: Coffee Break

10:30 AM – 12:00 AM Panel III: Scientific Foundations for Global Biosurveillance
Panel Leads: Dr. Chris Detter (LANL), Mike Smith [DTRA, invited]
Dr. Patrick Chain (LANL)            
Dr. Rick Lyons (U. Colorado, invited)
Dr. Igor Morozov (KU)
Dr. David Hirschberg (Columbia U)
Dr. Ron Walters (PNNL)
Dr. Bette Korber (LANL)           

            Topical Presentations

12:00 PM – 1:30 PM:  Working Lunch
Topical Presentation:
Dr. Basil Swanson (LANL): Surfing a rising wave – International collaboration to combat drug resistant tuberculosis infection.


1:30 AM – 3:00 PM  Panel IV: Emerging Technologies for Global Biosurveillance
Session Leads: Dr. Peter Emanuel (ECBC), Dr. Andrew Bradbury (LANL)
Dr. Aleksandr Simonian (NSF, invited)
Dr. Brian Nordmann (DOS)
Dr. Kristen Omberg (LANL)
Dr. Hilary Godwin (UCLA, invited)
Dr. Jon Kaufman (DTRA-TAS)
Dr. Andrew Bradbury (LANL)

Topical presentations:

3:30 PM ~ 4:00 PM: Coffee Break

4:00 PM ~ 5:30 PM:  Panel V: Global Biosurveillance Information Science and Technology
Session Leads: Dr. Chris Barrett (Virginia Tech), Murray Wolinsky (LANL)
Dr. Chris Barrett (Virginia Tech)
Dr. Stephen Konah Naketo (Kenya)
Dr. Frank Alexander (LANL)
Dr. Taha Kass-Hout (CDC)
Dr. Michael Cai (LANL)
Dr. Andy White (LANL, invited)

Topical Presentations:


6:30 PM ~ 9:00 PM:  Plenary Talk with Dinner: 
Dr. David Pesiri (LANL), Public/Private Partnering as it Impacts Biosurveillance


Friday, January 21, 2011

7:30 AM ~ 8:30 AM  Collaboration Discussion, Breakfast

8:30 AM ~ 8:45 AM Welcome and Recap of Day I and II— Gary Resnick

8:45 AM ~ 10:30 AM: Breakout Sessions for disciplinary areas:

            Facilitator: Dr. Mary Neu
                  Rapporteur: Dr. Mike Smith/Chris Detter

Facilitator: Dr. Tammy Taylor
Rapporteur: Dr. Peter Emanuel

Facilitator: Dr. Steve Beulow
Rapporteur: Dr. Chris Barrett


10:30 AM ~ 11:00 AM: Coffee Break

11:00 AM ~ 12: 30 PM: Breakout Session Out-Briefing and Synthesis Panel Discussion:
Toward Integrated Global Biosurveillance Systems

All Panel Leads
Discussion Topics:


12:30 PM – 2:00 PM:  Working Lunch: Conference report framing discussion

2:00 PM: Adjourn Plenary Conference

2:00 PM – 5:00 PM: Session Chair post-conference discussion, proceeding preparation