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Calendar Items

  • Arriving to CNLS this week:
    • Nosheen Younas (Aug. 1st, 2023 to Jul. 31st, 2024) University of Houston
  • Arriving to CNLS next week:
  • Click to see all Upcoming Visitors

Featured News
  • CNLS Postdoctoral Fellow Vidushi Sharma (T-1/CNLS) and co-authors have proposed a novel mechanism for the extraction of hydrogen from water on the surface of a photocatalyst. Their work has been highlighted in the Physics News and Commentary Synopsis article of the American Physical Society, entitled "The Brains and Brawn Behind Splitting Water," available here. The article, entitled "Cooperative Interactions between Surface Terminations Explain Photocatalytic Water Splitting Activity on SrTiO3," can be found here. doi:10.1103/PRXEnergy.1.023002.
  • CNLS postdoctoral fellow, Prajvala Kurtakoti, has been featured in the journal Scientia for her research as a polar oceanographer. Prajvala Kurtakoti studies climate models, ocean circulation patterns, and the dynamical effects resulting from the coupling between the oceans and the atmosphere and heat transport between them.
  • CNLS Postdoctoral fellow Marco Cerezo and coauthor have demonstrated Variational Quantum Algorithms (VQAs) may be a path to quantum advantage on Noisy Intermediate-Scale Quantum (NISQ) computers. The article can be found in “Noise-induced barren plateaus in variational quantum algorithms by S. Wang, E. Fontana, M. Cerzo, K. Sharma, A. Sone, L. Cincio & P. J. Coles, in Nature Communications. DOI: .1038/s41467-021-27045-6.
  • CNLS postdocs Derek DeSantis (CCS-2/CNLS) and Adam Rupe (EES-16/CNLS) are researchers who are part of a team who won a RD 100 Award. Their winning project, SmartTensors AI Platform, is software that uses unsupervised machine learning to sift through massive datasets and identify hidden trends, mechanisms, signatures, and features buried in large high-dimensional data tensors (multi-dimensional arrays). The SmartTensors AI Platform project also won the Bronze Special Recognition Award for Market Disruptor – Services, which highlights any service from any category as one that forever changed the R&D industry or a particular vertical within the industry.
  • CNLS Executive Committee member Sara Del Valle led the Los Alamos team who received the Gold Special Recognition Award in the Battling COVID-19 category for their project EpiCast Simulates Epidemics in Extreme Scales. This award highlights any innovation that was employed to battle the worldwide COVID-19 pandemic. CNLS postdocs Morgan Gorris (A-1/CNLS) and Manhong Z. Smith (A-1/CNLS) are part of the team that won.
  • CNLS Postdoctoral fellow Julia Cen (T-4/CNLS) won best video poster presentation at the International Quantum Fest 2021 conference. Quantum Fest is a periodic festival on Quantum Phenomena, Quantum Control and Geometry of Quantum States, organized by the Center for Research and Advanced Studies (Cinvestav) and Unidad Profesional Interdisciplinaria en Ingeniería y Tecnologías Avanzadas del I.P.N. (UPIITA-IPN) in México City, Mexico. The jury of the video-posters exhibition consists of Lecturers and the Plenary Speakers of the conference. The originality and scientific rigor of results as well as the exposition and the aesthetic of the cartel are taken into account. Julia Cen won the first place in the poster presentation. Presentation title: Joint Parity-Time (PT) and Anti-Parity-Time (APT) Symmetric Qubits.
  • CNLS Postdoctoral fellow Zachary Fox employed a recently developed tool named aging Wiener-Khinchin theorem to derive the power spectral density of fractional Brownian motion coexisting with a scale-free continuous time random walk, the two most typical anomalous diffusion processes. Using this analysis, they characterized the motion of voltage-gated sodium channels on the surface of hippocampal neurons. Their results show aging where the power spectral density can either increase or decrease with observation time depending on the specific parameters of both underlying processes. The article, “Aging power spectrum of membrane protein transport and other subordinated random walks”, by Zachary Fox, Eli Barkai and Diego Krapf, Nature Communications (2021) 12:6161, can be found here (
  • Wenting Li, a post-doc in CNLS and Applied Mathematics and Plasma Physics (T-5), recently received a “best paper” award for Machine Learning (ML) Innovation at the Climate Change AI workshop at the 2021 International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML). She and her mentor Deepjyoti Deka design graph neural networks for identifying the location of power grid faults that may trigger blackouts or wildfires using physics. The highlight of this research is that it can work in realistic regimes where power networks are sparsely observed and data is partially labeled. The link to the winning paper and video can be found at
  • CNLS Postdoctoral fellow Marco Cerezo and co-authors have developed hybrid classical/quantum algorithms to extract the most performance from today’s noisy, error-prone quantum computers. The article, published in Nature Physics, can be found in “Variational Quantum Algorithms, by M. Cerezo, Andrew Arrasmith, Ryan Babbush, Simon C. Benjamin, Suguru Endo, Keisuke Fujii, Jarrod R. McClean, Kosuke Mitarai, Xiao Yuan, Lukasz Cincio, and Patrick J. Coles, in Nature Reviews Physics. DOI: 10.1038/s42254-021-00348-9. A LANL news release about this article can be found here.
  • CNLS Postdoc Bin Yan and co-author have demonstrated that in the quantum realm, there is no “butterfly effect” using a quantum computer to simulate time travel. This paper, published in APS, can be found in Recovery of Damaged Information and the Out-of-Time-Ordered Correlators by Bin Yan and Nikolai A. Sinitsyn, in Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 040605 (2020). A LANL news release about this article can be found here.
  • The COVID-19 Modeling Team, composed by Courtney Shelley (A-1), Lauren Castro (A-1/CNLS), Mandy Smith (A-1/CNLS) and Morgan Gorris (A-1/CNLS) won the 2020 Postdoctoral Distinguished Performance Award. They are mentored by Sara Del Valle (who won the Postdoctoral Distinguished Mentor Award) and Carrie Manore (A-1).
  • Bin Yan (T-1/CNLS) won the 2020 Postdoctoral Distinguished Performance Award.
  • CNLS Postdoctoral Fellow Bin Yan published an article in Physical Review Letters and it was selected as an Editors' Suggestion. This work was also highlighted in LANL news. Bin Yan is mentored by CNLS alumni Nikolai Sinitsyn (T-4) and Wojciech Zurek (T-4). The paper can be found here. The LANL news highlight can be found here.
  • CNLS Postdoctoral Fellow James Sadler (T-2/CNLS) just published a PLR, February 15, 2021. James Sadler is mentored by Hui Li (T-2).
  • CNLS Postdoctoral Fellow James Sadler (T-2/CNLS) just published a paper in the Physics of Plasmas (Physics of Plasmas, 27, 122110(2020) ,doi: 10.1063/5.0027210) and it was selected as their featured article for its newest issue: James Sadler is mentored by Hui Li (T-2).
  • Two CNLS postdoctoral fellows won top honors in the 2020 Science in_"3" competition. Srirupa Chakraborty (T-6 and CNLS) was one of three winners. Lauren Castro (A-1 and CNLS) won an Honorable Mention. Science in "3" is a dynamic Postdoc Career Development Event, where postdocs are provided the opportunity to present their research for a general audience in "3" minutes or less, challenging the postdoc to give a clear and concise presentation.
  • An article published by CNLS postdoctoral fellows Alexis Chacon (now at the Department of Physics and Center for Attosecond Science and Technology, South Korea) and Wei Zhu was highlighted as an Editors' Suggestion by Phys Rev B. The article ”Circular dichroism in higher-order harmonic generation: Heralding topological phases and transitions in Chern insulators" by Chacon et al. was published in 21 October 2020.
  • CNLS Postdoctoral fellow Sumantra Sarkar is the recipient of the 2021 Irvin Oppenheim Award for Early Career Scientists of the American Physical Society for his article “Design Conditions for Self-replication” ( )
  • CNLS Postdoctoral fellow Bin Yan co-authored with Nikolai Sinitsyn an opinion article in Scientific American titled "The Auantum Butterfly Effect" (see link here: )
  • Srirupa Chakraborty (T-6/CNLS) was awarded the American Chemical Society (ACS), Wiley Computers in Chemistry Outstanding Postdoc Award for her work “Harnessing high-throughput modeling and graph theory towards the topological characterization of densely glycosylated proteins” at the ACS fall meeting. Srirupa is mentored by S Gnanakaran (T-6).
  • CNLS student Lillian Petersen, wins the First Prize in the Regeneron Science Talent search:
  • T-4/CNLS Postdoc Bin Yan published two papers in Physical Review Letters about the scrambling of quantum information. One work was done with alumni Nikolai Sinitsyn (T-4); the other was with Wojciech Zurek (T-4) and Lukasz Cincio (T-4). View articles "Information Scrambling and Loschmidt Echo" [Phys. Rev. Lett. 124, 160603 (2020)] and "Recovery of Damaged Information and the Out-of-Time-Ordered Correlators" [Phys. Rev. Lett. 125, 040605 (2020)]. The papers can be found here:
  • T-4/CNLS Postdoc Ying Su co-authored two recent papers in Physical Review Letters:
    1. "Skyrmion crystal from RKKY interaction mediated by 2D electron gas", by Z Wang, Ying Su, S-Z Lin, and C. D. Batista. Physical Review Letters 124, 207201 (2020) (
    2. "Valley polarization and inversion in strained graphene via pseudo-Landau levels, valley splitting of real Landau levels and confined states", by S-Y Li, Ying Su, Y-N Ren, and L He. Physical Review Letters 124, 106802 (2020) (
  • Archived News
  • LANL News
Recent Arrivals
  • CNLS would like to welcome Thomas Kerdreux (EES-17), PhD in Applied Math from Ecole Normale Superieure, who will work with Bertrand Rouet-Leduc (EES-17), Nick Hengartner (T-6) and Andrey Lokhov (T-5). His CNLS work will be "Machine learning Methods in geophysics".
  • CNLS would like to welcome Saif Kazi (T-5) from Carnegie Mellon who will work with Anatoly Zlotnik (T-5) and Russell Bent (T-5).
  • CNLS would like to welcome Vidushi Sharma (T-1) from Stoney Brook University who will work with Alex White (T-1) and Lee Collins (T-1).
  • CNLS would like to welcome David Wych (CCS-3) from the University of California at Irvine who will work with Mike Wall (CCS-3).
  • CNLS would like to welcome Giacomo Capodaglio (CCS-2) from the Texas Tech University who will work with Mark Petersen (CCS-2).
  • CNLS would like to welcome Zoe Holmes (CCS-3) from Imperial Colege who will work with Andrew Sornborger (CCS-3).
  • CNLS would like to welcome Guoquin Zhou (T-1) from the University of Southern California who will work with Ben Nebgen (T-1).
  • CNLS would like to welcome Rohit Kannan (T-5) from Massachusetts Institute of Technology who will work with Deepjyoti Deka (T-4) and Harsha Nagarajan (T-5).
  • CNLS would like to welcome Michael Saccone (T-4) from University of California, Santa Cruz who will work with Francesco Caravelli (T-4) and Cristiano Nisoli (T-4).
  • CNLS would like to welcome Zachary Fox (CCS-3) from Colorado State University who will work with Anatoly Zlotnik (T-5) and Yen Ting Lin (CCS-3).
  • CNLS would like to welcome Eric Bryant (W-13) from Columbia University who will work with Kane Bennett (EES-17) and Nathan Miller (W-13).
  • CNLS would like to welcome Adam Rupe from the University of California at Davies, who will be working with Monty Vasselinov (EES-16) and Aric Hagberg (CCS_DO).
  • CNLS would like to welcome Lauren Castro from the University of Texas at Austin, who will be working with Sara del Valle (A-1) and Carrie Manore (A-1).
  • CNLS would like to welcome Daniel Burrill from the University of Pittsburgh, who will be working with Ping Yang (T-1) and Enrique Batista (CNLS).
  • CNLS would like to welcome James Sadler from Oxford University, who will be working with Hui Li (T-2) and Kirk Flippo (P-24).
  • CNLS would like to welcome Wenting Li from Rensselear Polytechnic Institute, who will be working with Deep Deka (T-5) and Aric Hagberg (CCS-DO).
  • CNLS would like to welcome Julia Cen from the University of London, who will be working with Avahd Saxena (T-4).
  • CNLS would like to welcome Morgan Gorris from the University of California at Irvine, who will be working with Carrie Manore (A-1) and Sara del Valle (A-1).
What is CNLS?

The Center for Nonlinear Studies (CNLS) is part of the Laboratory's Theoretical Division, and it organizes research related to nonlinear and complex systems phenomena. CNLS was formed in October of 1980.

CNLS Mission Statement

  • Identify and study complex nonlinear phenomena using a diverse set of research approaches and methodologies, particularly those of statistical physics, nonlinear science, applied mathematics and numerical simulation.
  • Promote the use of scientific results in applied research.
  • Stimulate the formation of interdisciplinary approaches to complex problems.
  • Facilitate the interchange of scientific results and ideas between Laboratory scientists and external centers of excellence.
  • Encourage the exploration of new scientific frontiers at the interface between conventional disciplines.
  • Support a broad spectrum of interdisciplinary science that underpins the Laboratory's mission in national security.

Mailing Address
CNLS, MS B258,
Los Alamos National Laboratory,
Los Alamos, NM 87545, U.S.A.

Group Office
Phone: +1-505-667-1444
FAX: +1-505-665-4055
TA-3, Bldg. 1690, Rm. 101
See directions to find the group office.

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